Can't capture footage from V1U :( at
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Sony HVR-V1 / HDR-FX7
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Old December 21st, 2006, 12:11 PM   #1
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Can't capture footage from V1U :(


I recorded some footage this afternoon so I could post some raw m2t files (so all you folks could see), and I can't get anything to work. iMovieHD see's the camera, but doesn't capture or show a preview (just the blue screen and timecode stops when I press play). HDVxDV see's the camera, but doesn't capture and also doesn't show a preview.

These programs allow me to rewind, play, etc. but no go when I try to capture.

I recorded with the 24p mode. To anyone out there who got it to work, please let me know if I'm missing something.

I also tried FCP, but it wouldn't even recognize the camera. I hope there is something I missed (I have the IN/OUT set to AUTO, and I also turned the camera off and removed the iLink). I know the firewire port is good (never failed with my Z1U)

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Old December 21st, 2006, 12:47 PM   #2
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... if your computer doesn't work right!


I tried to capture with my powerbook and despite slow playback, it worked. Which means that my G5 dual 2 gig has an issue. D'Oh!

I guess I'll have to check to see if the numerous external drives is causing this issue. But to those who may have read the initial heading: fear not, there seems to be nothing wrong with the camera.

Hopefully I can post a m2t clip later today (the day outside was gloomy, but I did get the sun coming throught the trees, and my dog running around).

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Old December 21st, 2006, 12:55 PM   #3
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Help on the way

I'm with you on several issues.

First, when you start up FCP, it does not recognize the V as a deck. no problem. Just load the program, make sure all your audio video settings are correct for FCP HDV 60i and it'll capture fine.

I've shot some test 30P and it looks and sounds great. Still waiting for someone to answer my 24PA question, but 30P will be fine for now.

I'm running a dual 2.5 Power PC with 4 gigs of RAM - o difficulties with either this camera or my Z.

Good luck!
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Old December 21st, 2006, 01:56 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Justin Zimmerman
I'm with you on several issues.
When I marked segments and logged them and then captured them -- about 1 out of 3 segments had an error: "no data received."

Only FCP has this problem. I've now switched to EDIUS 4 which already supports 24p. It runs great on a MBP 2.

The best thing about EDIUS is that it works exactly like a video editor should: very clean GUI, dual window or single monitor operation each with a full set of transport controls, no missing editing functions, and a powerful compression utility.

Plus a choice of native or intermediate editing. Oh, and a very powerful RT engine.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 02:06 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Justin Zimmerman
...First, when you start up FCP, it does not recognize the V as a deck. no problem. Just load the program, make sure all your audio video settings are correct for FCP HDV 60i and it'll capture [24p]fine.
Hi. As someone who uses FCP, and is "thinking" about a V1U purchase, what happens after I capture it in the HDV 60i timeline? How would I be able to edit it (or export it) as 24p? Or can I yet?
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Old December 21st, 2006, 02:48 PM   #6
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not yet

there is no native 24P support yet. however, this depends on how much of a geek you truly are. for instance, when i shoot 16mm and get the telecine transfer, they send it back 60i. it looks and feels great, but is, of course, video. it's the capture quality. now, 24P down the line would be wonderful, but you have to ask if the film festivals, clients etc you're producing for are going to make that intelecctual leap. looks like film...neat. i'm not sure how 24P or 24PA work with HDV, but 30P is great and having much experience with the DVX100 (A and B) in 24P i've been highly pleased. the capture quality is stunning in these instances - but the 24P through is not. however, FCP is focused on these issues, so the next update should be pleasing to all.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 03:12 PM   #7
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Mixing Footage from 2 Different Cameras

Thanks Justin. I'm wondering if you (or anyone else) knows the answer to this:

Let's say I have both a JVC GY-HD110U and a Sony HVR-V1U. Using Final Cut Pro, can I use footage from both cameras in the same project if I'm shooting 24p from both cameras?

My end result is a low-budget feature film that is filmic in look when projected on screen. If I'm using both cameras to capture 24p footage, will I have a problem editing the film?

Anyone take a stab at that one? :)

Thanks to all of you techno-brains putting up with newbies like myself.

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Old December 21st, 2006, 03:15 PM   #8
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You should be aware that editing 24p on a 60i timeline means that all FXs are rendered as 60i as far as I know. The correct approach should be to remove pulldown, edit on a 24p T/L and if needed then apply pulldown to get back to 60i if needed.
I'm not a FCP user nor do I live in a 60Hz country however I suspect the same issue is going to apply to 25p and 30p.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 03:35 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Justin Zimmerman
However, FCP is focused on these issues, so the next update should be pleasing to all.
Just found this:

On the last day of the promotion, Dec 20, Apple have quietly extended the "deadline" for the crossgrade/upgrade deals to March 19, 2007.

Now that's almost a month before NAB.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 04:04 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Steve Mullen
Just found this:

On the last day of the promotion, Dec 20, Apple have quietly extended the "deadline" for the crossgrade/upgrade deals to March 19, 2007.

Now that's almost a month before NAB.
So what does that mean exactly? Thanks!
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 02:06 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Bob Grant
You should be aware that editing 24p on a 60i timeline means that all FXs are rendered as 60i as far as I know. The correct approach should be to remove pulldown, edit on a 24p T/L and if needed then apply pulldown to get back to 60i if needed.
I'm not a FCP user nor do I live in a 60Hz country however I suspect the same issue is going to apply to 25p and 30p.

This is correct, but you'd be surprised at how many don't understand this nugget. an author of a book on HDV sent me an email about why this is a "wrong" workflow, due to the fact that his particular NLE doesn't support 24p HDV anyway. Not hard to figure out, just render out a series of generated frame sequences to 24p with and without pulldown, and drop them into a 60i timeline.
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