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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old December 5th, 2004, 10:43 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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First impressions FX1

Got my FX1 on thursday and have been playing with ever since!! The picture is as lots of you have said truelly startly viewed on my Sony 1080HiScan TV. It has more depth to the picture than most HD programs from Rogers Cable which I imagine are not all HD but upresd SD since they are mostly 4x3!!!
Things I have noticed so far:

1. No cue and review in camera mode. I use this a lot in videoing dancers demonstrating steps, if they want to do again, just wind back and re-record, staying in record pause. I quess I will have to do in editing now which means making better notes etc to make sure I get the correct one!!

2. Can't think of anything I would want to assign to the buttons from the available list so they will be 3 wasted buttons!!!

3. Shot transition is great except settings are lost if the camera is put in standby making the feature a lot less usefull, at least for my possible use in spotting points on the stage/scenes etc as stored presets to use while recording the production. I have no time to use once the curtain goes up but would have liked to preset a couple of settings in rehearsal or before audience arrives. Reminds me of my VX3 Hi8 Sony which also lost its mind(wouldn't hold focus if switched off) when put in standby!!!

I will be shooting a school Christmas show on thursday but will use in DV format with my TRV50 as second camera. See how it behaves as a DV cam.

Ron Evans
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Old December 6th, 2004, 10:26 PM   #2
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Hi Ron

Just got my FX1E (PAL Version) yesterday I too am very impressed. I must say I was shocked at the size of it. I wasn't expecting it to be so big! I see and hear it marketed as a 'consumer' cam, which amuses me. I just sold my Canon XM2, which is regarded as a prosumer cam, and this totally blows it out of the water both size and performance!! The FX1 makes it look like a toy! The FX1 is definately a prosumer cam, if not a professional cam! I was playing with it for hours last night in low light and must say the performance was very impressive, and I only have a 4:3 59cm TV to view it on!!

Ive used my 'assign' buttons for turning steadyshot on and off for tripod and handheld shots, and turning on/off LCD display data. One left to assign.....

I got the cam from Expandore Electronics in Singapore (
Their price was unbeatable and the customer service was absolutely faultless and fast. I heartily recommend them!

Tim Ashbrooke is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 6th, 2004, 11:13 PM   #3
New Boot
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Hi Tim,
I am in Melb. and prices vary from $6000 to $7000 AUD. Can you tell me what was involved in sending to Aust. and what is the deal with duties and or GST.
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Old December 6th, 2004, 11:33 PM   #4
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Hi Chris

I know! I couldn't afford to buy one in Australia, so I looked overseas. When I looked they had them (The HDR-FX1E - The PAL version) for US$3570 - they are now US$3590, which converts currently to AUD$4618. Actually, here's the quote they sent me...

Sony HDV Camcorder.......US$3,570.00
Mack International Warranty (2 Year).....US$120.00
Courier Service Charge,
Door to Door (Australia)....US$70.00

Add 10% GST and a VERY small import duty and I ended up paying about AUD$5000. No Australian company could get close! The warranty that comes standard with the camera is not supported in Australia hence the 2 year Mack INternational warranty. I am completely happy with the purchase and the purchase process!

I did an overseas telegraphic transfer to their account which is basically an overseas direct deposit.
They sent the camera via FedEx Priority International and was in my hands in 3 days! Nothing wrong with that!
I dealt with a guy named Eng Wee. He was a great guy to deal with - very friendly. If you buy one thru them, tell Eng I sent you and say 'Hi' to him for me! ;-)

You're gonna love this camera!

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Old December 7th, 2004, 04:43 AM   #5
New Boot
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Thanks Tim,
I may follow your lead. Seems like a good deal.
Happy shooting!
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Old December 7th, 2004, 06:17 PM   #6
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I just got my FX1 today and I was trying to figure out what to program in the buttons. I think I'll follow your lead as those are good suggestions. The picture from this camera is incredible.'
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Old December 7th, 2004, 10:43 PM   #7
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Hi guys

Patrick: Being able to turn steadyshot on and off from those buttons is great. I've assigned my last button to bars. This is for when you're shooting thru the viewfinder, you don't have to open the LCD screen to press the Bars button. eh, works for me. I'm loving this camera more everytime I use it! Enjoy!!

Chris: I'm positive you'll be happy with the experience with Expandore. It was the best deal I could find on the 'net, that's for sure, and their customer service was top notch! Let me know how you go.

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Old December 15th, 2004, 06:59 PM   #8
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Watch the bars

Tim, one word of caution. I likewise had a button assigned to bars, but found during one shoot that I acidentally pressed it and stuffed the take. Since then I took bars off the button.
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Old December 15th, 2004, 09:09 PM   #9
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Hmmm. I see your point. That could be a problem. I'll see what else I can assign to it. Thanks!
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