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Silicon Imaging SI-2K
2/3" 1080p IT-integrated 10-bit digital cinema w/direct-to-disk recording.

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Old May 27th, 2006, 10:01 AM   #46
Silicon Imaging
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New York or Hollywood
Posts: 214
Silicon naming conventions

The first product IS code named EVE. Just like Intel has a product code name such as Yonah or Presler for their dual core processors. When it goes to the market it has a branded name Centrino or Core Duo. We just need to settle on its branded model and product family names for our series of cinema cameras.

Silicon Cameras
Silicon HDVR Cameras
Silicon Cinema Camera Series

Do you think this can encompass a full range of products from HD, 2K, 4K, remote heads, micros, minis, 3Ds, rigs, etc...

Here are the models for Silicon-One or First-Silicon!

Silicon HDVR - could be the full camera with recorder
Silicon Mini-HD- Could be the camera head only
Silicon Micro-HD - The micro head for real tight spaces)

Then for next generation models
Silicon2K - A 2K Camera Family (2KDVR, HD, Mini, Micros)
Silicon4K - a 4K Camera (4KDVR, HD, Mini, Micros)

You would say

"I am shooting this feature with Silicon!" (ie. not film).

"Shoot it with Silicon", "Silicon", "Silicon is more flexible than Film". I want a Silicon HDVR" When are you going to build that Silicon4K".

We can then have our internal code name for the products. The next model family could be code named Chameleon (especially designed for its unique Coloring and uniqur 3D viewing capabilities).


Last edited by Ari Presler; May 28th, 2006 at 07:14 AM.
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Old May 28th, 2006, 06:20 AM   #47
Inner Circle
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I am retired from this stuff, but it is confusing. You want to entice people, that is what you are looking for.

Family name: model, size.

Silicon Digital HD - Mini, HD Micro etc.


The "Filming with Silicon" is a nice touch.

Wayne Morellini is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 28th, 2006, 07:16 AM   #48
Silicon Imaging
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Posts: 214

Can you explain your comments further?
I would like to be clear on your suggestion...


Originally Posted by Wayne Morellini
I am retired from this stuff, but it is confusing. You want to entice people, that is what you are looking for.

Family name: model, size.

Silicon Digital HD - Mini, HD Micro etc.


The "Filming with Silicon" is a nice touch.

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Old May 28th, 2006, 10:59 AM   #49
Inner Circle
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It's just that the ordering of the words seem a bit complex. I think I have a better summary of it now: picking words that entice customers that they can relate to, that are not very complex.

For example, Eve for a code name is alright, but say you used it as a model name instead. It would be like an inside joke, it means something to us because we know what it means, but others don't, even when they learn that it is a camera, Eve isn't an industry like catch word. It is a very common problem in industry, designing user interfaces, and writing instructions.

To me Silicon HDVR, is a bit complex, sure it means Hard disk video recorder (or is it High definition Video recorder, HD-VR).

"Silicon HD Mini" sounds better then "Silicon Mini-HD" Because the only part of the model name scheme that changes is now at the end ("Mini", "Micro" etc). And because it follows a line of importance, Silicon brand, HD series and min model in the series.

Very late here at the moment unfortunately, and this is the best I can do. Unfortunately you can't just ask a marketing firm with specialises in branding, because 99.99% of them will not have the video/film industry knowledge to apply tot heir techniques and advice you properly.

Its about what they relate to entice them (and I mean the people that actually buy and those who advice them what to buy). That are some of the principles, hope you can delight us with what you come up with ;) , I'm retiring from this for now.
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Old May 28th, 2006, 11:27 AM   #50
Silicon Imaging
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New York or Hollywood
Posts: 214

Excellent suggestions. If I understand you correctly:


Silicon HD
Silicon 2K
Silicon 4K

Silicon HD DVR
Silicon HD Mini
Silicon HD Micro
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Old May 28th, 2006, 02:25 PM   #51
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Kyle suggested and my opinion is "VIGO" would be a nice homage to the great filmmaker. As matter of fact, there is a little episode in the Jean Vigo's life that helps to figure out that meaning. He sold his own camera to aid his wife to fight her illness and her serious disease. Well suggested Kyle!
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Old May 28th, 2006, 03:27 PM   #52
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camera name

Originally Posted by Ari Presler
We have heard several requests to give the camera a name rather than just the SI-1920HDVR. Please post your suggestions...
my suggestion is The Linda
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Old May 28th, 2006, 11:45 PM   #53
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Ari Presler

Excellent suggestions. If I understand you correctly:


Silicon HD
Silicon 2K
Silicon 4K

Silicon HD DVR
Silicon HD Mini
Silicon HD Micro
Yes, that is the way English (and other western cultures) tend to structure their information, from left to right, and even in cultures where it is not, structuring information along an sequence, is an easier way to structure information (for example, in ancient Latin and Greek, the information flow in sentences were structured by words and word endings and beginnings, but over time the structure changed into an easier, largely sequential flow, thought not as sophisticated).

Interesting case "Vigo", what would it mean to most people that are not into Vigo the filmmaker? In that case I would like that Japanese guy's name, that did the "Seven Samurai" (you can tell I have a bad memory, I can't even remember the other guy that did 2001 a Space Odyssey (ASO), and how can we forget the name of the guy that did Star Wars A Space/Soap Opera (ASO two ;).

About names, Apple was once sued over their use of Sagan for a computer model name in honor of Carl Sagan. Would be good to look over the legal precedence since then. It is stupid I know, it is like saying that a company can't use the term "Smith", because it is your family name, or your occupation, then again they didn't get us to design the IP system.

Have Wellness, God bless.
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Old May 29th, 2006, 04:43 AM   #54
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Hey Wayne,

This is one time I'll actually come out and agree with you directly!! :)

BTW, Silicon Mini-HD (if you decided to order it that way), sounds like either a cut-down version, not true 1920x1080, or a joke (Mini-Me, etc.).

So yes Wayne . . .

Silicon HD

Silicon 2K

Silicon 4K

that sounds much better . . . JMHO :)
Jason Rodriguez is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 29th, 2006, 08:10 AM   #55
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Jason Rodriguez
Hey Wayne,

This is one time I'll actually come out and agree with you directly!! :)
Thanks, you should more often, then you could also use my signature below ;).
Wayne Morellini is offline   Reply

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