FX 1 Delivery... Anyone else still waiting? at DVinfo.net
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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old November 21st, 2004, 07:42 AM   #1
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FX 1 Delivery... Anyone else still waiting?

Hey guys,

On the 7th of November, I put $1,400. 00 on a pre-order of the FX1. It was supposed to be on the 14th but that's been pushed back till possible the 24th.

I am just curious if the waiting time is JUST for Canadians or if our American friends are also in this sit and wait situation??

My order was #2 on the list in Eastern Canada but apparently, Canadian shipments haven't arrived yet...

Is this taking place anywhere else or are Canadians getting the short end of the stick (as usual!) ..hehe..

Alexander Papaps
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Old November 21st, 2004, 08:01 AM   #2
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Hi Alex, I am still waiting too. Original date was the 8th , then 19th, checked Friday with Bleeker , who then checked with Sony rep and the date is now 23th just like the Sony style .ca WEb site!!! IF that is the arrival date at Sony it will be a few days at least. I don't expect anything now until the end of the month as it could take a week to get from Sony to Bleekers in Ottawa. I have also ordered the 970 battery but the HDV tapes will not be available until after Christmas.

Ron Evans
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Old November 21st, 2004, 08:05 AM   #3
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Interesting... Yeah, I've heard exactly the same thing.

I didn't know Bleeker was a Sony Rep! Cool.
I've gone directly through The Sony Store but it won't make any difference I think once shippment arrives.

Alexander Papaps
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Old November 21st, 2004, 09:55 AM   #4
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The very early batch must have been already assigned since I ordered mine early September, straight after the announcement and before it was on WEB site.

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Old November 21st, 2004, 10:13 AM   #5
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The B&H Photo website lists them "in stock" http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/cont...=351515&is=REG
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Old November 21st, 2004, 11:47 AM   #6
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remember my post?

Aha, I'm sorry - I hafta say it....


look up my post from AGES AGO when I correctly gave advance notice of the Canadian FX1 situation...

My source tells me now any orders not yet filled via Canada will be lucky to be filled before the end of the year - unless you "know" someone, of course...

Consider it a blessing - you can cancel your order and get the pro...
Mark Kubat is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 21st, 2004, 01:54 PM   #7
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Henry's has them in stock in Toronto and Mississauga,

Vistek has them in stock

Why are you so interested in spreading doom and gloom here Mark?

Bleekers doesn't. Sonystyle doesn't that doesn't mean they are not available.

Darren Kelly
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Old November 21st, 2004, 05:56 PM   #8
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Variable stock

Having been promised a camera for the 18th of Nov, my local reseller rang to say he has been pushed out until the end of Jan!!!!!

Being well an truly pissed by the news I rang a reseller intersate. They had 3 in stock, I ordered an paid for it at 4:30 pm, I had the camera in hand next day at 10am.

Having spent the weekend shooting everything and anything, I have say i am very happy with the camera.

The 40 minutes of footage is fantastic, despite my crappy photography. I would post it but 5gb is a bit much.

I used CapDVHS to bring it to Vegas, was able to edit and render easily.

Gotta love digital tech.

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Old November 21st, 2004, 06:40 PM   #9
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So it seems as though its just Canada thats getting the shaft! Every where I've looked, they've been sold out. But Australia and the US don't seem to be having problems.

I'm gonna call thoughs Toronto stores and see whats up!!
I can't believe Henry's would have them and THE SONY STORE wouldn't...

Too strange!

Alexander Papaps
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JumpPoint Entertainment
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Old November 21st, 2004, 10:41 PM   #10
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I'm not spreading doom and gloom - I'm just reporting the facts...

Hey, Darren!

Sorry if I sound like a chicken running around saying the sky is falling - it's not that I'm trying to spread doom and gloom - it's just that I became privy to some pretty reliable insider information from Sony Canada and being as I'm not bound by any NDA or whatever, I am just all too happy to give the lay of the land for my friends here - especially fellow Canadians.

I wasn't starting a rumour back when I reported that the Canadian FX1 situation - I was reporting based on info from a manager fairly high up who was intimately aware of the situation and now posts like Alex's are ringing true...

By the way, Henry's Canada NOW shows in-stock at Toronto Superstore and Oakville - but my producing partner was at the Toronto store earlier today (Sunday- now open for holiday hours) and says that the only FX1 to be had was the floor model in the showcase!!! I called him on the phone and he laughed when he heard the website says it's in stock! Well, if you want the floor model...

Guys, please - I'm not trying to be bad here - I'm just trying to help out... People hoping for a Canadian FX1 order are gonna be waiting awhile and are gonna feel let down... I've got a good source on this... I'm thrilled if everyone here gets their cam and it turns out not to be the case...


