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Sony HVR-A1 and HDR-HC Series
Sony's latest single-CMOS additions to their HDV camcorder line.

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Old November 16th, 2005, 09:43 AM   #16
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Patricia, thanks for the reply, as I thought the tripod head being too wide was the issue, as the pictures on the site show the bottom loading camera on a tipod that doesn't have much girth to it.
My Bogen 501 is about the same width as your Libec tipod head so I may have teh same problem. However I also have an additional quick release plate mounted to the quick release of my 501 Tripod head (as I neede this to use in conjunction with my DvRig Pro which uses a slightly larger QR plate than what comes with my 501). So I might not have the same issue, since I will have a bit more added height to my base.

All in all it seems like a good solution, and one I will probably purchase when I get my A1, in the next few months.
BTW, how do you like working with the A1?
Maybe you could start a new thread with any observations and opinions. There are some already on this board, but the more the merrier.
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Old November 16th, 2005, 11:10 AM   #17
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Michael, I have an HC1, not the A1. I am extremely impressed with the camera. I don't think I would make use of the extra features on the A1;
I would very much like the features of an FX1 but right now need something that's more the size of the HC1 or the A1.
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Old November 16th, 2005, 12:03 PM   #18
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Patrica, thanks again. I like maual controls on the FX1, but really want the audio features that the Z1 have. I am not the biggest fan of XLR boxes, as i preffer built in blanced XLR capability. So the A1 seems like a better fit for me at this time.
I do event videography and can get my feet wet shooting HDV with my SD video Sony VX2100 for the time being and then add something like an FX1 later.

I also wanted a smaller camera that i could take with me on vacatons. So again teh A1 seems like a great staring point.
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Old November 16th, 2005, 12:23 PM   #19
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"not the biggest fan of XLR boxes, as i preffer built in blanced XLR capability"

in real use with hand size camera what does balanced XLR offer over using a XLR box ( with mini to camera) ?
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Old November 16th, 2005, 01:28 PM   #20
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"in real use with hand size camera what does balanced XLR offer over using a XLR box (with mini to camera)?"

I would rather have the built in feature of Balanced XLR compared to an XLR box to a mini 1/8 connection, as I should have said that I am not a fan of using 1/8 connections for relying on audio. I have found that the pre amp setup is a bit more refined and cleaner when not dealing with a 1/8 input.
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Old November 16th, 2005, 07:45 PM   #21
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Any pics of the tripod adaptor?

Do you guys who have received the tripod adaptor have any pics of it mounted on a tripod? The pics on the website leave a lot to be desired, and I would like to get a closer look. Mine is being shipped right now and I'll post some when I get them. I have a Bogen 701 RC2 head, we'll see how that works. Thanks.

Last edited by Roger Mason; November 17th, 2005 at 08:06 AM.
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Old November 19th, 2005, 03:10 PM   #22
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Photos of Tripod Adaptor

Here's some photos of the adaptor on my Manfrotto 701RC2 head. I can't change a tape on the tripod itself, but it's very easy to pop out the quick release plate to change the tape, and then pop it back on the tripod head. Changing the battery is very easy and can be done on the tripod. I am very happy with the adaptor, anytime I am using a tripod I will have it on.
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Old November 19th, 2005, 06:05 PM   #23
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I noticed that the quick release tightening knob seems to get in the way when you would want to change the tape. What if you arranged the tipod release to be on the other side,
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Old November 19th, 2005, 11:28 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Roger Mason
Here's some photos of the adaptor on my Manfrotto 701RC2 head. I can't change a tape on the tripod itself, but it's very easy to pop out the quick release plate to change the tape, and then pop it back on the tripod head. Changing the battery is very easy and can be done on the tripod. I am very happy with the adaptor, anytime I am using a tripod I will have it on.
Would it be possible to get two of those things and stack them vertically, one above the other to raise the camera a bit more to allow more room to work with?

Would it cause any problems?

Would be a bit more involved removing it from the camera but I'm not sure there is a reason or need to remove it from the camera.

