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Sony HVR-A1 and HDR-HC Series
Sony's latest single-CMOS additions to their HDV camcorder line.

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Old June 30th, 2006, 04:16 AM   #16
Regular Crew
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 90
Ball head monopods


In general I find that HD is in dire need of stabilization -the higher resolution tends to focus the eye more accutely on any shake.

I was looking around at the low-end of the market for a solution. I already have a FH tripod but wanted something a bit more immediate that I can leave attached to the camera so I have just sent off for one of these:


I hope it will help -I'm not expecting miracles. Will be taking it to Paris on the 14th July so will post usability feedback.

Does anyone else use anything like this?

Regards, Nick.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 08:53 AM   #17
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Havent seen that monopod before Nick.

I think monopods and tripods are quite tricky things to get a good feel in advance of what you're getting. So much of it is build-quality, rigidity, weight etc. and thats tricky to ascertain without getting your hands on one.

One new device that i know is about to go on sale (in fact it IS on sale in the UK where you are - check out www.warehouseexpress.com)

Its GBP99 which isnt cheap for a monopod, but if the fluid-cartridge in the base works helf-way well, it might be a very good compromise between that "Shall i take my tripod today or can i get away with just my monopod?" dilemma.

Details on Manfrotto site: www.manfrotto.com
Left side of home page, the 560B is pictured etc.
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