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Sony Hard Drive and Memory Card Recorders
Including the HVR-MRC1K CF Card Recorder, HVR-DR60 Hard Disk Recorder and others.

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Old March 9th, 2010, 10:44 AM   #1
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MRC1K & 64GB CF Card

So anyone tried one yet?

Transcend 64GB Extreme 400x CompactFlash Memory Card : COMPACT FLASH :

Or the Scandisk one:

SanDisk 64GB Extreme Pro 90MB/s CompactFlash HIGH SPEED Memory Card (UDMA-6) : COMPACT FLASH :
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Old January 11th, 2011, 01:53 AM   #2
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MRC1K supports maximum 32GB.
HVR-Z7U, D80
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Old January 11th, 2011, 02:53 AM   #3
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Others seem to be having no problem with 64GB cards, and I haven't heard any evidence to suggest that is true. Certainly not in the manual, and not from Sony. This has been addressed in other threads.

Obviously would love to hear your first-hand experience if it differs, or a source for this assertion.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 12:20 PM   #4
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I found that information on a website that sells HVR-Z7. I have to admit that I did not verified that info, instead I emailed SONY asking for an update for MRC1/K and they have it. It can be downloaded from their support area. I've downloaded and installed the update. Now I have version 2.0. In the instruction list for upgrading there is a table with the cards and size supported. There are only Lexar and Sandisk. No Transcend :(.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 12:31 PM   #5
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This is very valuable info, thanks. Do you have a link to the instructions and/or documentation for this? The update, I mean, not the user manual for the device. There does not seem to be any US info on this, only European.
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Old February 1st, 2011, 03:44 AM   #6
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OOPS! I thought there is an instruction in the archive. :). The link is this: Sony Support Centre, but you have to login. Also, prior to this I had a conversation with a support guy from US and, I guess, in you case you'll have to contact him for providing further instruction and software. Although, my Z7 was bought from US and changed the software to PAL. In my opinion it should be working for US units, cause my MRC1 unit is from US :). I don't see any incompatibility. Here is the conversation:
" Hi Alin,

Please call me or provide you contact number, Depending on your HVR-MRC1 serial number, there is version 2.00 update for compatibility with Higher capacity cards


Louis Flefleh
Sony Electronics.
Product Application Specialist
Product Operation Support Center (P.O.S.C.)
Voice: 800-883-6817
Fax: 201-833-5210

Professional Services Website:
Sony | Services and Programs
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Old February 1st, 2011, 08:03 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Alin Avramoni View Post
OOPS! I thought there is an instruction in the archive. :). The link is this: Sony Support Centre, but you have to login. Also, prior to this I had a conversation with a support guy from US and, I guess, in you case you'll have to contact him for providing further instruction and software. Although, my Z7 was bought from US and changed the software to PAL. In my opinion it should be working for US units, cause my MRC1 unit is from US :). I don't see any incompatibility. Here is the conversation:
" Hi Alin,

Please call me or provide you contact number, Depending on your HVR-MRC1 serial number, there is version 2.00 update for compatibility with Higher capacity cards


Louis Flefleh
Sony Electronics.
Product Application Specialist
Product Operation Support Center (P.O.S.C.)
Voice: 800-883-6817
Fax: 201-833-5210

Professional Services Website:
Sony | Services and Programs

Thanks for that I've uploaded my MRC1K.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 12:45 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Alin Avramoni View Post
MRC1K supports maximum 32GB.
Can anyone tell me if the I can use the Sony MRC 1K to capture video on my FX 1000. If so then what else would I need to acquire the footage and transfer it to my editing bay....thanks for any help
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 02:30 PM   #9
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Works fine with the FX1000 -- just doesn't snap onto the back like the Z5 and Z7. You'll use the included cradle, Mounting Bracket and Firewire cable to record. Make sure the unit is in FOLLOW mode. SYNCHRONOUS won't work (or so the manual says -- have to try this and confirm).

You'll transfer to the PC by popping the card into any reader or you can connect the unit itself via Firewire to the PC and transfer that way. You can use either the supplied Sony software if you need to join split clips, or simply drag the files to your Hard Disk if you don't. Either way works fine.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 02:37 PM   #10
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Alin, thanks for those links. Updated all five of my MRCs last night and all looks well.

