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Sony 4K Ultra HD Handhelds
Pro and consumer versions including PXW-Z150, PXW-Z100, PXW-X70 / FDR-AX100

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Old April 1st, 2014, 10:41 AM   #781
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Adriano Moroni View Post
Do you know if AX100 can use NP-FV70 or NP-FV100 batteries? I don't know if they there are, but I'd like to know if it be problematic to use them. I need to know if AX100 will loss of balance.
Yup it comes with an FV70 battery, but I have two FV100 batteries that I use. I didn't have any problem using the FV100's with my previous tiny NX30, and likewise they seem fine with the somewhat larger AX100.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 10:55 AM   #782
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Adriano Moroni View Post
Do you know if AX100 can use NP-FV70 or NP-FV100 batteries? I don't know if they there are, but I'd like to know if it be problematic to use them. I need to know if AX100 will loss of balance.
The AX100 comes with the NP-FV70 in the box, and can use the NP-FV100.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 11:28 AM   #783
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Peter Siamidis View Post
Yup it comes with an FV70 battery, but I have two FV100 batteries that I use. I didn't have any problem using the FV100's with my previous tiny NX30, and likewise they seem fine with the somewhat larger AX100.
Good!! How many mAh are NP-FV100?
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Old April 1st, 2014, 12:47 PM   #784
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Adriano Moroni View Post
Good!! How many mAh are NP-FV100?
Mine say 3700 mAh, and they are genuine Sony batteries.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 01:34 PM   #785
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Ken Ross View Post
Steve, one guy did a test on another forum and found the crop factor ranged from 5% at the wide end to about 54% on the tight end.
I think this implies the horizontal buffer is about 160 pixels which is not much. I wonder if the cropped image is even zoomed back to UHD. Maybe the Clear Zoom simply records a smaller image. I seem to remember something about this.

I just had this thought -- once Active stabilization is turned on, Clear Zoom is also turned on. So does this mean the zoom rocker now controlling digital zoom? Or, like other cameras, is the digital range simply added to the optical zoom?

I've got to go back and carefully review the manual.

Today I was shooting in manual mode. It took a bit of non-intuitive playing around to get the manual mode to work something like a pro camera. Odd that Sony consumer cameras are more complicated to use in manual mode than a Sony pro camera. No wonder consumers simply use auto.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 02:04 PM   #786
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

[QUOTE=Steve Mullen;1839407

Today I was shooting in manual mode. It took a bit of non-intuitive playing around to get the manual mode to work something like a pro camera. Odd that Sony consumer cameras are more complicated to use in manual mode than a Sony pro camera. No wonder consumers simply use auto.[/QUOTE]

I am assuming it works just like the NX5 or AX1 in that the manual selector just means you can use manual control. If you do not set any of the parameters ( iris , gain, shutter, WB ) it is still in full auto. If you do not set ALL the controls the camera is still in auto using the controls that are not set. Sony have had this system for years. To explain. If you set WB and shutter then the camera will use iris and gain to expose the image. Set iris as well and the camera will use the gain to control exposure within the gain range set by max gain in the menu. NX5U and AX1 show the status of each parameter in the LCD of whether the parameter is in auto or manual set mode with value. I assume the AX100 is the same ?

Means you can have shutter or iris priority with gain limit and bias with AE shift something I use a lot on my NX5U as well as AX1. With AE speed one can also control how fast the AE changes .

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Old April 1st, 2014, 03:44 PM   #787
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Yes, this is all correct. You can pick and choose each of the 3 settings in either manual or auto. Any combo you are not "forced" into any auto mode on any of them. (like dozens of Handycams in the past and even two NXCAMs force on you today)

Another nice feature is "exposure. You can select any one or two settings of the three and the leave the other(s) on auto. When you adjust the "exposure" up or down, any auto settings will be adjusted to raise or lower the over all exposure.

For instance. Lock your shutter speed at 1/60 and leave the other two on "auto". When you raise and lower "exposure", the system will manipulate "gain" and "iris" to meet the level you want. You can pick any combination you want of the three. You just need at least one of them set for "auto" to use "exposure" feature.

White balance with this camera is literally as good as it gets in "any" camera. They even give you a color pallet/grid to fine tune the hue to the exact temp you want.

Sony rarely gives this much manual control for this price. (the Handycam VG series was the only other that comes to mind)

Bravo Sony....keep this standard up!

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Old April 1st, 2014, 03:55 PM   #788
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Clive McLaughlin View Post
Looks like theres still no footage out there for the AX100 in proper low light.
Hard to know what any one person considers "low-light." Here in Vegas or in Asia -- where I usually shoot -- these scenes are low-light.

In a small town in MN, this many lights would scare the cows.

I'll do some ordinary in home shots ASAP.

24fps, 1/48th, Auto.

Uploaded both ProRes 422 and h.264 (at 270Mbps). Do folks see a difference? Were graphics added ProRes 422 should be better.

Be sure to watch in 4K! (If you use Safari, you need to use a different browser because you can no longer select what stream you want to watch.)
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Old April 1st, 2014, 09:46 PM   #789
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Cliff Totten View Post
You can pick and choose each of the 3 settings in either manual or auto.

Another nice feature is "exposure. You can select any one or two settings of the three and the leave the other(s) on auto. When you adjust the "exposure" up or down, any auto settings will be adjusted to raise or lower the over all exposure.
Looking at the camera I expected the Gain and Shutter buttons would toggle from Auto through the values and back to Auto. I also was surprised why WB wasn't where the Iris button is because that's also a function that toggles from Auto through the values and back to Auto. There's really no value to the current system when after pressing a button one must use the Manual Dial to pick a value.

