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Pro and consumer versions including PXW-Z150, PXW-Z100, PXW-X70 / FDR-AX100

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Old January 6th, 2015, 08:37 PM   #571
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Ron / Paul - Re-sensitivity: Thanks so much. That's clarified things immensely and given me a bit more reading to do.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 11:43 PM   #572
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

I know for a lot of you have had issues decoding and converting the Sony XAVC-L 422 10-bit long GOP that comes with the X70 and some of the other PXW cameras. Well there is a bit of light on the horizon.

I have been dealing with a guy named David on the Acrovid support team. Acrovid are the authors of FootageStudio4K. I sent him an XAVC-L clip a while back. The upshot is that he has got back to me with a download link for a trial version of FootageStudio4K that actually handles this codec beautifully. It can batch convert to many different codecs / wrappers etc, including many 'professional' codecs. This really opens up a new avenue for those of us stuck with nothing able to decode these files.

Early days so far but I am having great success in converting these XAVC-L clips to ProRes. What I see I like. Unlike some ProRes conversions FootageStudio4K appears to be maintaining the correct IRE and gamma levels of the original source footage.

I've attached a JPG of the interface GUI.

This is the gist of David's reply to me:


"I just uploaded a new update with support for Sony XAVC format, your sample file is processed fine, when processing you can also remove the empty audio tracks by unchecking them in the audio tab or in the trimming dialog.

you can download the new update 1.0.76 from Acrovid web or directly from here:

Please note that actual version implements most filters in 8 bits, so if both input and output videos are in 10-bit, the video is converted to 8 bits for processing. The 16 bits conversions actually implemented are the direct transcoding, and video resample, this is, if you activate the video resample and both input and output videos are in 10-bit, then the resampling is done in 16 bits keeping all the quality.

We are developing the full 16 bit processing version and I think will be ready in about 1 month, and of course it will be a free update for registered users."


Give it a go folks. I would love to hear your experiences with it. Use the link David supplied as the website still has the previous version which couldn't open the XAVC files.

Look forward to some feedback.

Chris Young
CYV Productions
Attached Thumbnails
Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100-footagestudio4k.jpg  
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Old January 9th, 2015, 11:51 PM   #573
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

That's an awesome responsiveness from the software developer. Credit where due.

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Old January 10th, 2015, 12:22 AM   #574
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Christopher Young View Post
I know for a lot of you have had issues decoding and converting the Sony XAVC-L 422 10-bit long GOP that comes with the X70 and some of the other PXW cameras. Well there is a bit of light on the horizon.

I have been dealing with a guy named David on the Acrovid support team. Acrovid are the authors of FootageStudio4K. I sent him an XAVC-L clip a while back. The upshot is that he has got back to me with a download link for a trial version of FootageStudio4K that actually handles this codec beautifully. It can batch convert to many different codecs / wrappers etc, including many 'professional' codecs. This really opens up a new avenue for those of us stuck with nothing able to decode these files.

Early days so far but I am having great success in converting these XAVC-L clips to ProRes. What I see I like. Unlike some ProRes conversions FootageStudio4K appears to be maintaining the correct IRE and gamma levels of the original source footage.

I've attached a JPG of the interface GUI.

This is the gist of David's reply to me:


"I just uploaded a new update with support for Sony XAVC format, your sample file is processed fine, when processing you can also remove the empty audio tracks by unchecking them in the audio tab or in the trimming dialog.

you can download the new update 1.0.76 from Acrovid web or directly from here:

Please note that actual version implements most filters in 8 bits, so if both input and output videos are in 10-bit, the video is converted to 8 bits for processing. The 16 bits conversions actually implemented are the direct transcoding, and video resample, this is, if you activate the video resample and both input and output videos are in 10-bit, then the resampling is done in 16 bits keeping all the quality.

We are developing the full 16 bit processing version and I think will be ready in about 1 month, and of course it will be a free update for registered users."


Give it a go folks. I would love to hear your experiences with it. Use the link David supplied as the website still has the previous version which couldn't open the XAVC files.

Look forward to some feedback.

Chris Young
CYV Productions
Chris, do you know if there is , or will be, a Mac version?
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Old January 10th, 2015, 02:00 AM   #575
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Josh Bass View Post
That's too bad about the 24x zoom. Most of what I've read swears up and down that the quality is almost imperceptibly different from the normal zoom range.
Don't believe everything you read Josh. At lower gain levels I find the Clear zoom more than usable.
Check out this for a reasonable test of the optical vs the 24x Clear Image. As the gain goes up so does the noise but I've shot overnight news with pure optical with more noise than the 18dB setting on the x70 so it really comes down to how important is it to get the shot. If it's a controlled production shoot lit properly you won't be using gain. There again most likely you wouldn't be using 24x either.

