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Silicon Imaging SI-2K
2/3" 1080p IT-integrated 10-bit digital cinema w/direct-to-disk recording.

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Old June 9th, 2007, 06:33 PM   #1
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How many here are buying a SI-2K?

I was wondering how many here have the intention of buying a SI-2K (mini or full camera) when it gets released? Has anybody actually ordered one already?
Michael Maier is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 9th, 2007, 08:28 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Michael Maier View Post
I was wondering how many here have the intention of buying a SI-2K (mini or full camera) when it gets released? Has anybody actually ordered one already?
It is released, you've been able to buy a mini for over a year now.
The new camera body was released for ordering around NAB time.
And yes we have one ordered, I know of at least two others on local order.
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Old June 9th, 2007, 11:43 PM   #3
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The MINI is released . . . we even had a press release about it back at NAB.

The SI-2K will be shipping in July, although I do believe the first lot is already pre-sold (you would have to ask Steve for confirmation, but in my last conversation with him, that's what he told me), so if you order now, you're looking at most likely a later August arrival, or rental from an owner in the July shipments.

You can purchase a MINI right now and credit that towards the SI-2K. Basically you get the MINI and then place it in the SI-2K body when you get that. In the meantime you would need a recording laptop.
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Old June 10th, 2007, 12:55 PM   #4
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We ordered the SI-2K body after using the mini for a couple months. The results we are getting with Nikkor primes is just unbelievable!
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Old June 10th, 2007, 10:22 PM   #5
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Just an FYI to the board.

SI just posted an HMI lit interview we shot with award winning Chef Beau Schmidt. IMO the camera has proven itself to be reliable and extremely run and gun in environments outside of cinema. A two-man crew had the entire interview set up and tore down in only 15-20mins (we had to get beau before the lunch rush).
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Old June 10th, 2007, 10:55 PM   #6
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Yep, it's a great looking interview too, nice and sharp, but not overly false-edge sharpened like you'll see on HDV cameras or "pseudo-HD" cameras that use subsampled imagers and pixel-shifting to get full 1080P resolution.

In fact, if you think about it, there are no cameras on the market from the majors under $25K with a 1920x1080 sensor. And to top that off, none of the codecs that those same cameras record to can record full-raster like CineForm . . . the only codecs capable of that from the majors are AVC-Intra and HDCAM-SR, and the cameras recording to those formats are a lot more expensive.
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Old June 19th, 2007, 11:47 AM   #7
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The SI-2K will be shipping in July, although I do believe the first lot is already pre-sold (you would have to ask Steve for confirmation, but in my last conversation with him, that's what he told me), so if you order now, you're looking at most likely a later August arrival, or rental from an owner in the July shipments.

I`ve been speaking with Ari, i`ve been doing some data to film tests with the first sensor and i`ve been waiting paciently 9 months the realease of the complete solution.

He is telling me that the full DVR is not ready and he is just sending me another MINI. Then i read here that the first lot is shipping in July, so i dont know who is lying here.

It will be wise to treat your clients with the truth and to be firm in the deals you make with them. When i decided to use your camera to make my film i thought you were a serious company...I dont know what to think anymore
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Old June 20th, 2007, 01:58 AM   #8
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from what I know you have not been given conflicting information.
This is only what I know from what I've been told, I'm not privy to anymore information than anyone else:

The SI-2K is not ready to ship as of today. Shipping of the first batch is estimated to commence last week in July or first week in August.
My further understanding is that one has been able to order the complete SI-2K for some time, the Mini could be shipped immediately as it was ready and the rest of the SI-2K would ship when it was built.
Bob Grant is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 20th, 2007, 02:18 PM   #9
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Hi Bob,

Yes, that is correct.

The SI-2K's have been orderable since NAB time-frame per our press-release, and a deposit is used to secure a position in line. Without a deposite no position is secured in-line. The production cameras are being assembled right now as we speak. Typical turn-around time for a production run is 4-6 weeks. So again, SI-2K's shipping in July, although I have to admit, I did say June/July before, and now I'm saying a solid July time-frame to later in July depending on where you are in the first production run (closer to the front, or nearer to the end). But please allow me a 1-2 week wiggle room on these estimates. As I've noted before, I don't work in sales, and I don't know all the numbers, who's getting cameras, etc. I do the best I can to answer the questions that people on this board have.
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Old June 20th, 2007, 07:45 PM   #10
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Bob and Jason:
That is preciselly the problem, i`ve paid 2 si2k full DVR
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Old June 20th, 2007, 07:54 PM   #11
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Bob and Jason:
That is preciselly the problem, i`ve paid 2 si2k full DVR`s since last year september, i`ve been testing all my workflow with the first si1920 sensors available, and since january i`ve been waiting for newer sensors with the PL and sensor case errors corrected. Every month they say that in 2 more weeks they ship the new sensors. Last week they told me that in a couple of weeks they will send us one MINI, but they couldnt tell us when they will send us the full DVR.

Then I enter here and read what Jason says with all the confidence about shipment, and i find out that Silicon Imaging is actually shiping NAB orders when I paid not the Mini`s but the full DVR`s since september , and you can imagine my reaction.

I believe im being more than polite with this kind of situation.
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Old June 20th, 2007, 08:41 PM   #12
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The last time I checked in with SI about the body (a few days ago), they said-‘we will have a good idea on a ship date in a couple weeks’. I understand where you are coming from because we also have a production on hold, but IMO I would rather wait a bit longer for a perfect SI-2K. I recall how upset I was with Tiffen when we purchased the original Steadicam Flyer in 04(it was upgraded in 05).

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Old June 20th, 2007, 09:12 PM   #13
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I totally agree with you, we`ve been working directly with them to improve the camera, and make it as good as possible, we`ve spended another good amount of money to test all the workflow and make it suitable for a mainstream film production, but i`ve been doing it with later tools, so all that money and time is lost.

The only thing im asking is communication, and commitment. Thats all.
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Old June 20th, 2007, 09:23 PM   #14
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I believe im being more than polite with this kind of situation.
Hi Sergio,

I understand your frustration, but again, I do not do sales, nor am I customer support, and I really have no idea who's buying what. That is what Steve and Ari do. I actually play a technical designer and research and development role at SI.

I will check up with them and see what went wrong here. As I noted, there have been beta customers that paid for MINI's *only*, and they will have to pay an upgrade fee if they want a new camera. It seems from your description that you were not in the same boat as some of these others. For all I know right now you are actually one of the customers in the first lot of cameras!

I do know that until the SI-2K ships, we can only give you a new MINI. We will then ship you the main camera body, and you simply slip the MINI inside to get a complete SI-2K camera. So if you were asking Ari for a camera right now (i.e., in your hands in the next two-three weeks), we can only send you a MINI.

But please, Sergio, we do the best we can, and I know I do the best I can to please as many people as possible. Sometimes I screw up. I will humbly admit that. But calling me a liar here on this forum is not the best way to get service. I typically call "lying" a process of known deception to manipulate a situation to one's advantage. That is not why I spend the hours I do on this list and other lists around the web replying the people's questions and responses. Every response I make is as accurate as I can make it at that point in time. There is no pathalogical deception happening here. And again, if I'm wrong, I humbly apologize.
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Old June 20th, 2007, 10:04 PM   #15
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I`m sorry for that, I was angry, you`re not a liar. My apologies.

I know you`re not responsible for the sales and that stuff, nor am I the responsible for the administrative issues in the production. We have to speak to Steve and Ari, and im sure we will solve it, soon.

I know for sure you`re doing your best, and so we are.
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