Definitive answer about FCP6 and V1u 24P? at
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Old May 23rd, 2007, 11:40 AM   #1
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Definitive answer about FCP6 and V1u 24P?

Now that FCP6 (in Final Cut Studio 2) has been released, can DSE or anyone else say definitively whether a V1U M2T file can be dropped into a FC sequence and the pulldown is automatically removed, as it is in Vegas?

(some bright spark pushed my previous thread to the Mac NLE forum, hence this new thread)
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Old May 23rd, 2007, 11:50 AM   #2
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Greg, this thread too, will be moved to the FCP forum if it goes down the same road as the last one (I'm the "bright spark" that moved it in the first place).

At this time, you cannot drop a 24a file on the FCP timeline. Apple didn't show this capability at NAB, either. What they did show, and did promise, was support for "all flavors of 24p" at NAB. No specific mention of the V1u was made, but the presence of a V1U at the event, on one of the presentation pods, strongly suggested that the new rev will support it.
Beyond that, I can't comment other than saying we'll have training for the new version when FCS ships.
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Old May 23rd, 2007, 12:17 PM   #3
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Great news, DSE. FCS2 ships now, so when can I order the training DVD? Or blu ray?
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Old May 23rd, 2007, 12:26 PM   #4
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Thanks DSE - as Zolt mentioned, FCS is now shipping - I just saw about 40 units in a local store. I'd like to justify buying it as the upgrade, but as a V1U user I can't see any compelling reason to do so (image stabilization is great and all, but I can already do that in Shake). Looks like I'd still need to edit with AIC.

I'd also like to hear about the training DVD for FCP - the VAAST one for the V1U was very useful to have.

BTW, I meant "bright park" in the best possible sense... :)
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Old May 23rd, 2007, 12:39 PM   #5
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You're better off editing in AIC anyway :-)
DVDs are at replicator, we'd been on hold from Apple, their ship date came early.
We have 10 DVDs in our FCS series, "Absolute Training for Final Cut Studio" with more volumes to come. gets you more info.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old May 23rd, 2007, 02:04 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Greg Quinn View Post
(some bright spark pushed my previous thread to the Mac NLE forum, hence this new thread)
Since your post was moved -- and with it -- my response, lets try it again. The answer is "no." In terms of 24p support, there is no more than there was in FCP 5. FCP 5 supported 720p24, and I believe, Canon's 24p. Both are 24p WITHOUT pulldown.

All is not hopeless, however:

1) I've read there are two FCP updates coming in a few weeks. Obviously, one of them might be V1 support.

2) One can already work with the V1's 24p -- in two ways:

A) Using AIC -- no VTR control or Timecode.

B) Using native HDV -- with VTR control and Timecode.

3) One path uses Cinema Tools. Last version was broken, but I expect the version in FCS2 to be working. If this is the case, then FCS2 supports the V1 even though FCP 6 does not offer anything new.

This means Apple could be truthfully saying FCS2 supports all 24p flavors -- even though the way they do it may not meet our needs or our expectations.

Obviously, one wants VTR control, logging, batch, and timecode. This is not available via AIC.

PS 1: It's not known if FCP 6 fixes the many native HDV CAPTURE problems. UPDATE: it appears not to be at all different than FCP 5. Which may be good because if Apple issues an update, it will be for both FCP 5 and FCP 6.

PS 2: I have yet to read that the poor chroma quality of interlace AIC has been fixed. The first version of AIC was terrible. The 720p folks have done extensive testing and confirmed AIC works fine for progressive video. I would love to see a similar confirmation for interlace. UPDATE: it appears HDV converted to ProRes does not look as good as to AIC.

PS 3: Remember than EDIUS also supports the V1's 24p -- right from the box. It has for almost a year. And, so does CineForm with Premiere Pro.
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Last edited by Steve Mullen; May 23rd, 2007 at 02:36 PM.
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