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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old October 21st, 2005, 07:15 PM   #286
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Welcome to the club! I am also very happy with my Z1; Sony addressed a number of shortcomings with their other prosumer cameras in this model.

Any rumors of a Z2 should be discussed in our "Area 51" forum since we just concentrate on real cameras here...
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Old October 24th, 2005, 12:20 PM   #287
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Picture Profiles: Colour Phase - no effect on PAL?

I was messing around with the Picture Profiles of a Z1E (PAL, 1080i50) over the weekend. A valuable experience in many ways, but one thing bugs me (now that the unit and its manual are back at the hire shop).

Does Color Phase only work in NTSC?

I've noticed that a lot of my bright-daylight shots (mostly with more white than average) have come out decidedly pink, and thought I'd messed with the Phase by mistake. I played with it but it had no effect on my picture - both on the viewfinder and the image from tape.

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Old October 25th, 2005, 03:55 AM   #288
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Yes, the "phase" is always correct in PAL, it is one of the differences in the way that NTSC and PAL carry the color information.

And, source of the of repeated NTSC: "Never Twice the Same Color" slam. Mostly because everyone has a different phase setting on their NTSC TVs, making color correction kind of a crap-shoot. Can't do much with the picture when grandma's got her TV's flesh tones set to purple.

I believe (haven't checked for certain) that HD at NTSC rates also has no phase adjustment, and that the signal is always "in phase".

So in the future, hopefully phase will die out along with the 29.97 frame rate, and dropframe/non-dropframe time code, which makes NTSC so annoying.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 02:12 PM   #289
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FX1 Buying Info, Need Help

I'm looking to purchase a FX1 off the internet and when i'm searching for the best price I come up with two totally different prices. I see one store selling it for $3500.00 and another for $2800.00. But then I come across a store that has it for $1800.00.

Being as so it is a lot cheaper, i'm leaning to purchase from that store for $1800.00, but I have one question, why is it so much cheaper than the other stores?

does anyone know if this is legit or a scam.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 02:46 PM   #290
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Hi Daniel,

We get this questions like this from time to time from new members such as yourself. What you need to know about this site is that we're supported by a few select Sony dealers and as a matter of policy, we direct *all* where-to-buy questions to them. You'll find them listed on our Sponsors page at

And to answer your question, if a price is too good to be true, that's because it is a scam. Hope this helps,

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Old November 13th, 2005, 08:08 PM   #291
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Still image from FX1 HDV

I particularly like this shot and am using it as the picture which links to the couple's ceremony video on my web site. Image was captured as a deinterlaced field from a clip in the Canopus HQ format, then run through Photoshop to apply Autobalance and some quick touchups to the groom's face -- but essentially this is what came out of the camera. On close examination it's no replacement for a good still-camera photo, but it's not bad for video.
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Old November 14th, 2005, 10:43 AM   #292
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HDV Workflow (FX1)

See my issue on this thread:
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Old November 15th, 2005, 06:08 AM   #293
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FX1 and Z1 in low light

Since this question comes up a lot, here's a list of threads that discuss the low light capabilities of the HVR-Z1 and HDR-FX1 as compared to other cameras:

Last edited by Boyd Ostroff; January 2nd, 2007 at 11:56 AM. Reason: Added a link
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Old November 15th, 2005, 02:25 PM   #294
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Z1 Wide Angle Lens

Anyone using the VCL-HG0872 Wide Conversion Lens? I'm thinking about getting it with the Z1 and wondered if its a good lens or there is something better out there? Any suggestions?
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Old November 15th, 2005, 07:47 PM   #295
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 11:56 AM   #296
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importing 1080i hdv

I recently watched an episode of American Chopper where they showed some behind the scenes stuff on the production and post-production side of the show. I found it very interesting, but it also raised alot of questions for me.

Mikey(one of the characters on the show) was walking around with a Z1 filming some behind the scenes suff and it was cut in with other footage shot by their big cameras(some multiformat HDcam Panny). Anyway, its was seemless. As a testament to Sony, you could only at times tell that the Z1 footage was not shot by the $65,000 Panny.

They later did a segment on post. They edit the show on Mac Avids at Pilgrim Films and Television in California.

My question is: How do they import the Z1 footage to their Avid? What deck may they use?

I work for a really small edit firm that had just moved into the HDV world and we use Z1 with the Sony HVR-M10U deck. We post with Avid as well. All the footage seems alittle soft when brought into the machine. Whats the deal? Our hd monitors show the footage to be sharp and in focus, yet when we bring it in, it seems soft.

Is firewire the best way to import? Isn't 5:1 the best you can get with firewire?

Any help or info would be much appreciated.
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Old November 24th, 2005, 11:52 PM   #297
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ANY way to dub externally into a Z1 in the HDV format?


Is there ANY way to dub externally into a Z1 in the HDV format? I know it will do it to DV but I need to do it to HDV. I am working with a DR. and we need to feed an ultrasound output into the Z1 in HDV.

Possible? If not, does the SONY HDV DECK do it?


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Old November 25th, 2005, 01:46 AM   #298
Barry Wan Kenobi
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No HDV equipment has any analog input for high-def. The only way to record an external high-def source on a Z1, or the deck, or an HD100 or XL-H1 or HC1 or A1 or *any* HDV product is to input an HDV signal through the firewire port.

In other words, no. You can only dub from one HDV product to another, providing that they adhere to the same version of HDV. You cannot input a non-HDV high-def signal into any HDV product at all.
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Old November 27th, 2005, 04:33 PM   #299
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Sony Z1U frame mode

How does the Z1U's frame mode compare to that of the Canon XL-2?

This is important, as I would like to know for potential HDV shooting, editing, and transferring to 35mm film.

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Old November 27th, 2005, 04:47 PM   #300
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Do a search here for "CF24" or "cineframe" for tons of discussion.

Also see the following articles:

However the XL2 does not have a "frame mode." Unlike the Z1, it shoots true progressive scan. See Chris' FAQ here:

You would also need to evaluate the potential gains of the Z1's higher resolution for a film transfer. The general wisdom around here has been NOT to use CF24 on the Z1. Also see the info at DVfilm's site:
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