A1U $500 rebate???? at DVinfo.net
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Sony HVR-A1 and HDR-HC Series
Sony's latest single-CMOS additions to their HDV camcorder line.

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Old January 10th, 2006, 01:41 AM   #1
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A1U $500 rebate????

Saw this on B&H, how accurate is this?


No sign of it on Sony's website.....
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Old January 10th, 2006, 02:20 AM   #2
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I just received an email from B&H stating their price on an A1U and they DO mention a $500 rebate! Not sure if I should mention the final price here (simply click on the link in David's message above and then click on the 'email me a better price' link on that page for a quote), but I've seen HC1's in stores around here (southern CA.) going for more!

This makes me wonder just what's going on... almost seems too good to be true.
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Old January 10th, 2006, 12:08 PM   #3
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I called B&H and they are swearing by it, they say it's true and the rebate form will be mailed with the camera yet no other retailer has it nor does Sony's website. It does sound too good to be true.
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Old January 10th, 2006, 12:44 PM   #4
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I just checked the price they sent me through e-mail also. With that final price, they might sell out! Say's it's good at any authorized Sony dealer.
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Old January 10th, 2006, 02:00 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Ray Boltz
I just checked the price they sent me through e-mail also. With that final price, they might sell out! Say's it's good at any authorized Sony dealer.
At this price, I might have to jump on one.

After thinking long and hard ( I have really been eyeing the A1 as my first HD camera due to it's size and picture quality, and then add FX1 or Z1 later), I was going to hold off on buying an HD camera this year and go for another PD170 (Matches my VX2100's and great in low light, which A1 will be adequate at best).
This was strictly a business decision, because I see myself only delivering SD DVD's for probably at least 1-2 more years, in the consumer Event Video market.

I don't have the funds to upgrade to new cameras, monitors, and my computer system yet which is currently a 3.4 GHZ HT P4 processor, ASUS P4P800E Deluxe motherboard etc., which although is fast enough to work with proxy or Cineform converted HD footage, the process would be too long to justify recording in HD (preferred), converting and delivering in SD DVD.

But for the price listed with rebate, I might have to jump on it. Now if they would offer a discount for the Z1, i would seriously consider the jump to HD
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Old January 10th, 2006, 04:39 PM   #6
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B & H Price

I just couldn't pass this price up either. I also called to verify the rebate and was assured that it would come with the unit. The battery is smaller than my FX-1, so I bought an extra (49.95) battery.

This Camcorder (with the Audio Panel removed) will be great for vacation usage.

Thanks for the tip.
Ben Hardy
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Old January 10th, 2006, 11:10 PM   #7
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Well, I ordered one but I hope this is not a mistake, funny, on the mail in $500 rebate info PDF (from the "Rebate Available" link), they list a website http://www.sony.com/hvra1ucashback , but when you click on it, you are directed to the PD-170 link that list 4 items with rebates but the A1U is not listed....

Confused but hoping the $500 rebate is legit...
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Old January 11th, 2006, 02:43 PM   #8
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B & H is one of the sponsors of this forum. They have a long track record of being a reputable dealer.

That said, why not just print a copy of the "e-mail quote" from B & H, in case there's any question (from Sony) as to the validity of this offer. I did.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 06:16 PM   #9
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Good idea about printing the e-mail quote. I just did in case I go with the A1. P.S. Hope everything is well for you in Metairie since the storm. My friend lives in Houma. Ray
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Old January 11th, 2006, 07:45 PM   #10
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I was just in B&H today to confirm this since I bought the camera there last week.

The guy that had helped me last week was there, we discussed some issues I had with the camera (despite the Sony PDF alluding to it and the B&H catalog saying it, the camera CANNOT shoot in 50i/PAL like I needed it to, but that's another story, for another post), and we looked up the rebate - it's for purchases between Dec. 28 and march 31st, so I still qualify - taking the double hit of not having the 50i option AND missing a $500 rebate by a few days might have depressed me beyond belief for a few days.

They say it's legit, although the Sony link is incorrect.

I figure there's still some time for this to unfold, so I'll wait a few weeks to send it in, hopefully with a corrected form from Sony.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 07:58 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Bill McMullen
despite the Sony PDF alluding to it and the B&H catalog saying it, the camera CANNOT shoot in 50i/PAL like I needed it to
Where on B&H's site does it say that the A1U can shoot 50i PAL? In the specs it says

Signal System
HDV 1080 60i/30 Frame/24 Frame Record and Playback

When it is set up to record standard definition video this camera is an NTSC device that stripes the tape at 30 interlace frames per second.
or maybe you were looking at the A1E?

