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Sony HVR-A1 and HDR-HC Series
Sony's latest single-CMOS additions to their HDV camcorder line.

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Old March 30th, 2006, 11:05 AM   #61
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Hey man, I'm also from Orlando, Florida. I am now studying in Boston though; but I am always going back home.

I have the HDR-A1U (you're going to love it) and I have already purchased some accessories for it. First thing I got was 2 NP71D batteries. I got them from eBay and paid $38 for each. I also purchase the Sony "Y" wide-angle lens, which I feel is a must-have. The last thing I purchased for it was the SpiderBrace and the tripod adapter. The same one that Laurence has. I absolutely love that thing, and I highly recommend it. Other than that, I have some tapes and a cheap tripod (Velbon CX-570, which by the way works beautifully).

I am planning on getting the same light and diffuser that Laurence has soon. I am still skeptical about getting the lanc controller as I don't plan on doing a lot of zooming during my taping. I am also getting the AT88W wireless mic set which I hear is quite good for the price ($130ish). Last thing I am getting is a new microphone. I am split between the Sennheiser ME64 and the Rode NTG-1.

I recommend you look for these items on www.shopping.com. I have found amazing deals there.

Hope this helps,

-Alex K.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 12:30 PM   #62
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There are no absolutely necessary filters Alex. The polarisor is difficult to replicate in post, but the HC1 has its own built-in ND and a UV isn't really necessary
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Old March 30th, 2006, 12:51 PM   #63
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can i just get a beachtek adapter for my hc1 not a1 and have this same rode mic and wreless set up. i mean thats the only real diffrence with these cams right? set up looks real cool by the way. wouldn't the picture from a fx1 be alot better though?
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Old March 30th, 2006, 02:52 PM   #64
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Hehe, Tom H., I think you got the names mixed up. Don't you mean Adam?

Anyways, Adam, I'm going through the same thing as you. I want to get the A1 camera (soon, because 3/31 is the last day for the rebate), but I want to order the necessary accessories for it to save on shipping, and just so I can have everything I need right now all at once.

I'm definitely getting these:
Spiderbrace 2
at least one microphone, maybe both (Rode NTG-1 with Rode SM3 shockmount and 1.5 feet long right-angle XLR cable, or Sennheiser ME64/K6)
one extra Sony NP-QM71D battery

another 71D battery
Rode NTG-1/2 windscreen (or will the windscreen on the included Sony mic work okay?)
windscreen for Senn ME/64?
Zoe 2005 Lanc controller or Varizoom VZ-Pro-L or VZ-Pro-LX controller
Hoya 82mm Super Multi-coated UV(0) Filter (only needed if I get the Sony Y lens)
LH77 lens hood from Cavision (only needed if I get the Sony Y lens)
Tripod adaptor (annoying to change tapes, but maybe I can live and save $30)
Sony wideangle Y lens (I'm not sure how often I'd really use a wideangle lens)
some sort of fluid head tripod (but I feel the Spiderbrace should be fine)
video light (I hesistant on the same one Laurence has because I've read posts here about it only being able to light up 8-10 feet, so even though 20W is pretty blinding, I looking at 35-40W with a diffuser)

Tom J., there are other differences that I feel are significant between the HC1 and A1, such as a different shoe, blackstretch, lens hood, etc.

I think footage from an FX1 is about the same as HC1/A1 footage if shot with enough light, although apparently some models of the HC1/A1 have bad red color accuracy and they do perform poorly in low light.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 03:13 PM   #65
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fx1 same as hc1 how can this be...that is a 3 chip camera shouldn't it be much much better
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Old March 30th, 2006, 04:13 PM   #66
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It's not the exact same, of course not. But from what I've seen, footage from the FX1 and HC1/A1, if shot with sufficient lighting, can be interchanged and mixed pretty successfully. Don't knock on the HC1/A1 not having 3 CCDs, it has 1 CMOS sensor, which is different.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 04:46 PM   #67
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not knocking it i have one myself
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Old March 30th, 2006, 05:11 PM   #68
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I see, well, in any case then, HC1/A1 footage is definitely comparable to FX1 footage. Some say the HC1/A1 is a bit on the cool side, and some models seem to have a red color inaccuracy, but other than that, I think the footage is pretty nice.
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Old March 30th, 2006, 10:41 PM   #69
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Thanks Laurence for sharing your setup. Here's a few pics of my A1U and Spiderbrace combo. I love the Spiderbrace... my dad's who's very amateur got super-steady shots of my daughter right after she was born using it:


I did do a few easy modifications to it, and I'm not the modification kind of guy so any one could do these. I drilled a hole through the base of the Spiderbrace and used the camera's shoulder strap so I could rest the brace on my chest when I'm not using it. I also drilled a small hole for the Varizoom cord so that the excess is stashed away inside the body.

What do you guys think of where I have the light placed? The diffuser is in the right position like this, I'm just a little worried about shadows from not having the light directly in line with the lens.

Anyways just thought I'd share.
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Old March 31st, 2006, 12:30 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Roger Mason
Thanks Laurence for sharing your setup. Here's a few pics of my A1U and Spiderbrace combo. I love the Spiderbrace... my dad's who's very amateur got super-steady shots of my daughter right after she was born using it:


I did do a few easy modifications to it, and I'm not the modification kind of guy so any one could do these. I drilled a hole through the base of the Spiderbrace and used the camera's shoulder strap so I could rest the brace on my chest when I'm not using it. I also drilled a small hole for the Varizoom cord so that the excess is stashed away inside the body.

What do you guys think of where I have the light placed? The diffuser is in the right position like this, I'm just a little worried about shadows from not having the light directly in line with the lens.

Anyways just thought I'd share.

Well the two light bulbs side by side make more sense with the widescreen aspect ratio of the A1. I'd be worried about shadows from the Spiderbrace handles though. On top isn't an ideal position either. I get shadows from the microphone and it's fuzzy cover.

Yeah the Spiderbrace is cool isn't it. I just shot some zoomed in video of my friend windsurfing. I was amazed at how steady it was zoomed all the way in (with a .7 wide angle lens).
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Old March 31st, 2006, 01:59 AM   #71
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It looks as if you've found a hard plastic diffuser that simply pushes on and stays on Roger. Can you specify the make and type as this looks a neater solution than my Lumiquest 'velcro-on' version.

I have my 20DW2 lamp above the lens and on axis with it. Even with both lamps on and the diffuser in place I find the shadows unnatural if the lamp is placed anywhere else, so I'd be interested to hear your real-world results.

Your pictures were a bit dark and hard to see this end.
Alex, I mean Adam. Well spotted.

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Old March 31st, 2006, 02:23 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Tom Hardwick
It looks as if you've found a hard plastic diffuser that simply pushes on and stays on Roger. Can you specify the make and type as this looks a neater solution than my Lumiquest 'velcro-on' version.
It's the same one Laurence used, the Sto-Fen Omni Bounce difussor. It's actually made for a Canon still photo flash, but it fits on the 20WD2 pretty well.

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Old March 31st, 2006, 12:30 PM   #73
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Tripod adapter for Sony HDV HDR-HC1 HVR-A1

Can someone post a picture of the tripod adapter I want to see if it will work with my bogen 501.
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Old March 31st, 2006, 03:59 PM   #74
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Just go to the first page of this thread and see Laurence's post where he lists and links the items.
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Old March 31st, 2006, 07:08 PM   #75
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I Looked at all the pics. You really can not see any detail on the adapter. I went to the link on ebay but you can’t see it there either the hand and tape are in the way. A closeup of just the adapter would be nice. If it is too much trouble that’s cool.
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