HC1 and Capture. HDV or DV? Premirer 1.5.1 at DVinfo.net
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Sony HVR-A1 and HDR-HC Series
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Old February 17th, 2006, 03:25 AM   #1
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HC1 and Capture. HDV or DV? Premirer 1.5.1

Glad to find this site.

Have got HC1E and use HDV when recording. So what is the best way of capture? Shall i use the HDV-DV in the camcorder and capture it in to Premiere pro 1.5.1? Adobe premiere 1.5 site say: HC1 not supported and have HDV capture poor quality. Only in Adobe it is poor Quality or in all program?

Have read on this site that you can use Cineform Aspect HD. Will this be good or is it only for HDV? Or is it better to capture HDV to computer and finaly convert to DVD?

Or is it beter to use Vegas 6. Capture HDV to m2t i understand you get. Then convert it to avi using cineform Connect HD. and i understand that his connect HD is inside Vegas and not anything I have to buy?
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Old February 17th, 2006, 05:33 AM   #2
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IMHO: It's the Premiere Pro capturing that is of poor quality. Cineform Aspect HD captures the HC1 perfectly and increase the editing speed in Premiere to. Aspect HD is only for HD-formats. You can downconvert in the camera to SD so that you can use Premiere without Aspect HD. But that wont be HD then.

Using Vegas is just another tool. You have to decide which tool you like the best. I liked some of Vegas's features but liked the editing flow of Premiere more. It's just a personal taste.

BTW If you decide to go for Aspect HD make sure you have a powerful computer. Only the very latest works.
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Old February 18th, 2006, 12:36 PM   #3
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But, If i use HDV into Premiere pro edit the movie and after convert to DVD. Can this quality be better then convert in camera to SD/DV and then got it in to Premiere and so to DVD?
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Old February 18th, 2006, 12:41 PM   #4
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I have no idea. I reckon it would be similar. If you only make it in DV and then later decide you want a HD-version (HD-DVD or Blueray) you need to redo everything. If you edit in HDV you can downconvert to SD and make your DVD.
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Old February 20th, 2006, 02:06 AM   #5
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It has been shown that doing the down conversion in software (with Vegas at least) is slightly better than the camera downconversion, see

I don't know if anyone as done a similar comparison with Premiere.
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Old February 20th, 2006, 02:20 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Fredrik-Larsson
IMHO: It's the Premiere Pro capturing that is of poor quality. Cineform Aspect HD captures the HC1 perfectly and increase the editing speed in Premiere to. Aspect HD is only for HD-formats. You can downconvert in the camera to SD so that you can use Premiere without Aspect HD. But that wont be HD then.

Using Vegas is just another tool. You have to decide which tool you like the best. I liked some of Vegas's features but liked the editing flow of Premiere more. It's just a personal taste.

BTW If you decide to go for Aspect HD make sure you have a powerful computer. Only the very latest works.

The Capture format in P Pro 1.51 is the cineform intermediate codec. It will yield an easily editable .avi file. It will be 4 to 5 times the size of a .m2t file. I have upgraded to PP 2.0, but as I recall, 1.51 does not offer diect edit of .m2t files. I believe 1.51 it is same codec as in Aspect. The .avi format alledgedly renders better transitions, and color correction, and is easier on lower pwered systems.

With a dual core processor AMD 3800+ I am getting fairly good render time editing in direct .m2t with PP 2.0. If you have a fast system, you might want try PP 2.0 upgrade before you drop big dollars on Aspect.

Down convberting appears to go better with an edit in HDV, then render to DV
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old February 20th, 2006, 07:03 AM   #7
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Aspect HD on 1.51 and 2.0 is actually improving the editing speed to. They patch into Premiere some way and makes it faster.
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Old March 12th, 2006, 11:30 PM   #8
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Connect HD from CineForm is designed to work with Vegas but it is a stand alone program and for capturing and converting m2t to editable .avi is a great program. It costs $200, less than half of Aspect but Aspect offers other benefits if you are using Premiere. It also works with a pretty slow computer. First you capture m2t and then, in a second step, convert that to avi. At that time it secene detects and breaks a long m2t capture into scenes.

IF YOU HAVE A FAST COMPUTER, Connect will capture the m2t stream directly into avi in one step. ALSO remember that the codec that comes with Connect and Aspect is a little better than the one licensed to Sony for use in Vegas.

Hope this helps. I use Connect and I will NEVER capture with Vegas again. I edit with it but Connect beats Vegas capture by miles.
Jerry Waters
Arize Productions
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