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Sony Hard Drive and Memory Card Recorders
Including the HVR-MRC1K CF Card Recorder, HVR-DR60 Hard Disk Recorder and others.

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Old May 14th, 2007, 04:49 PM   #16
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I now have 50 hours of recording with the DR-60, and no problems. If I had to point to something, it must be the PC-OFF-CAMERA button. It is too loose, and it's easy to put it too far. I have several times in the field detected that the button was put to PC instead of OFF. But with the low power consumption, it has not been a problem.
I will also make a bracket for the DR-60 on my pan handle. For 2 reasons. First I think the unit is a little wobbly at the top of the camera in windy conditions, and second I would like to reach the REC button easy.
And I really like the size, the possibility to use Sony batteries, and the buffer.

Originally Posted by Jerry Wiese View Post
It takes a long time for the files to splice together into a continuous clip. Hopefully, Sony will improve performance with firmware or a Vegas upgrade.
I believe the long import time, is because Vegas needs to render the files together, as if we had to join several clips on the timeline, and render them out as one.
My problem with the long files are that I have to convert to Cineform to view them on the timeline. The m2t files will go to red frames and freeze the Vegas timeline.
Arnt Mollan
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Old May 29th, 2007, 05:16 AM   #17
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I have had the same problem with the redframes after using Vegas 7 to import from the DR-60. Incredibly frustrating and time consuming-- almost negates the positive aspects of using the DR-60.

I might understand incompatibility with other NLEs, but one would think Sony would have its act together with its own hardware and Vegas software. Definitely something they need to fix.

I have found that shorter clips -- less than 4GB (approx 15-20 minutes) are much easier to work with, since they don't need to be joined. I have gotten into the habbit of stopping and starting between events (such as dance routines) and using the timecode to synch up multi-cams.

Also, I have found it easier to copy the enitre directory from the DR-60 to a separate hard drive for editing later. This has worked better than using Sony's file import tools.

If anyone knows a trick that I am overlooking, I sure would like to know about it.
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