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Sony 4K Ultra HD Handhelds
Pro and consumer versions including PXW-Z150, PXW-Z100, PXW-X70 / FDR-AX100

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Old September 17th, 2014, 07:08 AM   #181
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

So, has anyone seen a cable that will go from the Multi terminal to a female 2.5mm mini jack? Looks like I can do it using two cables, but would really prefer just one cable. Actually, I'd really just prefer to have a LANC that has a multi port so I can just plug it in directly, but so far I have not found one. I know sony has a remote, but it is very limited, I really need one that will at least do focus. Sony VMCAVM1 A/V R Adapter Cable: Electronics : VariZoom VZ-AV/LANC Mini Audio/Video to LANC Converter : Camera And Camcorder Cables : Camera & Photo
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Old September 18th, 2014, 03:33 AM   #182
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Stephen Robinson View Post
So, has anyone seen a cable that will go from the Multi terminal to a female 2.5mm mini jack? Looks like I can do it using two cables, but would really prefer just one cable. Actually, I'd really just prefer to have a LANC that has a multi port so I can just plug it in directly, but so far I have not found one. I know sony has a remote, but it is very limited, I really need one that will at least do focus. Sony VMCAVM1 A/V R Adapter Cable: Electronics : VariZoom VZ-AV/LANC Mini Audio/Video to LANC Converter : Camera And Camcorder Cables : Camera & Photo
the vivitar 8-button lanc controller comes with the cable (2.5mm female to sony AV/R) so you just need to get the VMCAVM1. Now the vivitar does lots of stuff (including focus +/-) but also selectable and constant zoom speed plus variable. and more. The zoom rocker makes a loud(ish) click but there are ways to fix it. you'll have to open it and put a piece of paper on the 2 switches (of the zoom) and then gaffer tape to cover the paper and fix it. After you close it the clicks are gone making this cheap controller one of the best that I had. I use a manfrotto now (on a sony EX1r) and I still miss that controller because it was good, and the angle on the tripod handle was perfect plus the zoom rocker was vertical making it more intuitive (at least to me). I use a manfrotto (on EX1r) now and I still miss the vivitar. seriously.
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Old September 18th, 2014, 09:06 AM   #183
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

My camera has arrived. First impressions is that it is basically the same body as the AX100, with a few changes. Mainly to the hand grip which is larger and has the joystick. I think the joystick would have been better if it has been placed where the HDMI port is. The joystick is to the far right and is actually a little difficult to operate with my thumb. Not a huge deal though. The XLR handle is very good quality and seems to be made of metal, where the body of the camera seems to be a plastic just like the AX100. The LCD screen seems really nice, as well as the OLED viewfinder. If you have the LCD open, but put your eye up to the viewfinder, the LCD shuts off and the viewfinder turns on. When you take your eye away, the LCD comes back on. If you open the LED or pull out the eyepiece, the camera powers on. It shuts off if you close the LCD or push in the eyepiece. If either one is still open, the camera stays on. I love the size and weight of the camera. Even though it is small and relatively light weight, it feels very nice and is of very good quality.

These are just my impressions from about 15 minutes of handling the camera. I have alot of reading and fiddling with the camera to really get to know it. I haven't even had a chance to jump into the menu system. One thing I did notice, was there's no button for the Night Shot mode on the camera like on the AX100, not sure how to access it. It also doesn't appear to have the ability to take pictures like the AX100. I guess Sony expects their pro line video cameras to be used for video :)

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Old September 18th, 2014, 09:21 AM   #184
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Can you look into if it can superimpose time stamp ? Awesome you get the camera already!!!
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Old September 19th, 2014, 06:16 AM   #185
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

I'm pretty much a hobbyist, so I'm not real familiar with time code, but here's what the manual says about it.

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Old September 19th, 2014, 08:11 AM   #186
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Stephen Robinson View Post
So, has anyone seen a cable that will go from the Multi terminal to a female 2.5mm mini jack? Looks like I can do it using two cables, but would really prefer just one cable. Actually, I'd really just prefer to have a LANC that has a multi port so I can just plug it in directly, but so far I have not found one. I know sony has a remote, but it is very limited, I really need one that will at least do focus. Sony VMCAVM1 A/V R Adapter Cable: Electronics : VariZoom VZ-AV/LANC Mini Audio/Video to LANC Converter : Camera And Camcorder Cables : Camera & Photo
Having bought 2 AX100 for my theatre work (an upgrade from my MC50 and CX550 cameras) I was amazed to find that Sony had changed the multi-terminal port again. They don't even seem to sell any accessories themselves that actually fit it!!. So had to buy 2 of their adapters to fit the previous multi-terminal cable, which in itself converts the 2.5mm lanc jack. Just another way to rip off customers and annoy them over a silly little thing. So yes at the moment you need 2 cable to connect a 2.5mm lanc terminal to the multi-terminal.
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Old September 19th, 2014, 08:31 AM   #187
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

