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Sony HVR-A1 and HDR-HC Series
Sony's latest single-CMOS additions to their HDV camcorder line.

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Old November 20th, 2008, 03:59 AM   #16
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My HC-1 is mainly a pc cam these days as i rarely use it in the field but recently the lcd went so i could not even use it for pc work,here in the uk i have accepted a 171£ quote incl parts labour and vat, i have a FX-7 but its large for the space i have around the pc table so i hope getting the HC-1 repaired is a wise move.
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Old November 20th, 2008, 04:51 AM   #17
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The HC1 is still in production and sold as the Sony A1, so it must have proved to be a very good and reliable camera indeed. I would have thought it worth repairing if it hasn't been used 'n' abused.
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Old November 20th, 2008, 06:09 AM   #18
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Its as new body wise,the heads have done a fair few hours thats the only slight worry but i have given the go ahead as if i purchased a second hand cam for anywhere near the same price i would still not be sure of head wear etc.
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Old November 20th, 2008, 08:47 PM   #19
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I'm sort of on the same boat as you, but repair's not an option for me. My HC1 just died in a house fire I had last month (which also killed my Canon XH-A1). I had purchased it open box back in 2006 from Best buy. It was barely used (it was in its box, had plastic still on, etc.) and I got it for $1100. It had a good run, giving me only one problem last fall when the tape deck woudln't come back up. I got it fixed by Sony (under warranty) and after that, no issues.

Now I need to get another consumer type camera. Ideally, I would love something that could record to both tape and a hard drive or flash drive or something. I love recording to tape, makes archiving so easy. But I know I'd work with footage a lot more if I could access it in a more handy method than finding it on tape. Plus, I have a lot of footage on mini dv tapes I'd still like to view and work with.

But on the consumer level, seems nothing like that exists. So I'm thinking an HV20 or HV30. Maybe I cold get the HVR-A1, but I haven't really looked at it - is it a lot bigger than the HC1?
Current Audio Equipment: two AT822 mics, Sony MZ-RH1, and KE-110CCR. What else should I get for short films and recording stand-up comedy?
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Old November 20th, 2008, 09:14 PM   #20
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Physically, the Sony HC1 and A1 are essentially identical, except that the A1 has a dual XLR audio module bolted on its top. Featurewise, the A1 has a few additional "pro" feature like black stretch.
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Old November 21st, 2008, 02:05 AM   #21
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Go for the HV30 Shahryar. You could add a Sony CF reader by Firewire, but it costs. That little Canon is just amazing - so anap it up now while the MiniDV cams are still available.
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Old November 21st, 2008, 08:18 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Graham Hickling View Post
Physically, the Sony HC1 and A1 are essentially identical, except that the A1 has a dual XLR audio module bolted on its top. Featurewise, the A1 has a few additional "pro" feature like black stretch.
Originally Posted by Tom Hardwick View Post
Go for the HV30 Shahryar. You could add a Sony CF reader by Firewire, but it costs. That little Canon is just amazing - so anap it up now while the MiniDV cams are still available.
Thank you both for the feedback. I'm leaning towards the HV30 Tom, just looking for the right price. I remember back in April 2008, B&H Photo had some crazy deal on getting the camcorder for $650 + shipping. I bought it, but decided my HC1 was still good and let my friend get it from me for what I paid. I'm going to keep an eye out for a good sale price on it from a reputable seller and get it then.

So I could add on the Sony CF Reader if needed for the HV30? What kind of cost would I be looking at? I most probably wouldn't want to use anything extra with this cam that I mainly want to use for family events and stuff. It just would be really nice if there was something small that would do both tape and card (or HDD). Then I could just Record an event, leave the tape at home on my shelf if I ever need it, take the card(s) with me in my bag, and whenever I get a chance, move things to my computer to edit, upload, and share. Would the CF reader be a significant add on in terms of size?

Recording to something else in addition to tape is more important to me when I decide on how to replace my XH-A1. I might consider stepping up to the XH-A1s because (from what I understand) it's 6 pin firewire will make it easier to work with an external HD. But $4k's kind of a tough pill to swallow - I was more comfortable spending $2750, the amount I paid on my used XH-A1 (bought from a member a couple months ago). For the amount and type of work I'll be doing with this cam, I can't justify spending too high an amount.
Current Audio Equipment: two AT822 mics, Sony MZ-RH1, and KE-110CCR. What else should I get for short films and recording stand-up comedy?
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Old September 6th, 2013, 08:55 AM   #23
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Re: my HC1 is broken -- repair or replace?

I have damaged mine while diving with it,some salt water got inside and damaged some boards.If you decide to sell yours pm me
Charles Cutajar is offline   Reply

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