When I read the manual Sony wants you to press PROG AE, press one of the three buttons, and then adjust the value using the dial. That's three steps! (The same issue exits for Gain and Iris.)

I understand you like the Exposure function, but traditionally "exposure" is adjusted by an Iris control based on the current Gain and Shutter settings -- which could be Auto. (So one would still have an exposure function but without introducing the exposure control.)

Sony wants you to press PROG AE, Iris, and then adjust the aperture using the dial. Again, that's three steps. It would be far more natural to have the current Manual button (renamed Iris) toggle Iris between Auto and the lens-ring or Manual dial. The current Focus/Zoom switch would enable you to select Iris or Focus. (When Auto is selected, the menu set AE Shift would be employed.)

And, what's with the PROG AE button? It's obvious that when Iris, Gain, and Shutter are all in Auto -- a "program" could/would be followed. Sony, however, never publishes a graph of the program. I'd like to know if it keeps the shutter-speed at 1/48 or 1/60 for as long as possible.

Lastly, the Press-and-Hold function is really annoying as it brings up a pop-up. Why would I suddenly want to adjust WB Mg-G? More likely I would want to adjust audio level.

Nevertheless, Sony's manual/auto design is what it is. As I posted, I found a way to adjust everything.

But, I have a question. Sony wants you to press PROG AE, press one of the three buttons, and then adjust the value using the dial. But, the manual never says what to do after you set a value. For example, I set the shutter to 1/48. Now I want to "register" or "lock" the value as with any menu system. How do I lock the value?
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Old April 1st, 2014, 10:29 PM   #790
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Ken Ross View Post
I'm.not a fan of any digital zoom and never use them.

SteadyShot (Movie)

You can compensate for camera shake.
1.  - [Camera/Mic] - [  Camera Settings] - [  SteadyShot] - desired setting.
Descriptions of menu items Active :
Records a movie using a more effective SteadyShot function.


Standard (default setting):
This product reduces camera shake using the SteadyShot function in wide-angle shooting.


Off (  ):
This product does not use the SteadyShot function.

The angle of view will be changed after changing the settings of the [SteadyShot] function.


When you set [SteadyShot] to [Active], the zoom magnification is 24x when recording an HD movie and 18x when recording a 4K movie.

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Old April 2nd, 2014, 01:35 AM   #791
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Some easy questions:

1) If you use NP-FV100 batteries can they hinder using the viewfinder because the battery is just below this.
What is the ideal size of the battery for AX100? I need info because I have to buy many batteries.
2) How many minutes will AX100 rec on 32BG SD (rec in 4k)?
3) How many minutes is it possible to rec by a NP-FV100 battery?
4) Does anybody use compatible batteries for AX100? What brand is ok?
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Last edited by Adriano Moroni; April 2nd, 2014 at 02:16 AM.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 04:11 AM   #792
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Quote/But, I have a question. Sony wants you to press PROG AE, press one of the three buttons, and then adjust the value using the dial. But, the manual never says what to do after you set a value. For example, I set the shutter to 1/48. Now I want to "register" or "lock" the value as with any menu system. How do I lock the value?[/QUOTE]

Steve, as i recall it works the same as the VG30, you press the button on the value you are changing, the 'A' symbol to the left of the value will disappear and the value will be highlighted, change as required and move on to your next button which you want to change the value and repeat process, all values without the 'A' in front are locked, to unlock any value you have set press the button again and it will go to auto with the 'A' showing. You only need to press programme AE to reset all values at once to Auto after you have been in manual, not to start the process.
Dont forget you can choose to assign most of the menu choices to 'my buttons' on the screen which is a nice shortcut into the menu.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 04:24 AM   #793
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Adriano Moroni View Post
Some easy questions:

1) If you use NP-FV100 batteries can they hinder using the viewfinder because the battery is just below this.
What is the ideal size of the battery for AX100? I need info because I have to buy many batteries.
2) How many minutes will AX100 rec on 32BG SD (rec in 4k)?
3) How many minutes is it possible to rec by a NP-FV100 battery?
4) Does anybody use compatible batteries for AX100? What brand is ok?
Here is the manual i posted way back in this overlong thread which should answer most of your questions, have a look at Sony's AX100 page on Sony's Global site which has a lot of info as well.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 05:58 AM   #794
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Paul Rickford View Post

Steve, as i recall it works the same as the VG30, you press the button on the value you are changing, the 'A' symbol to the left of the value will disappear and the value will be highlighted, change as required and move on to your next button which you want to change the value and repeat process, all values without the 'A' in front are locked, to unlock any value you have set press the button again and it will go to auto with the 'A' showing. You only need to press programme AE to reset all values at once to Auto after you have been in manual, not to start the process.
Dont forget you can choose to assign most of the menu choices to 'my buttons' on the screen which is a nice shortcut into the menu.
Paul, you are 100% correct. Steve was making it sound a lot more complicated than it is. It's actually a very easy system to use. In fact, I think having these independently adjustable variables is unique to a small handicam like this, but then again I haven't had one of these small handicams in years.

Regarding the press and hold menu options on the front dial, this has been a Sony option on many of their higher end cameras for years, I like it. Yes, we could argue as to which options Sony should have offered that are available in the menu choices, but the system works well. I wouldn't mind seeing other camera companies used it,
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 06:17 AM   #795
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Re: Sony FDR-AX100

Originally Posted by Paul Rickford View Post
Here is the manual i posted way back in this overlong thread which should answer most of your questions, have a look at Sony's AX100 page on Sony's Global site which has a lot of info as well.
Ok, I thank you ... but I don't believe much to manuals. I believe more what users tell.
Besides the maual doesn't explain my n° 1 question, that is if NP-FV100 battery can hinder a little bit using the viewfinder because the battery is just below it.
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