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Sony HVR-A1 and HDR-HC Series
Sony's latest single-CMOS additions to their HDV camcorder line.

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Old April 9th, 2007, 02:12 PM   #16
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Simple answer. Yes. And sell me your old HC1s for 100 dollars. :)
I like my HC1, but yes, the low light sucks. However, most of the stuff I wind up shooting is during the day, so it's not really a problem for me. I'm also not very picky. But I saw footage for HC7 shot at dusk, and it wasn't much better from what I saw.

Last edited by Douglas Spotted Eagle; April 9th, 2007 at 02:24 PM. Reason: solicitation
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Old April 9th, 2007, 02:23 PM   #17
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We have a Classifieds forum for the buying and/or selling of gear, please use that forum.
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Old April 9th, 2007, 02:58 PM   #18
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Hi Danny,

Regarding the black frames.

I don't think that it is the cam. I think that it is a bug in Vegas.

It happened with my A1U and FX1s as well, and I'm sure it will happen with my current cams.

Cana Video Productions, LLC
Manchester, NH
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Old April 9th, 2007, 08:41 PM   #19
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Hi Cesar -

Any idea where in Vegas? I've used both 6 and 7 currently running 7.0d, never saw that sort of dropout.

Maybe it's hardware dependent?

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Old April 9th, 2007, 09:00 PM   #20
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I have an HDR-HC1 and use Vegas 7.0d and I have never had this issue.
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Old April 9th, 2007, 09:17 PM   #21
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It appears that some are seeing the issue with m2t files showing black frames but Cineform clips appear fine (I always use CF, maybe that is why I have not seen this issue). But, if it can't always be replicated, it may point to another cause... who knows?
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Old May 1st, 2007, 03:10 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Cesar Ruiz View Post
Hi Danny,

Regarding the black frames.

I don't think that it is the cam. I think that it is a bug in Vegas.

It happened with my A1U and FX1s as well, and I'm sure it will happen with my current cams.

It's been quite a while since I have replied. I wanted to take some more time to do some research before I said anything more.

I finally found a player that will play *.m2t files. Windoze Media player is crap when it comes to playing *.m2t files.

Anyway, I have a recent video from the theater that has a number of those 'black frames' and when I use the player I do not see them. But with Vegas 7 I do. When I render the video those black frames will be in the rendered file as well.

The player I am using is VLC media player. I do not see those black frames when playing the video with it.

So it looks like there is indeed a bug in Vegas when it comes to HDV files.

It doesn't matter how I get the file either. I can capture from tape or direct to hard drive and get them. Doesn't matter if I use the FS-4 HD or with Vegas capture to a hard drive.

I can zoom all of the way in on the time-line and never see the black frames on the time-line but I can see them on the Video Preview.

While I was typing this I had to crank-up Vegas so I could remember a 'word' that my brain forgot. Many times I am trying to say something and I get held-up because I can't remember a stupid word that I need. Must be the hair falling out. Anyway I was greeted with a dialog box for the latest version of Vegas, 7.0 E. So I downloaded it, installed it and gave it go to see if this problem was solved. It was not. :(

I also did a test to see if the FS-4 HD files would load seamlessly and they still don't.

So Vegas is not capable of editing HDV files. At least on my system.

I loaded the video that has this problem in another instance of Vegas and outside of the current project and noticed that the black frames were farther down in time. So a lady is approaching a seat with a storage section in it. In the project, she just gets to the seat, and the black frames happen. In the other instance of Vegas the black frames happen several seconds later. There is absolutely no way a drop-out from capturing from tape or any device can do this! This happened on the same file!

There is a bug in Vegas! And this bug prevents me from being able to edit HDV preperly. Note: I can delete the black frames but there is a small but noticeable jump in the video when I do. Sony Vegas simply fails to edit HDV on my system.

I have decided to keep the HC1 cams for now.

Danny Fye
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Old May 5th, 2007, 04:05 PM   #23
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good choice to keem them i would say, but your right about the low light-drama in theatre.

i also do theatre-registrations and it's a lot of work to get a good low-light image, the close-ups are easier than the wides, i rented the z-1 to try the difference but the result was not much better

last month i needed a second cam quick because my hc1's firewire burned out and this time i had the oldskool pd170 and d*mn, what a shock!!

that oldie is so much superior in theatre-light, what a contrast and color, now i could spent much more of my attention to filming instead of sweating on the light issue

shame that it's only 4:3 but still; hdv is lovely but mini-dv was much further in lux-terms

the hc1 is here to stay, in full broad day light, maybe somebody knows something about the new jvc but in it's class there is not yet a perfect lowlighter
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