X70 Cannot Select SD Card?
Hi, I've running on v3.00 using 4K. For the first time owning the X70, I loaded both SD card slots. I have some video on slot A, with slot B being empty and freshly formated. My problem is when I use the SLOT SELECT button it doesn't switch from A to B or B to A. The LCD shows both A & B only. Simply said, I can't switch to use one or the other independently. Any ideas? Your help would be most appreciated. Thanks, Ray
Ok..... I had the setting on "Simultaneous" recording instead of "Relay" recording. Made the change and all works as expected. Figured it out in the manual, go figure....... Somebody, slap me LOL.
Last edited by Ray Paula; November 19th, 2016 at 02:20 PM.
Reason: Found Solution