This model is specifically for PAL system video applications.
But it appears that they didn't properly edit this listing because it also says

When it is set up to record standard definition video this camera is an NTSC device that stripes the tape at 30 interlace frames per second.
Which is clearly an error. But the NTSC model (HVR-A1U) doesn't claim any PAL capability that I can see on B&H's site.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 08:43 PM   #12
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The NTSC version of the A1 does not do PAL. It does Cineframe 30, Cineframe 24 and 60i only.
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Old January 12th, 2006, 12:33 AM   #13
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Yes, guys, I understand your skepticism, I only have one post and all, but I assure you I did as much research into this 50i/60i as I could before purchasing, and it was primarily based upon two things, as no one had the camera out on the floor here in New York City, at least not at my usual pro-video haunts. Having just done a shoot with the Z1, I had used the 50i mode because the interview was being edited in the UK and the editor had requested it.

I had more interviews to shoot, the rental costs were mounting, and I figured, hey, I need a new camera anyway, this A1U camera might share the usual Sony 'Pro version/Consumer version' relationship that they have had forever, as in VX1000 to TRV900, or more specifically, as in Z1 to the FX1, A1U to HC1 - "Z1 has 60i/50i, FX1 does not. A1U has 601/50i, HC1 does not," I derive from the scarce info on this topic on the internet and B & H. Wrong, Bill, wrong.

The first of the two wrong clues, an early PDF from Sony, which I say 'alluded to 50i' because the chart showing formats did not specify which model of the A1 it was showing data for, simply said '60i Mode (NTSC)' and '50i Mode (PAL),' which I (wrongly) interpreted the word 'MODE' to mean it was _switchable_, as the word 'MODE' often implies. I wish the chart had simply said 'PAL Version of Camera' and 'NTSC Version of Camera.'

Here's a link to the chart from the PDF:


Next, and the thing that sent me to the store to buy one, was this listing in the B&H catalog. I've been buying from them for years, and they have always been knowledgable and helpful, and more importantly, had things I wanted in stock. Who would second guess this if you saw it? It was like bumbling across the DaVinci code! I had found the answer I had wanted for the last few weeks -


With the interviews coming up the following weekend, I went ahead and purchased the A1U. I poured over the camera for two nights before sadly realizing 'There is no way to switch this to 50i like its big brother the Z1.' It played back the 50i tape I had shot on the Z1, the same icon shows up onscreen when it plays on the Z1, but no ability to shoot in 50i like the Z1.

I looked at all my clues and figured it's just the way it is - The Sony PDF never _really_ states you can shoot both, I simply assumed it would when I read that chart and saw the word 'Mode' written, with no footnotes telling me 'Only on Camera X, not on Camera Y.' As for the B&H blurb, might even be a misinterpretation of the same PDF I had found.

I ended up renting another Z1 and shooting 3 out of 4 interviews I was scheduled for on it before I had to return it on Monday morning (Thanks to the wonderful people at AbelCineTech for coming through at the last second) and of course, I get the call that the 4th interview is happening, although it had been cancelled.

So I hauled out the A1U, shot at 60i, and sent the editor in the UK an apologetic e-mail that he would have to convert it. He e-mailed me back and it was fine.

Well, it worked out OK - I had no intention of returning the camera, it certainly wasn't a deal-buster, and in fact, the string of interviews I had to tape were actually the big excuse to go get a new camcorder anyway, so I'm happy, but I'm let down that Sony obviously disabled a small 'pro' feature on a camera they call 'pro.' There are so many other things going for the Z1 I hardly think it would canniblize sales like putting this feature on the FX1...

A fun part of this whole thing is I got to shoot a quick 30 second test on both the Z1 and the A1U within a few minutes of each other on Monday morning, and to be honest, they look almost identical, I forgot which one was which when I transferred them, the only things that reminded me were the tell-tale moves of the camera due to the size, and the gain on my A1U being locked on manual when I went outside - the exposure blew out the image, reminding me of how I fumbled for the 'auto' setting on my camera. I'm sure some Z1 fans will attack me for saying it, but for the price and small size, it's very much in the same league. Of course the control over the camera is much better on the Z1, but still...

The other fun part is this rebate news! I hope this is for real, but as you know, I'm a bit skeptical of Sony PDFs right now...

Last edited by Bill McMullen; January 12th, 2006 at 02:24 AM.
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Old January 12th, 2006, 03:50 AM   #14
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I'm confused...you guys think that the A1 has 60i and 50i capabilities? If so, you're wrong. The A1U only does 60i and the A1E only does 50i; unlike the Z1. I hope you guys didn't purchase the A1 solemnly based on this feature.
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Old January 12th, 2006, 10:15 PM   #15
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So after all the trouble and reassurance from B&H that the package will be shipped with the rebate form, I get the package today with a form that tells me to visit this site for the rebate form, http://www.sony.com/hvra1ucashback , unfortunately, there is no form for the A1U on that site, so it looks like I will have to call B&H tomorrow as it seems my original suspicion was correct. For $500 more, might as well buy a Z1. This sucks as it's an unnecessary inconvenience, but I'll wait to see what they tell me tomorrow.
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