One would have to attach the first one to the camera and then the second one to the first one and then the tripod thingy. (I have a wonderful time remembering names of things *NOT*)

Hmmm, maybe the company that sells them could create a model that is 2" instead of 1" high. That might solve problems for certain cam to tripod combinations.

Danny Fye
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Old November 20th, 2005, 07:14 AM   #25
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"Hmmm, maybe the company that sells them could create a model that is 2" instead of 1" high. That might solve problems for certain cam to tripod combinations."

Danny I just emailed the idea to the developer. I will keep thse posted of what the outcome might be.
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Old November 20th, 2005, 06:54 PM   #26
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"Would it be possible to get two of those things and stack them vertically, one above the other to raise the camera a bit more to allow more room to work with?"

I received an email from the manufacturer who informed me that you can attatch one of the tripod adapters to the other to double the size. So since they are "1" in hight you would then get "2" of clearance, to remove the tape from the camera without removing the camera from the tripod.

The only thing I don't like about this is that the adapters are slightly staggered when attached to each other, as the holes don't line up properly.
He informed me however that when the adapters are connected they are still very secure.
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Old November 21st, 2005, 12:23 AM   #27
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Thanks for the info, help and reply.

The good is that it can be done. The bad is that it costs twice as much.

The best solution would be a 2" unit that has a reasonable price increase.

Maybe they could sell 2 of the current ones for a discount?

I am surprised that the holes don't line-up.

Danny Fye
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Old November 23rd, 2005, 10:42 AM   #28
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Danny, here are the 2 pics that the developer of the adapter sent me.

As I said the adapters seem to be offset when stacked. The cost of purchasing 2 aren't a big deal to me as they aren't expensive anyway. What would worry me is, I would be using this with both a tripod/monopod or with my DvRig Pro (which I use often), and wouldn't like to take a risk of having the offset adapters coming loose.
I might try to make a taller one myself by purchasing one to use as a guide, and go to Home Depot and create a taller one myself. of course, I won't be purchasing my A1 for another month or 2, as I am just deciding if it's best to go with FX1 or A1. The only thing stopping me from going with the A1 is the bottom loading solution, as I prefer the balanced audio on the A1 compared to the FX1 with Beachtek adapter.
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Old November 23rd, 2005, 11:22 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Michael Liebergot
What would worry me is, I would be using this with both a tripod/monopod or with my DvRig Pro (which I use often), and wouldn't like to take a risk of having the offset adapters coming loose.
I might try to make a taller one myself by purchasing one to use as a guide, and go to Home Depot and create a taller one myself.
Thanks much Michael.

Yea those are a bit offset. I don't know if they would become loose or not but it wouldn't look very good or professional.

How would you go about making your own? Maybe if you did, you could post instructions as to how to do so and what materials would be needed and all.

Thanks again,
Danny Fye
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Old November 23rd, 2005, 11:56 AM   #30
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"How would you go about making your own?"

I would try to find a piece of metal that is around the same configuration and use the holes in the purchased adapter as a guide for threading size and position. Maybe find a smith locally who could mill one for me.

The funny thing is that, looking at the pictures that looking at Roger's pictures, you would only need about 1/2 inch more in height to allow clearance on a regular tripod.

If the developer would make the adapter taller by 1/2 to 1 inch, and seel it, he could make a ton of money, as it seems noone makes a tripod adapter right now for bottom loading cameras, that enable you to change teh battery and tape without removing the camera from a tripod..

I really hate Sony for wasting a good camera (supposed Professional A1), by crippling it to make it bottom loading. The least they could have done is make an adapter to sell along with it.
All of the talk Sony did, by saying that it wasn't meant to be used on a tripod is a crock. Why put threads on the bottom then, if it wasn't made for tripod use?

I really like the small size and XLR capability of the A1, but the more I have to rattle my brain to find a practicle solution to bottom loading tape, the more, I am inclined to go with the FX1.
I could purchase a Firestore and record directly to disk, but by the time, I did that, I would be in Z1 territory.

I only wish I could afford the Z1.
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