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Old June 22nd, 2008, 08:08 PM   #691
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How to get your trailer seen.

If anyone is interested in having their trailer shown on Indie Production Source please send an email to

To check out the show go to

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Old June 24th, 2008, 12:47 PM   #692
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I dig it, especially the promo. I was left wanting some more close up / macro / fisheye shots, but I'm kind of a geek for that sort of thing.

Good music, good edits, good overlay...very nice work!

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Old June 24th, 2008, 12:51 PM   #693
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Nice work....I like the out of focus wipes at the beginning, and the music is perfect for the footage.

Get yourself a tripod and you're in business. The zooms are good IMO, as long as they're not horrible overused. For first time back in the swing of things, I'm impressed.
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Old June 24th, 2008, 02:23 PM   #694
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Due to a site redesign, here is the new URL for the embedded version on my site:
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Old June 24th, 2008, 04:56 PM   #695
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Soho London My Confession

This short film was shot in London Soho's district notorious for being the red light area of London. It is a vibrant area that has many sights and sounds of modern culture with Bars, restaurants and jazz clubs. Sit back and enjoy this essential area of London.

Can be found under the films section at

Mark Dawson - Director
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Old June 24th, 2008, 08:07 PM   #696
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That was pretty cool. Great colors and compositions/framing. This music was perfect. Very inspiring.

By the way... I love everything about your "If I Lay Here" film. I keep a copy on my desktop and pop it open for inspiration every now and then. That shot near the end with the guy sitting at the table smoking... the silver pot on the table... then the camera slides across... superb!

Keep up the awesome work,
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Old June 25th, 2008, 02:46 PM   #697
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My first 2 music videos

These are my first 2 attempts at music videos. I normally stick to short films but I found some local clients who wanted hiphop music videos...

Please let me know what you think, i.e. what can be improved, etc...

I appreciate it!!

(1st one)

(2nd one)

-desi hernandez jr.
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Old June 25th, 2008, 03:02 PM   #698
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Thanks Andrew very kind of you to say but we all need a little feedback show we are going in the right direction and it is appreciated…Mark
Mark Dawson - Director
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Old June 25th, 2008, 03:21 PM   #699
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A Fantasy Movie "Spectre" - Shot 9 Days in May !

Hey all:

Check out the website for Spectre, a Fantasy movie:

In May 2008, I DP'd principle photography for the film, which was produced and directed by DVInfo Member Jason Denzel. As usual, Jason was a master at setting up some beautiful shots. It was my second shooting with Jason, and I learned a lot about composition every time I work with him.

He is also going to have a lot of CG and special effects to put into film, and he has a crew and his own background in the field to back him up.

The shooting was quite a grueling experience, because we put in a lot of hours and travel in Northern California- but it was well worth it at the same time.

We were originally planning to shoot with the HV20 and Letus Combo, when at last moment 3 days before shoot, we go our hand on an HVX200, thanks to Alan Carpenter. That was an experience for me, and the HVX is quite a stunning camera. DVinfo member Mark Viducich provided a Letus FE, and a Nebtek monitor, and I had an arsenal of Nikon lenses. We also had Alan's EZ Jib, which was cool to work with. Chris Swanberg brought his mics and sound expertise.

The Letus FE had problems about half way through the shoot, and we are going to have to work out issues because the ground glass would stop in mid shot. We did recognize issue right away because the shots were at a large water fall that pounded all around us. Eventually, we had to shoot with my old Letus 35a, and had some issues we had to deal with there-- another learning experience.

I also mangaged to dunk my 100 mm len in temple pool... and have replaced it already.

I have seen most of the footage and have played with some assembly edits as a learning experience, and Jason should put together a pretty nice edit of this short. I think it will run about 20 to 25 minutes. I'll post with progress as things go on....
Chris J. Barcellos

Last edited by Chris Barcellos; June 26th, 2008 at 02:18 AM.
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Old June 25th, 2008, 04:52 PM   #700
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Overall, good footage that was well put together. I couldn't make out the last sound-byte, and some of the footage was too dark for my taste.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 12:06 AM   #701
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Please rip my videos to shreds

Yay! Feedback!

I do videos for my church... the main problem in this is that everybody tries to be so darn positive and encouraging that they never tell you what sucks and in what manner it sucks.

I'd been using parts of these shorts (from a Liberia mission - so a reshoot would be inconvenient) in my demo, but considering I'm still unemployed, I could use an honest assessment of where I need to improve.

Everything was shot unrehearsed with no setup of any sort using a third-hand PD-150. Editing in FCP5.

many thanks



yeah... forgot the video links
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Old June 26th, 2008, 02:19 PM   #702
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I watched most of the first one and here are a couple of my opinions:

-From a communicative standpoint, I think that some sort of voice-over, text, or narration of some sort to help engage the viewer in what you want them to gain from watching. I felt like you were just giving a bunch of clips and saying do what you want with them.
-I didn't feel you had enough good footage to warrant a 5 minute plus video. Use your best stuff to tell the story and spend time color correcting it.
-I like the idea of using on location music but this audio was not recorded in such a way that enhanced the video. I would use some of that audio every once in a while but not as a musical basis for the entire video. Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying jam some David Crowder in the background but surely there is a tune that will help communicate the message.

I hope this helps.
Jon Bufkin
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Old June 26th, 2008, 02:43 PM   #703
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Yes, very helpful, thanks.

sometimes "raw" is too raw, huh? :D

So, while I sharpen up my delete key, any particular shots you think cannot or should not be saved?
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Old June 26th, 2008, 02:47 PM   #704
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I agree with everything Jonathan stated.

From a professional "look" standpoint, there are far too many shots zooming in and out. Rather than zoom, cut or fade to close up or wide shots. There are a couple of artistic slow zoom-outs on what appears to be stills which looks fine, but on the live video....

Also, and I'm sure it a matter of taste but, going forward, you may want to shoot and edit in the 16x9 aspect ratio. 4:3, although not obsolete looks a little old school these days and to some the perception may be that it does not look as professional as 16x9.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 02:59 PM   #705
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New Short - 'Mercy" to Debut at the Action on Film Fest

I recently completed producing, editing, and color-correcting a new supernatural action film MERCY.

After she is killed in a wave of small-town hysteria, Mercy Hawkins (Emilee Harris) is resurrected by a mysterious healer who gives her the power to seek justice against her attackers. Newly reborn and hell-bent on revenge, Mercy has little memory of who she was or how she died. To learn the identity of her killers, she must reclaim her past, her memory, and uncover the brutal secrets surrounding her death.

The 14 minute short was shot with a Canon XL1 in squeeze mode with stock lens, magic bulleted to 24P for one of the locations, and the rest of the film was shot with a Canon XL2 with the 14x manual lens in native 16:9, 24PA. It was edited in Premiere Pro and on-lined in AE using the DV Rebel Guides After Effects scripts (DV Rebel CC), and Magic Bullet Looks (from the suite using sliders, not the new looks program).

For those of you in Los Angeles, the film will be making it's debut at the Action on Film Festival ( ) at the Laemmle Theater at One Colorado Blvd Pasadena, CA during the Saturday July 26, 2008 10pm short film block. We'd love some DVInfo support if you can make it!

To get a feel for the production you can see the new teaser trailer at the Mercy Vimeo Channel here:

More information can be found at: blog until I can get a proper website in place.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
To live a creative life, we must first lose our fear of being wrong.
- Joseph Chilton Pearce
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