Chris Young
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Old January 10th, 2015, 02:02 AM   #576
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Mike Griffiths View Post
Chris, do you know if there is , or will be, a Mac version?
Not sure Mike but will ask them.

Chris Young
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Old January 12th, 2015, 04:52 AM   #577
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Mike Griffiths View Post
Chris, do you know if there is , or will be, a Mac version?
Mike ~

Just heard back from David at Acrovid he said a number of things relating mainly to the development of the 16-bit processing version and possible H.264 10-bit processing plus a PRO version with RAW processing plus some other items but what you would be interested in is the following:

"We plan to release a Mac version, the software is developed to be portable, but I cannot say a release date."

Well it looks like it will be coming but no release date just yet :(

Chris Young
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Old January 12th, 2015, 06:29 AM   #578
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Thanks Chris
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Old January 12th, 2015, 09:53 AM   #579
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

thanks. how have you users been feeling about the 12x zoom, if you dont use the digital zoom? what i mean is do you feel too limited by the 12x range? ive used the hpx170 with its 13x and the ex1 with its 14x. especially with the ex1 found it to be just fine. theoretically the difference between 12x and 14x is very little. practically? i would have to see them side by side.
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Old January 13th, 2015, 03:15 AM   #580
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

For me it hasn't been a drama as most of my work I use the x70 on is corporate so the wider end is more important to me. Over the Xmas period we used a couple of these x70s on half a dozen concerts and in the venues we worked in the 12x optical was totally suitable.

I tried the 24x out of curiosity and it was way too long at 24 x for the venues we were in but anywhere up to 12dB and it seems to hold a pretty decent image without too much noise. At 0dB outside most people unless you point it out to them don't even pick the fact that its a Clear Image zoom. The only thing you will notice and just notice is that if you do a flat out zoom wide to max there is an almost imperceptible step as it goes from optical to Clear Image. Slow to normal speed type zooms and I don't see the transition.

Chris Young
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Old January 13th, 2015, 08:03 AM   #581
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

what about the much discussed "muddiness" or lack of fine detail? someone in another forum keeps harping on that. frankly i dont see what they mean in the stills or video samples ive seen.
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Old January 13th, 2015, 08:54 PM   #582
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Chris -

With regard to this quote:
Originally Posted by Christopher Young View Post
"We plan to release a Mac version, the software is developed to be portable, but I cannot say a release date."
What do you think they mean by "... the software is developed to be portable ...."?

"portable" - to mean for use with different editing applications? cams? or ..?

Being an FCPX user I'm looking for a cam where numerous clips can be imported at at time, not just one at a time. I know the day is coming when this will happen but don't know when or by whom (Sony or Apple). Not that it matters by whom, just want it done.

JVCs new cams will be totally X friendly and Canon is quiet. My current work backlog is holding me back from pursuing another cam at the moment but the light is at the end of the tunnel (I think).

Last edited by John Nantz; January 13th, 2015 at 08:55 PM. Reason: deleted "doing"
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Old January 13th, 2015, 11:37 PM   #583
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

John ~

David is meaning that the code base being written is able to be 'ported' to Apple. Very much like when in 1998 Macromedia's QuickTime based NLE for Windows which was called Final Cut was 'ported' to Apple and became the ubiquitous Final Cut Pro we all know about. We just have to wait.

In the meantime I'm waiting on a response as to whether a purchaser of the Win version could eventually transfer that licence to a Mac version in due course.

Currently the Win version does a nice job of batch conversion along with a host of options like De-noise and a host of filters like:

Add Motion Blur
Remove artifacts
Add grain
Convert PC/TV output levels (This is a great option to have)
Color space conversion
Convert to grayscale
Flip video
Swap chroma channels

I'm about to check out FS4K's Overcrank / Slow Motion capabilities which have a number of motion processing modes including pre-processing. Should be interesting.

Chris Young
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Old January 14th, 2015, 10:10 PM   #584
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Has anyone had a chance to try Content Browser Mobile with the PXW-X70 for remote control from an iPad etc. I can think of a few useful scenarios, simplest being just as a second larger monitor. The one review I found on the iTunes site said the app would not connect to the X-70.
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Old January 14th, 2015, 10:34 PM   #585
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Terence - when using Content Browser Mobile, the LCD blacks out with a message that the camera is being controlled by CBM, so you can't use it as a second monitor. I've connected with both iPad2 and iPhone 4S. I ran into a snag trying to make the WiFi connection until I read in the manual that you have to establish the connection first in Settings, then open the App. The app isn't fully developed yet. In future you will be able to browse your card on the iPad or iPhone (Android as well, I imagine), and review clips. Streaming and file transfer will become available with a future firmware update (from the brochure).
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