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Silicon Imaging SI-2K
2/3" 1080p IT-integrated 10-bit digital cinema w/direct-to-disk recording.

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Old July 31st, 2011, 10:45 AM   #106
Inner Circle
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Re: Lee chambers and "make it short" media program .

Here is a link to a short clip of a film-making program brought to the Roleystone District High School in Western Australia, by Lee Chambers, visiting Canadian academic, director and more recently, author of a published novel,"The Pineville Heist".

With director of photography, David Lemay, the students were involved in a small filmed production worktitled "Hugh Jackman Saves The World."

The project was shot on 16mm motion picture film, 50D and 250D, (I think) with an ARRI SR2 camera furnished by Murdoch University, one of the four institutions in or near to Perth, Western Australia.

I took the SI2K camera along for them to also have a look at and shot some behind-the-scenes. David had a look at it and the "look" ( low contrast ) was chosen by him for a few test frames and remained for the rest of my bit of behind-the-scenes imaging for the day.

Originally to be shot outdoors on the sports ground, the project had to moved indoors as the rain poured down.

Behind-the-scenes shooting with an SI2K might be overdoing things a bit, however why not as it was already set up.

Anyway - here is the link :-


Last edited by Bob Hart; July 31st, 2011 at 10:45 AM. Reason: error
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Old August 18th, 2011, 03:36 AM   #107
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

After a while, the short movie "Trespass" has been posted on youtube by director Damien Giglietta. As I understand things, it was the young gun team's first venture outside of film school.

It was shot on Steve Rice's SI2K, then a loaner demonstrator from P+S, who were building a camera for him. The camera I now have.

Here's the clip.

Trespass (2009) - YouTube
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Old October 24th, 2011, 08:58 AM   #108
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

Damien Giglietta has posted his secondlast project, "Two Minds" on YouTube. It was shot on Steve Rice's SI2K. I was there for the most of it, bothering the cameraman by making sure he used a focus chart on his static setups instead of going by eye and LCD screen.

It was shot with default look selected, then in the final grade a sallow mood appearance was given to it.

The sound and dialogue needed a lot of work as there was a demented cutting machine working in the factory unit next door - on a Sunday. The noise next door started off with loud music from a workshop radio. They managed to persuade him to use a ipod player and headset which the soundie provided. Then he started the machine.

WARNING. There is some profound language and gore.

TWO MINDS (2010) - YouTube
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Old November 27th, 2011, 12:02 PM   #109
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

This is a bit of a double post. I also mentioned this furthur down on the cineform threads.

The teacher in charge of overseeing the students at Roleystone District High School's "Smarter Than Smoking" contest project has advised me recently it finished up well. I am advised they took out two of the main awards of the awards evening; best filming and best overall advert! Good finish all up.

Their ad will apparently be presented in some of the local cinemas and be part of an ongoing anti-smoking campaign.

They shot on my SI2K in DVR2, used camera audio for synctrack for some shots and camera-mute double-system for others. They recorded audio to Zoom H4n digital recorders using Rode NTG3 mikes, had some loaner fresnel lights and flouros, and did post in Final Cut Pro on a Mac.

The pic below is from last year when Steve Rice provided a show and tell about the SI2K system at the high school.

FOOTNOTE: That is not Steve Rice instructing on the camera.
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SI2K in Western Australia.-roley01.jpg  

Last edited by Bob Hart; November 27th, 2011 at 10:05 PM.
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Old December 31st, 2011, 05:26 AM   #110
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

For the sake of prepping a concept rush of a small corporate shot by Darling Films last year, I did my own assembly of the footage which had thus far been shot.

There's a few little things would need to have been done with motion tracking, vertical pan and scan and garbage matte effects to correct my preferred takes which were not always the best ones.

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Old March 11th, 2012, 02:44 AM   #111
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

A little clip from what we have recently been up to in W.A..

Getting some practice in before flying a 3D rig sometime next spring if all goes to plan.
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Old March 12th, 2012, 09:33 AM   #112
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

hard stuff in the air hey Bob, you only used one gyro, I believe you need two to get it real smooth, there's some pretty good home made rigs for small cams using bungie cords some aluminium plate and a couple of handles on this forum, mainly for chopper work ,though, you were in a fixed wing for this shoot?
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Old March 13th, 2012, 07:26 AM   #113
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

Hello Adam.

One gyro only, a deficiency driven as usual by economic circumstances. As you correctly suggest, three axis stabilisation will only come with a gyro pair set at an angle relative to each other. The single gyro in the fore-aft direction under the camera head to conserve workspace. The camera was handhled for similar reasons.

