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Sony Hard Drive and Memory Card Recorders
Including the HVR-MRC1K CF Card Recorder, HVR-DR60 Hard Disk Recorder and others.

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Old October 6th, 2009, 01:10 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Greg Laves View Post
Stelios, Sony says to turn the computer off as well as the firewire device. If either is hot, you can do damage. Although they didn't specifically say it, I think it primarily occurs if you try to plug in a 6 pin firewire upside down in relation to the socket.
I can understand that you can do damage it if you plug it the wrong way, but if the MRC1 is OFF and you unplug or plug the one end of the firewire I don't see how you can damage the unit.

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Old May 4th, 2010, 10:43 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Rob Morse View Post
Greg, have you resolved this issue? I am having the exact same problem. I didn't notice it before because nobody was speaking at that point. It's as if the audio is missing prior to ending the clip. I tried the Sony utility & that did squat. I don't think the joining of the clips is the problem. I am not even missing a frame from the video so rejoining the clips would make no difference.
Rob, I am having a similar problem to what you experienced. Have you figured out what the problem is? At the end of each M2T clip, there are 7 frames of video but no audio. Not a massive issue for projects I edit, but for clients who want unedited copies, I can see it being a little annoying when you have to listen to 7 frames of silence every time the camera stops.

Has anyone else experienced this issue or know of a solution?

Just a quick note on my workflow:Matrox rt.x2 card running with Premiere Pro CS4/CS4 with updated mxtools.

This issue occurs even when editing in a non-Matrox project.

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Old May 8th, 2010, 08:17 PM   #33
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My resolution

My resolution was that I sent the unit into Sony service. They determined that there was a board burned out in the MRC1. They could offer no explination as to why the board was damaged but it was not related to the firewire port issue according to Sony. Since it has returned, it has worked as it should with one exception which may not be related to the MRC1. I was on a photo shoot where I would be shooting a ton of photos. To get more photos without dumping cards, I used one of my Transcend 16x cards in my Nikon. When the photo shoot was over, I re-formatted the card in the MRC1. On my next video shoot I had 2 clips that had 1 damaged frame at the end of the clips. Once I dumped the footage, I deleted the clips. The next shoot, I didn't experience any problems.
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