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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old March 10th, 2006, 04:37 PM   #46
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I have a document in my possession that indicates a no power problem and a transistor and a fuse needs to be changed due to a response difference in the circuit.

It lists the various Z1 models with the serial numbers that are afflicted with the problem.

Sony should be recalling these cameras instead of waiting for us to discover their mistake.

I'm actually paying to have my camera repaired because I'm out of the country and I've had my Z1 for over a year. Sony should be paying for the repair!
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Old March 10th, 2006, 05:19 PM   #47
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I have not heard of any sort of widespread issues of bad FX1s or Z1s, and I deal with one everyday. Isolated incidents, sure. Talk to Sony tech support (Electronics is better than Consumer, that's Z1 vs. FX1) and see what can be resolved.

I loved Canon's XL1 Club--I always had my camera back in 5 days.

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Old March 10th, 2006, 05:22 PM   #48
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Victor - I think you have a large audience here that would be very interested in seeing this document. Is it possible to share ? thanks- Kurth
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Old March 10th, 2006, 07:06 PM   #49
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Yep....bad power supply unit.

Originally Posted by Jeff Baker
Any idea what is causing this?
I never had any of my other sony camera's just stop like that. I hope this is not a recall issue.
Lou Bruno
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Old March 11th, 2006, 03:55 AM   #50
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My HVR Z1 stopped working on chane of trade mark of tapes

I usually use only Sony DVC tapes but because I was out of tapes in the middle of a production I had to buy some Panasonic Tapes for a shooting
They created havoc in all my systems my HVR Z1 had their heads clogged and stoped functioning and my spooler system a JVC DV BCR DV 600 also stopped working
Just to let you know that to change tapes for your camera or other systems may create a head clogging problem
By the way cleaning tape for both systems didnt work I had to send both systems to service (in a middle of a production :(
I have read this kind of troubles may exist and yes it happened to me

So next time I will be more prepared than sorry (Today I bought 100 tapes just in case)

Jose Noriega
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Old March 11th, 2006, 08:36 AM   #51
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Having looked at sites trying to figure out if there is a hack for fx-1 to convert into a z1, I came across picture from a z1 owner in Europe. He was asking what the connection in the back of the z1 was, as it was locked in with a screw.

When he opened it up, it was the power connection that FX-1 owners used. He tried pluging it in and the system came on and then shut off.

Z1 owners are given the charger with the battery insert cable to use on their systems. FX owners have to directly plug in a power cord.

I was wondering why they would do something like that on basically the same camera minus a few features. Now, it's got me thinking that Sony knew this might happen...

After reading this thread, it's got me worried that my system will die from using the power cord. I've never kept the battery in my camera when I am doing editing work, just using the power cord. Is that bad? I charge my standard battery that came with my FX-1 on the camcorder as I don't trust using my generic battery charger for it, but I don't like to keep it on the camera for editing work. I always feel like it'll short out. I've done this with my other camcorders as well, in the past.

I'm also using a generic f970 battery for my fx-1. I have never had any issues with it, yet. I've been using it for a couple of weeks. Works beautifully.
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Old March 11th, 2006, 10:00 AM   #52
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It appears to me people are talking about two completely separate disconnected problems. One , the problem associated with having the fx1 connected to ac power and blowing some type of internal fuse or transistor. Two , the problem of the z1 loosing viewfinder data on early model z1s'.

Victor , I'll reinterate my request for you to share this purported document that would have to originate with sony or its' associates. I think it unfair to mention this w/o offering the documentation esp. since you were trying to recruite people for a " class action " . If this problem is common , that's one thing. but if it's common knowledge and acknowledged by sony , that's a completely different animal. So does it have teeth or is this another growling mouse ?thanks- Kurth
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Old March 11th, 2006, 11:27 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Kurth Bousman
I'll reinterate my request for you to share this purported document that would have to originate with sony or its' associates.
Just wanted to point out, that document is most likely Sony's intellectual property strongly protected by copyright. I definitely won't host it here. Anybody who puts it on the web somewhere else might be running a pretty strong legal risk. Just a heads-up is all.

I think it unfair to mention this w/o offering the documentation esp. since you were trying to recruite people for a "class action. "
Believe me, I have nothing but the greatest admiration and respect for Victor Muh. However, I have some very specific intentions for DV Info Net, and using it to initiate a class action lawsuit is not one of them. I don't want this site to be a springboard to recruit people for such a purpose. For Victor or anyone who is seriously considering making a go at it, I apologize but you'll have to start a separate web site or web log and proceed from there. I wish you guys nothing but the best and I want you to get a satisfactory resolution to this issue, but DV Info Net will not be a part of it. I have no desire to take the site in that direction. There are plenty of other internet sites out there which eat this stuff up, I mean they literally thrive on this sort of thing, so don't worry about attracting attention, you'll get plenty of it.

I'll be more than happy to report your results, but as for carrying the fight, sorry it's just not in my blood. If you can get some other site to pick this up for you, or if you start your own, please post about it here. Thanks,

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Old March 11th, 2006, 12:57 PM   #54
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Chris - I , personally, had no intention of fighting with Sony and I understand your concern. I think most z1 owners would simply be curious if their z model # is mentioned. Victor could possibly send this list via email to any concerned owner, if he so chooses. How's that ? As to the protection of this memo , if it is indeed an inhouse sony document, I believe the US has whistleblower protection laws ? However French law is another question. Victor , if you decide to make available this document in another venue , if it's alright with Chris , could you post that direction .thanks - Kurth
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Old March 11th, 2006, 02:02 PM   #55
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I have no problem at all if he wants to post a link to it.

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Old March 19th, 2006, 05:40 PM   #56
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I will forward the document to Chris once I black out information that could I.D. the source of the document.
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Old March 19th, 2006, 09:02 PM   #57
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Victor - I think I understood Chris as saying , correct me Chris if I'm wrong , that he doesn't want to touch this with a pole. Why can't we circulate it via email ? Kurth
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Old March 20th, 2006, 12:08 AM   #58
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Chris is saying put the document on a host site and put a link here to it. I have a FX1 that works fine, but I have seen two that are DOA. I would really like to see the document, not for some sort of class action, but for insight on any weakness in my camera and prevention of defect occurance. This type of information seems to me to be useful to other DVi users. Can't you just put it on an idisk somewhere and post a link?
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Old March 22nd, 2006, 07:00 AM   #59
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Well, whether this will turn into anything legal remains to be seen. I think we Z1 owners ought to know. That's the first step.

Send me an e-mail. I will e-mail the document.
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Old March 25th, 2006, 04:37 AM   #60
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As an aside thats somehow related to the topic. Its basically clear that if you happen to take your camera out of charge by turning on the AC power, or etc, it can potentially damage the camera.

Now, I know the FX1, and the Z1 Take InfoLithium batteries 'L' Series (I'm assuming because it has a Big L on the side.) And I know it ONLY takes the 750, 770, and the 970 L series batteries.

Now! I have an old hi8 cam that ALSO takes Info Lithium L-series Batteries. And is charged with the power connected to the camera - I've never had problems running on both power and batt at the same time and switch.

So to avoid damaging my FX1, and Using batteries 100%, And while I save up enough to buy a seperate charger, can I charge the FX1's batteries on my Hi8 cam. Will it wreck the battery/camera? Cause since its older, the manual dosent say if its only limited to what battereis it can use.

Any thoughts.?
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