We will be trying another rig in future which will be more elaborate. In all instances the camera head is being operated remote from the recorder unit which is strapped to the cargo retention on the floor.

We are unlikely to be using a helicopter for cost reasons.

We were in a small fixed wing, a Maule M5, the one in this clip.


Among the reasons the owner-operator chose it was for the fact that door-off ops for this aircraft are legal and it makes probably the best camera ship of four-place light singles.

All three doors down the right side could feasably come off but for camera purposes, the rear cargo door and rear right side passenger door removal is more than adequate. Compared to the Cessna singles, the Maule's two wing struts are placed conveniently furthur forward relative to the available camera position and aircraft apparently has a generous centre of gravity envelope.

Wind buffet inside was not a problem for me.

My handling of the camera was the main problem and choice of lens. My personal preference is to be as close to both the subject and background as I can be and that means long lenses. That brings problems of stability and controlled movements of the camera. I fiound that I was fighting the gyro during follows of loops from a parallel flightpath.

Maintaining separation and other safety aspects come first for us which limits some of the more photogenic but less safe courses the camera aircraft could be flown on.
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Old April 6th, 2012, 03:30 AM   #114
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

A bit of enjoyment learning the shortcomings of long lenses for air-to-air work in practice for 3D next year.

Lens. Sigma-for-Nikon 50mm -500mm f4 - f6.3 zoom.
Handheld Mini head on cable with KS8 gyro.
Subject aircraft. Fournier RF4D.
Camera aircraft. Maule M5.
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Old August 21st, 2012, 02:22 AM   #115
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

I have had the opportunity to play with a latest build of DVR2 SI3D and it is sweet with some more seriously useful new features. It is good to have the assurance of something which just switches on and works predictably.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 10:43 AM   #116
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

The local Roleystone District High School, Roleystone Community College, borrowed my SI2K, sticks and some lights to shoot their entry in the 2011 "Smarter Than smoking" TV commercial competition.

They have put it up on Youtube. Here it is. They won best cinematography for it. They also took very good care of my gear and it came back without a scratch.

They didn't use the SI2K for 2012. I understand they were possibly going to have access to a RED Scarlett. There has been diversity of equipment they have seen and touched. For "Hugh Jackman Saves The World" directed by Lee Chambers from Canada, an ARRI SR2 Super 16mm film camera and film stock was used.

Last edited by Bob Hart; December 10th, 2012 at 10:59 AM. Reason: error
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Old January 1st, 2013, 02:29 AM   #117
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

A bit of a way to spend a Friday night. Lighting test shot on SI2K.

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Old February 23rd, 2013, 09:34 AM   #118
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SI2K. Living Rough.

I don't quite see RED Epics, Scarlets and ARRI Alexas doing this sort of thing without protest.

The SI2K P+S docking recorder body just happens to be the ideal countermass for the remote camera and an ENG lens on a small jib arm which has been modified for parallel movement. The carryhandle hooked over the rear handle of the jib arm just fine with vicegrip pliers on the jibarm handle to stop it from sliding off and some polish cloth added between to stop the paint being scratched.

There is more to be done to it yet, like proper bellcrank ends instead of crude holes and bolts pretending to be proper pivots wobbling all over the place shaking like a wet dog. The jibarm was a gift horse, not to be examined in the mouth too diligently. It was converted to proper parallel movement by adding a draglink from bottom of the rear camera tilt lever to the centre support.

Attached Thumbnails
SI2K in Western Australia.-si2k-roughing-.jpg  

Last edited by Bob Hart; February 23rd, 2013 at 09:44 AM. Reason: added text
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Old February 27th, 2013, 01:15 PM   #119
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Re: Cadillac. Teaser from way back.

Because the original web addresses to the teaser trailer and the behind the scenes clip referred on page three of this thread no longer work, I have reposted the teaser clip to here :-

I am not sure how long it will stay up as there may be some rights concerns over the underscore if youtube matches it to something.
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Old April 28th, 2013, 08:59 PM   #120
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Re: SI2K in Western Australia.

I woke up this morning at 4am, tossed and turned trying to nod off again. Circadian rhythms are a bit disrupted from a few early mornings and an overnighter. Blame film craft. So, as I have always wanted to do a timelapse of our City, here it is. Sadly the clouds came over the sun so there was no hillshadow sweep across the coastal plain or down the towers. Another day perhaps.

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