stephen, is the zoom rocker continuously variable?
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Old September 19th, 2014, 08:32 AM   #188
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Thanks for the info. I went ahead and ordered them, so hopefully they will work. It is a pretty big oversight on their part, whether it's intentional or unintentional. I also emailed Varizoom and their response was that the do not have a LANC controller to fit the Sony Multi port at this time. It's been out a while now, hopefully someone will step up and make a real remote for it.
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Old September 19th, 2014, 08:34 AM   #189
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Brian Terrinoni View Post
Can you look into if it can superimpose time stamp ? Awesome you get the camera already!!!
page 101 in the manual says this is possible with interlace video. Default is OFF. Someone with the camera can confirm.

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Old September 19th, 2014, 08:37 AM   #190
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Darren Levine View Post
stephen, is the zoom rocker continuously variable?
It is variable on the hand grip out of the box, I think you can change a setting to make if fixed if you choose through the menu. The rocker on the handle can be either by changing the switch on the side of the XLR handle.
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Old September 19th, 2014, 09:18 AM   #191
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Stephen Robinson View Post
Well, I decided to go ahead and pre-order this camera. NOW, come on Sony get this thing out to the public please. I hope it lives up to my expectations. As long as it compares favorably to the Canon XA20, I'll be happy with it.
Originally Posted by Barry J. Weckesser View Post
I'm wondering what the holdup is on shipping the camera. None of the major dealers have any idea - in fact one dealer said Sony sent them an email backing down on a September delivery and giving "sometime in the fall" estimate.

Has anyone heard any other news as to expected shipping?
A bit off topic but I do need to chuckle:

Sony JUST announced this camera and folks are clamouring for it to be released NOW, whereas a certain Australian company announces a camera in April that might ship before NEXT NAB and no one says a word, except to speculate on just how awesome it will be.

These days have to be terrible days to be a camera engineer...

PS. Nothing personal to the two DVInfo'ers quoted.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old September 19th, 2014, 10:37 AM   #192
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Shaun Roemich View Post
A bit off topic but I do need to chuckle:

Sony JUST announced this camera and folks are clamouring for it to be released NOW, whereas a certain Australian company announces a camera in April that might ship before NEXT NAB and no one says a word, except to speculate on just how awesome it will be.

These days have to be terrible days to be a camera engineer...

PS. Nothing personal to the two DVInfo'ers quoted.
Well, I think that the company should be ready to get the camera to market before they officially announce a camera. What's the point of announcing a camera they are designing? Sony announced this camera and gave a ship date of September. They set the expectations. For me at least, they have meet those expectations and I am proudly in possession of the X70. I'm not sure why my dealer got it ahead of other much larger dealers, but I do know that they had the camera's NDA'd into them. Maybe the larger dealers are going to be getting theirs in on the slow boat. Either way, a company should not set expectations unless they are sure they are going to meet them, or they risk souring their audience.
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Old September 19th, 2014, 10:47 AM   #193
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

The camera was announced at the end of July. It apparently will ship at the end of September.

Most retailers don't know anything about the cameras until they are officially announced - my Sony retailer here in Canada JUST found out what MSRP on the new FS-7 is two days ago and hasn't received HIS cost yet.

I think that a two month roll out on the X-70 is remarkable.

But I'm old and jaded.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old September 19th, 2014, 10:53 AM   #194
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Originally Posted by Shaun Roemich View Post
The camera was announced at the end of July. It apparently will ship at the end of September.

Most retailers don't know anything about the cameras until they are officially announced - my Sony retailer here in Canada JUST found out what MSRP on the new FS-7 is two days ago and hasn't received HIS cost yet.

I think that a two month roll out on the X-70 is remarkable.

But I'm old and jaded.
What I can't believe is how little information was leaked about this camera once it was announced. There are literally zero videos out there that were not produced by Sony with this camera. Usually there's stuff that makes it's way out and we get to see some real world samples before the camera makes it to market. That's pretty remarkable considering how easy it is to distribute information these days.
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Old September 19th, 2014, 10:55 AM   #195
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Re: Sony PXW-X70 announced: Pro XDCAM version of AX100

Just ordered the X70 with CVP today. I have had my hands on this little baby extensively last week on IBC. It is a great little camcorder in my opinion. Ordered a Manfrotto 755XB tripod, MVH500AH head, Rode NTG1 mic and two Transcend 64 GB 90 MB/s SDXC cards as well. I'm confident this together is an amazing kit that will do great jobs.
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