Interestingly, the update instructions file lists the Sandisk 64GB card as one of those recommended to perform the update, not that the update now supports that size. So the MRC has never had a card size limitation on the upper end, at least as far as I can find, and this update does not appear to change this issue in any way. At least according to the document:

The following conditions have been corrected:
1. Cache recording sometimes failed when a SanDisk high speed CompactFlash (CF) card was used.
2. An internal flash ROM data error caused the unit to malfunction.
3. Multiple files were imported as a single file in Final Cut Pro.
4. Files recorded from an HVR-1500 to HVR-MRC1 via i.LINK in DV or AVI mode could not be imported
into Final Cut Pro.
It's certainly possible that the tech guy is right and this is an "undocumented" feature, though.

But the Recommended Cards table is very useful as I've never seen Sony take a position on this before. I'd suggest everyone with an MRC download and read this doc for that alone. For what it's worth, I used a Transcend 32GB card to copy the flash update to and to perform the procedure, and it seemed to work fine.

Thanks for posting all this info.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:34 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Ted Cosmos View Post
Can anyone tell me if the I can use the Sony MRC 1K to capture video on my FX 1000. If so then what else would I need to acquire the footage and transfer it to my editing bay....thanks for any help
Are you asking about recording video to the MRC while shooting with an FX1000 or are you asking about recording to to an MRC while playing a previously recorded tape in your FX1000?

You can do both.

First, you can use and MRC with an FX1000 whether or not it is running tape. Synchro mode in the MRC only works with an FX1000 when the cam is running tape. (That is, you have to be starting and stopping tape with the record button for it to also control the MRC.) Without tape in the FX1000 (at least on mine), you have to hit the record buttons on the MRC. To transfer the file to the computer, you just hook the MRC to the computer with a 6 pin-to-6-pin firewire cable (or, if using typical lapto, you would use the same cable you use with the camera). When you plug in the camera and Firewire cable to the computer, the Sontu ru-util automatically recognizes the CF card and treats the computer as a plug in drive (much like thumb drive.) At least, that is how it works on a Windows computer. Some people use CF card-readers some of which read CF cards faster than the camera does.

Second, to record a previously recorded tape to an MRC from an FX1000, you put the FX1000 in vcr mode, press press the record buttons on the MRC, and press play on the FX1000. I've found this handy to when capturing older tapes . I use the MRC because I can capture without tying up the computer and can continue working on editing other projects on the computer. I later transfer the CF card's files to the computer at a more opportune time.
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Old February 6th, 2011, 09:21 PM   #12
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On the specific advice of our Sony dealer, we used twelve 16Gb Pretec 233X CF cards and didn't have a single problem in a year of recording weddings.

I think the Sony recommendations are to protect their market position - and that of their mates' at Sandisk with who they developed the original SxS cards. If I built a recorder and also sold Cf cards I don't think I'd bother testing or even mentioning a competitor either.
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Old March 11th, 2011, 07:03 PM   #13
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Re: MRC1K & 64GB CF Card

That's not wrong
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Old April 28th, 2011, 07:06 AM   #14
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Re: MRC1K & 64GB CF Card

Well, guys, it had to be happened!. Last night, my Transcend 32 400x card gave me the error: Format error. The thing is I did nothing to lead to this, just checked my camcorder to see it's alright. I tried to pull out, pull in in the MRC1, nothing. Put the card in the reader an did a full format, then put it back in the unit and recorded some footage. Went OK. I recorded/deleted the files, switch on and off. Now, it seems to work just fine, again, but my heart is soo small. I lost my trust in this cards. I've bought 2 Lexars 32 400x, I hope I won't be disappointed :). Also, I did some writing/reading test with Transcend and Lexar cards and I have to say that Lexar is on the top with a writing speed of 27656KB/s which yields in a speed of 180x. The reading was limited by the USB2.0(32756KB/s-=220x). In my opinion, buying a transcend car it's like a lottery. I have 4 of them, the first 2 are better in writing than the other 2 (24456KB vs 17456KB). I did't test them on FW800 or USB 3.0. Maybe on this connections will perform better :). At the end I'd like to say that MRC1/K units will operate in PIO mode, max density of 137mb as a Sony support guy told me. Cheers
HVR-Z7U, D80
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Old April 28th, 2011, 10:49 AM   #15
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Re: MRC1K & 64GB CF Card

If it's working after a format on your PC reader, then you're lucky. You must reformat the card in the MRC.
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