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Sony HVR-HD1000
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Old April 13th, 2009, 06:18 AM   #1
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Noise on Mic sound


I have one probleme with other mic than the one sell with the HVR-HD1000.
With other mic (Rode NTG-02) I have noise in background.

Have you this probleme too ?
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Old April 15th, 2009, 09:23 AM   #2
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Is the noise related to camera zoom? Can you describe the sound? Is it constant?

Unlike my friend's Panasonic HMC70, the HD1000 is pretty noisy. I've not had any tape noise, but the zoom can be heard if I'm quick with it. I've used the manual zoom with the ring and this has helped, but the rocker arm makes noise.

I use the MKE300 and when I turn down the mic in the HD1000 I get a clean audio track. I think your Rode is better than my Senneheiser. My latest show features footage shot with my HC9 (don't tell anyone) but with the MKE300 and some with the actual camera mic. Both were acceptable with minimal post tweaking.

Noise is always present no matter what mic I use. It can be cleaned up in post, you know. When I shot Karen Black with my FX1000, I had a hum from my freakin' lights. You live and learn.

With the HD1000, the mic that comes with it is awful and I don't use it.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 03:30 AM   #3
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Thank for your answers.

In fact,the noise don't come from the zoom. It's really a continuous background noise (like on old analogue tape when you record with no gain). I try to add a portable mic préamp to solve that but the input level is only for Mic level on the HD1000, even if I decrease the manual input level, it's to loud.

Is someone who use another Mic on the HD1000 can explain how he has done to have a good sound ?

And the problem with the original mike is too much omnidirectional.

I will post a audio track on the forum to better understand the problem.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 08:58 AM   #4
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Well, I have two Beachteks (one phantom and the other passive) and there is a little noise underneath but nothing I can't live with (it is noise that can be pulled down in post--a high frequency hiss or something). I have used my Zoom H4 with this camera as a boom and as an XLR adapter and I've used the cut and limit filters effectively.

I'm with you on the omni-directional stock mic. I've just nixed it altogether. I used it once on a quick shoot at a film festival with good and bad results depending on the room.

Aside from the Zoom, the best sound I've got with the camera has been with my wireless believe it or not. For example, I've got a shoot today in Atlanta. A bud of mine has my FX1000 for a red carpet event so I'm going to use the HD1000 for A-Camera.

What I've been doing is using a passive Azden mic mixer with my two NADY wireless mics. I actually have three of these NADYs two lavs and one handheld. They are not as good as the Sennehieser that my bud will be using at the red carpet event tonight, but I have not had any problems that I can really complain about to date. My Shure wireless was the noisest mic I've ever used, by the way. It went out on ebay after a few uses.

Perhaps the best sound option is to use a Zoom H4 and sync it or use the line out option and use the Zoom with XLR mics and use the Zoom to clean up the sound as the camera is recording it.

I've not looked at this, but the HD1000 might have similar sound control options in the sub-menus to my FX1000. Maybe you could play around with the "wind cut" or something and cut that constant noise.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 11:24 AM   #5
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are you using AGC for the mic? If so, then it's probably the preamp in the camera. Try manual adjustment IF you are AGC.
What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
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Old April 18th, 2009, 05:29 AM   #6
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AGC is the Auto Gain Control ?

Because, I put it to "Manual" at the lower value, but it's still to much.
I don't know how to do.
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Old April 18th, 2009, 05:58 AM   #7
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There is AGC or Audio and Video - of course I'm speaking of AGC for Audio.
First, are you monitoring the audio thru a good set of headphones? if you aren't doing that there is no point in continuing with a "fix". Secondly, IF you are monitoring thru headphone are you watching the bars in the viewfinder or LCD. The audio levels can be seen and adjustments can be made on the fly. In order to get quality audio one MUST monitor and watch the levels as well as use quality audio gear. Remember that the sound you hear in the headphones is what you will get on the tape. Oh yeah just because the audio level in the headphones sounds right it might not be because the volume level you have the headphones set to can fool you. Too low and you don't hear any bad stuff, too loud and all you do hear is bad stuff. Be careful where you set the volume.
What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
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Old April 18th, 2009, 07:37 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Don Bloom View Post
First, are you monitoring the audio thru a good set of headphones?".
Yes, and you can listen the in the headphones

Originally Posted by Don Bloom View Post
Secondly, IF you are monitoring thru headphone are you watching the bars in the viewfinder or LCD.
Yes too, Every time I adjuste the input level to optimize it.

So, with the original Mic there is no problem, anly when you change to another. With the NTG2 or a simply Shure it's the same noise result.

Any suggestion ?
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Old April 18th, 2009, 03:04 PM   #9
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it sounds to me like the 2 other mics levels need to be lower than the stock mic level since they appear to be hotter mics. Run some tests with the mics to find the optimum level for each mic.
What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
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Old April 19th, 2009, 10:36 AM   #10
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is the stock mic omni or a semi shotgun?

for some reason I thought the stock mic was billed as a shotgun in the lit.

?? I have had no problem with it has a nice bright sound... my big probelm area is hooking into mult boxes...

I also wonder if some odd sound artifacts are caused by the bias voltage applied to the stocker mic. though the connector.

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