HVR-DR60 to Final Cut Pro? - Page 3 at DVinfo.net
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Sony Hard Drive and Memory Card Recorders
Including the HVR-MRC1K CF Card Recorder, HVR-DR60 Hard Disk Recorder and others.

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Old May 27th, 2008, 01:58 AM   #31
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I've been using the plugin

Just wanted to update you guys...That plugin works pretty well. I've actually learned a great way to keep my data organized as well. I work on the road recording a rock band's life for web/dvd delivery. Since there are many days that I am shooting a lot of footage, what i've started doing since I got this plugin to work for me is:
1. I create a new folder everyday with the show # and date
2. In that folder I recreate the directory structure of the actual HVR-DR60
So I make a "VIDEO" folder with a "HDVF" folder in it.
3. I move all the media off of my DR60 to the "fake" archive I created
4. I just direct Final Cut to that directory in the "Log and Transfer" window

Note- You won't have the ability to preview ANY of your clips in the Log and transfer window, but at least, as everyone says, it is faster/better organized that using MPEGStreamclip. Also of note - I have a high rate of failure of clips. There seems to be corrupted files for every day I'm out in the field. Usually the failure rate is about 5-10 percent. So I just keep these clips in M2T format and Streamclip it if I need them later.

Does anyone know if they've ever released a firmware update for the DR60? It would seem warranted at this point in time.
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Old March 23rd, 2009, 09:49 AM   #32
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Ok this thread has been dead a while but I still have a few questions.
I'm using the DR60 with FCP and it works like a champ
if I hit shift apple 8 and then turn on the harddrive it reads it every single time.

Now my question is, what should my settings be set at, what does FCP do to the clips when it imports them (I mean how does it transcode them?)

if I'm shooting on a HVR-V1U in 30p 1080i what should I set FCP to

I'm thinking HDV 1080 30p?
Is this correct or should I use AIC or 1080 60i.

I just want the right way so it doesn't have to take a long time to render.

I have no need for prores at this moment.

And I hope this makes sense, I'm a little confused after re-reading it.

I have the latest updates for FCP and Leopard on last year's Mac Pro
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