Er, on a side note Darren: why the long faces in B.C.? Like, did people out there SERIOUSLY think the Lions had a chance? Man, you could take the best of this year's Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Steelers and New England Patriots and the Argos would TOY with them as well... Heck, they'd even make mincemeat of the '72 Dolphins... (*tongue planted firmly in cheek*)
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Old November 22nd, 2004, 01:52 AM   #11
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Re: Variable stock

<<<-- Originally posted by Tony Roulston : Having been promised a camera for the 18th of Nov, my local reseller rang to say he has been pushed out until the end of Jan!!!!!

Being well an truly pissed by the news I rang a reseller intersate. They had 3 in stock, I ordered an paid for it at 4:30 pm, I had the camera in hand next day at 10am.

Having spent the weekend shooting everything and anything, I have say i am very happy with the camera.

The 40 minutes of footage is fantastic, despite my crappy photography. I would post it but 5gb is a bit much.

I used CapDVHS to bring it to Vegas, was able to edit and render easily.

Gotta love digital tech.

Tony -->>>

Tony....You lucky Dude you!!!!

I just read an emailed reply from a Sony Aust. sales rep regarding my order (fully bloody paid!!!) and he's confident I should get my cam by Christmas!!! I paid in full given the (semi) assurance of the cameras being available around the 18th of this month.

As we all know, the situation with deliveries the closer you get to Christmas, is a very chaotic one and I'm sorely tested by the quote in the email that "we are constantly receiving stock of the HDR FX1" which indicates that the big players are getting their mits on the cam.....while poor ol' me who should have known better than to pay in full, (despite the implications made from Sony about delivery time) twiddles me thumbz and expects to see the cam sometime before the end of 2005!!!

I guess i should have learnt from my experience with JVC.... The exact same thing happened with them. So much for expecting that Sony might be different.

Ce la vie......
Steve Crisdale is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 22nd, 2004, 03:34 PM   #12
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Cancel your order

Steve, you should be able to cancel your order and get a full refund. It is an offence for the seller to realise the revenue( book the deal) until such time as they have fullfilled the order. They should therefore be prepared, as was my local reseller, to cancel based on their in ability to supply.

Then go to:


They had stock as of last Friday and delivered overnight.

I would like to add that my local reseller was great and pulled out all stops to try and get my order but to no avail. They will still get my business on other items. It seems that some resellers are getting stock over others, maybe based on pre-ordered volumes.

Regards, Tony
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Old November 22nd, 2004, 05:36 PM   #13
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Steve - Please make contact

Steve, I sent you an email to advise you to contact Sea Optics again. They still have a camera in stock for you if you hurry.

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Old November 22nd, 2004, 06:26 PM   #14
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Re: Cancel your order

<<<-- Originally posted by Tony Roulston : Steve, you should be able to cancel your order and get a full refund. It is an offence for the seller to realise the revenue( book the deal) until such time as they have fullfilled the order. They should therefore be prepared, as was my local reseller, to cancel based on their in ability to supply.

Then go to:


They had stock as of last Friday and delivered overnight.

I would like to add that my local reseller was great and pulled out all stops to try and get my order but to no avail. They will still get my business on other items. It seems that some resellers are getting stock over others, maybe based on pre-ordered volumes.

Regards, Tony -->>>

Unfortunately Tony, you got the last camera from those dudes..... And guess what!!! They don't expect any in until mid December....so, it looks like every store and individual who are waiting on the FX1 in Oz is in the same boat....but I bet few of them have paid the whole amount up front like I have.

I would have expected Sony Aust., if it was a corporation of any integrity to have informed me as promised about the alteration/delay in my order, and offered either a full refund or refund to the level of deposit.

I get the feeling that they knew all along that they couldn't fulfill my order; which is evident in their non-reply to my inquiry on the FX1's status - after full bloody payment, for over a week, but preferred to hang onto my $8.5k rather than own up to their legal, let alone moral, responsibilities and obligations as an honourable organisation.

Valuable lesson learnt.... Even if a major corporation like Sony indicates they need full payment on a product you've ordered, because the product is "at hand" - only give them part 'cause they'll treat you like a dumb ass who warrants no consideration or respect if you comply with their request.......

Wonder how they've responded to Broadcast network executives who'd like to grab a few FX1's for their boyz to appraise? Got 'em to pay in full eh?
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Old November 22nd, 2004, 06:31 PM   #15
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Re: Re: Cancel your order

Unfortunately Tony, you got the last camera from those dudes..... And guess what!!!

They rang me 20 minutes ago to try and get back in touch with you. They still have a unit in stock, they miss-informed you when you rang, and wish to correct the advise.

Regards, Tony
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