Mic suggestions for the Sony f350? at DVinfo.net
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Sony ENG / EFP Shoulder Mounts
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Old September 6th, 2009, 02:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Mic suggestions for the Sony f350?

There is allways some extra bits needed when getting a new cam and I thought that my Rode NTG-1 would work and fit into the mic holder. First of is the 5 pin XLR needed, this is ok as I can wire a new one together, second is that the Rode NTG-1 sticks out over the lens with a dead cat on it. (Why cant things go together)

I'm after a short nose mic for the f350 any suggestions? also does it have to be a stereo mic?.
I cant seem to find a product to fit the length needed (short nose mic) and I have search the net.
What are you people using.
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Old September 6th, 2009, 07:54 PM   #2
Taken away too young... rest in peace Eugene
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I think it may be difficult to find a good mic to fit the holder that's part of the viewfinder without it getting in your shot. Instead, I bought the Sony CAC-12 Camera Microphone Holder. This screws onto the camera further back on the body, giving you much more room for the mic body, not to mention multi-axis adjustability. It sells for $195US.

I use the Audio-Technica BP4029 (AT835ST). This seems to be a good stereo short shotgun. Same model has been used by NBC for Olympics coverage. It's just 236mm long. It sells for $699US.
Scorpio Productions
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Old September 7th, 2009, 08:04 AM   #3
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I tried the NTG-1 on my 350, using some self-adhesive foam strips to shim the loose fit in the holder. I made a 5pin to 3pin cable to plug it in at the front of the camera.

The Rode is a better sounding mike with better bass response that the supplied mic, but it also picked up the hum of the disk drive on the camera.

After testing back and forth, I came to the conclusion that the original mic that came with the camera does a better job, with less hassle.

It does a surprisingly good job of recording wild sound, and if better is required, I hire a sound guy.

A camera mounted mic will always have it's limitations.
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