Hidden files with XDCam software at DVinfo.net
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Sony ENG / EFP Shoulder Mounts
Sony PDW-F800, PDW-700, PDW-850, PXW-X500 (XDCAM HD) and PMW-400, PMW-320 (XDCAM EX).

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Old November 29th, 2006, 07:16 PM   #1
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Hidden files with XDCam software

I'm finding there are some 11 gigs of files unaccounted for on my laptop hard drive.

When I have used XDCam FCP software, and not had my main digitize disk hooked up, the next the dig disk is hooked up the Mac seems to create a new virtual hard drive on my laptop disk, with for example, the number "01" at the end of the disk name, and digitize the footage in some hidden files on the laptop hard drive. I have seen this in "save" menus occasionally, but have no idea how to find that footage. I have tried hidden file utilities to locate, but have no success.

No matter how I add up all files on my hard drive, I still come up with 11 gigs unaccounted for.

Anybody else experience this?

Bill Weaver
Across Borders Media / Media that Matters
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Old December 2nd, 2006, 10:30 PM   #2
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Hi Bill

You're quite correct, this is a flaw in the XDCAM Transfer tool.
If you import files without your targetted media disc conected (the disc referenced in your XDCAM Transfer > Preferences > Import location) then the utility will create that directory according to the location specified. Its a bug.

eg If, in your preferences, you select a (connected) disk called "My Media", then the recorded import location is "/Volumes/My Media". When you then try to import without that disk attached, then XDCAM Transfer will create the location for you. Consequently, in future, when you do mount the disk, it will not be able to mount at the correct file system mount point, because that location will already exist (as created by XDCAM Transfer) and so it will instead create a new one "/Volume/My Media 01"

Of course, XDCAM Transfer will continue to use the exact filepath specified in the preferences ... so even though your media drive is now mounted, it will continue to import to the wrong location (that it created itself).

Hopefully that makes some sense, its rather a muddled explanation!

Anyway, long story short, if you want to go to and clear/delete that bogus location, then use the Finder's Go menu > Go to Folder (Cmd-Shift-G)
type in "/Volumes" (no quotes) and press return ... the filesystem's volumes mount point folder will open, where you should be able to idelete the bogus XDCAM import location

Hope that helps
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Old December 4th, 2006, 05:39 PM   #3
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Posts: 124
Thanks, Andy...

I found out about the "volumes" thing on a Mac site a few days ago. Presto. 11 gigs of disk space is now free.

Now, I always go thorugh re-assigning the disk in FCP, as it will default to the Volumes directory if I've been using Sony software offline....

Bill Weaver
Across Borders Media / Media that Matters
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