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Silicon Imaging SI-2K
2/3" 1080p IT-integrated 10-bit digital cinema w/direct-to-disk recording.

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Old January 11th, 2008, 07:22 PM   #1
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QT capture


Does anyone know which DVR Build has the quicktime capture option enabled?
Anything i should know about compatibility issues, compressor used and such?


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Old January 12th, 2008, 12:29 AM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
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Hi Lior,

Quicktime is working in the build that's on the web, BUT, it is not suggested to record with that build since it's using an earlier version of the codec that was pre-OSX QuickTime implementation, and as a result, when CineForm made the full port to OSX, they had to make some changes to the encoder that will orphan you QT files that you record with that build.

That being said, you can shoot with AVI's right now, run the Header update tool (available on the support site), and then re-wrap to QT if you want to work that way.

Also keep in mind that AVI's are completely cross-platform with CineForm, i.e., you will get the same benefit with AVI's as you get with QT's inside of FCP, so you can shoot AVI's natively in the camera and work with them in FCP without issues. So while shooting QT is nice, it's not absolutely necessary, at least if FCP is your end-target.

That being said, we should have a build out in the next couple weeks that will give you full QT support, new headers in all files (no AVI header update needed), and a bunch of other new features and stability fixes.

If you're having an emergency as far as QT support goes, send me an email and we'll sort it out.
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Old January 12th, 2008, 04:17 AM   #3
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Posts: 78

no emergency, just checking.w
ere shooting some footage thats not gonna be edited by us so i thought giving them QT files will be best. i see now that it doesnt really matter.

just making sure now,for someone to editqcomposite with cineform shot files, they must have prospect running, right?

keep up the good work!

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Old January 12th, 2008, 09:23 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Prospect 2K is required on the PC, while Neo2K is required for the Mac (although at the moment the free Neo Player will work just fine as well since there is no controls to actually *change* the metadata on the Mac-side, but that will be changing soon, and once it does, Neo 2K will be required for actually swapping out .looks, white-balance, etc. on a RAW file).

Now if they will be using applications like Combustion, or other non-Adobe apps on Windows (not Mac), they QT is actually a good thing since most Windows applications don't import AVI's at 10-bit (and the Adobe apps do because of the custom importers from CineForm). If they have Prospect 2K though they can simply re-wrap the AVI's to QT if need be at the moment.

As noted above, full QT recording support is in the current builds, but the encoder is out-of-step with the latest Prospect/Neo builds, and the files will get orphaned (not be compatible), or you will have to-do a very cumbersome QT->AVI re-wrap, then run the AVIHeaderUpdate tool, then do a AVI->QT re-wrap . . . a lot of unnecessary steps. We'll have an updated QT encoder-version of SiliconDVR out soon.


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