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Old February 18th, 2008, 05:36 PM   #181
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I'm packing my bags right now - when can I move in? Nice looking video. Especially encouraging to see what can be done with the XH A1. I'm just starting to get the hang of it with mine. Thanks for sharing.
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Old February 18th, 2008, 10:21 PM   #182
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Great shots, good audio. I want to get a XH-A1. Did you use special lenses?
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Old February 18th, 2008, 10:38 PM   #183
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Avocado Contest Spot was holding a contest for the Mexican Hass Avocado people. You had to make a sub 1 minute spot that included some of their key phrases and logo.

Here is my submission, I found out about the contest on the day of the deadline, and had 4 hours to shoot, edit, compress and upload it before the deadline.

Here is the Quicktime version hosted on my site, let me know what you think. I know the key on the rotating food at the end is really messy, I was under a time crunch.
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Old February 18th, 2008, 10:39 PM   #184
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I have to agree with some of the above statements. Your work is good and your opening page would be great for commercial or corporate video. Wedding videos have a very specific formula. If you don't hit brides with that soft focus, romantic stuff right away I think you will lose them.

As an example check out my cousin's site.

Notice how you know immediately that his specialty is weddings although he shoots commercial subjects and portraits as well.

Last edited by Michael Pulcinella; February 19th, 2008 at 08:15 AM.
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Old February 19th, 2008, 12:25 AM   #185
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Website Re-Design

I'd like some feedback on the overall design of the website, which is themed after Breakaway, my most current movie. I created it with a combination of Adobe Photoshop Elements and iWeb. The RoyerMedia Event's section will soon be completely re-done as I only had a few hours to throw it together, so I'd like some ideas on what to do for that. Also try playing Breakaway and see if the quality of the video is good.

Nick Royer
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Old February 19th, 2008, 01:26 AM   #186
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Nice looking site. But the navigation bar really got me confused. Maybe that could be made more clear. The Speedometer, Royer Media, & Royer Media Events links were very confusing, since there's no obvious reason to me why they are any more special than the other links, aside from looking cooler. Plus the Royer Media Event link (which was the first one I clicked) took me to what looks like a completely different site. That just got me lost, I'm still not sure why that works like that. It was like you presented me with one site design, then just threw it away, and came up with another design just for the fun of it. I feel like either it's a different site (in which case it should be more clear what it's all about and why it is a different site), or it should just be clearly consolidated into the main site.

I like the large graphic underneath the navigation bar, but I feel like in the end you could get rid of it as the site was a little too graphics heavy. It's not bad but it's enough that switching pages feels jerky on a fast connection. Can't complain too much, as I haven't updated my site since 1967 ...

Good job on the movie, I liked it. The story was decent. Acting and the lighting of the cinematography could have been worked on. ADR was quirky, but didn't mind so much due to the script and shots. I've seen worse at some festivals! I thought you did a good job directing the actors and action to get some interesting shots. Considering that you shot it as 1967, pretty darn good. I liked the cars at the beginning. By the way it started playing in about 15 seconds.
"Ultimately, the most extraordinary thing, in a frame, is a human being." - Martin Scorsese
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Old February 19th, 2008, 01:55 AM   #187
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Originally Posted by Michael Wisniewski View Post
Plus the Royer Media Event link (which was the first one I clicked) took me to what looks like a completely different site. That just got me lost, I'm still not sure why that works like that. It was like you presented me with one site design, then just threw it away, and came up with another design just for the fun of it. I feel like either it's a different site (in which case it should be more clear what it's all about and why it is a different site), or it should just be clearly consolidated into the main site.
Yes, RoyerMedia Event's is a separate website. "RoyerMedia" is the film part and "RoyerMedia Events" is the for-hire video work that I do. I put together the RME website on a road-trip in just a few hours, and haven't yet got around to re-doing it. I will probably just buy and make it a separate website with a link to it from
Nick Royer
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Old February 19th, 2008, 12:14 PM   #188
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Very impressive for the amount of time you took to make this.

Great work.
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Old February 19th, 2008, 01:39 PM   #189
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Hi guys

Haven't posted any footage in a while, mainly cause I'm shooting a short and all my time goes into that.
But we had a friend visiting so I told my roomie and him to put on their sneakers and get on out! I had to shoot some while the sun was still there

So here it is: (click on download now) Should be watched in VLC player.

Youtubers: (Please feel free to rate and fav)

here are some screens:
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Old February 19th, 2008, 03:52 PM   #190
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Hey guys, thanks for the help. I was afraid that the site was geared a little more towards the corporate client, and I'm going to make a few changes and go from there. I really appreciate your time in helping me grow my business.
Thanks again!
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Old February 19th, 2008, 08:28 PM   #191
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When I re-design the RoyerMedia Events (RME) website, what should it look like? It's aimed at potential customers of my video shooting/editing services. Mostly corporate and event videos, but not really weddings.
Nick Royer
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Old February 20th, 2008, 02:54 AM   #192
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Glad you guys enjoyed it and thanks for the kind words!

I've considered doing two more Cantonese romance shorts later this year (to create a trilogy of sorts). Same universe (Chinatown), different characters, and different tragic stories. I have a lot of ideas and scenarios in my noodle that I would love to tinker with and explore.

On a side note, the film will be screen in at a festival in NYC in about 3 weeks so I'm really looking forward to seeing it with an audience!:

Hope more people can comment!
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Old February 20th, 2008, 03:23 AM   #193
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Hi Nick,
I think that home page center logo section would be stronger if reversed so the reader's eye ends up on the logo after reading the text; affordable editing is HERE... bang.... eye on logo.

On the Breakaway page, I believe the word "premier" needs the final "e" to mean first showing of a movie, ie "premiere".
More info about the background of the piece would help get people interested . Such as where it was shot, with what gear,where the cars came from,whatever. Just something a little juicier than names and dates.

If you are going to use Breakaway as an example of your editing skills, tell a potential client how long it took to edit, did you do the title graphics, audio ? If there's a particular sequence that you feel was effectively edited, maybe even excerpt it and explain what you were after,etc.

More general info about your style of collaboration such as have you worked with another director ? Were you /would you like to be involved in pre-prod (storyboarding,etc) and/or prod? For eg, how much was edited "in camera " during production?

What kind/level of collaboration do you like with the director in the editing room ?

All stuff I'd want to know about you if I were in the market for an editor.

The plot synopsis needs more color & passion. "facing tough( difficult ?) decisions " is bland. You were passionate enough to make the thing & we all know how much is involved so communicate it in the text.Everybody makes fun of that deep-voiced melodramatic guy who does the VO for the blockbuster trailers;

"In a time of pain and pistons , a boy took the wheel and drove for glory...The boy got lost but the man found his road home"

Yet there's a middle ground that will pique the viewer's interest without being cheesy or giving away the story.

The same thought regarding specifics and passion applies to the "ABOUT US" section.The organizational chart of your company is less important than knowing what kind of work you are interested in doing, whether it be narrative features, shorts, docs , event videography or commercial.

I'm sure the answer for many of us would be "all of the above" but I think you'll be more successful at finding paying clients with a more detailed approach based on your personal interests, skills, gear, and experience.
It's that personal quality, that passion, I found lacking .And it's the only asset you need that can't be bought or learned.

Without it, you're just a guy with some cool toys he's learned to use proficiently & who will work cheap. I don't think that's who you are & I'm sure it's not the image you want to project.

Hope this helped.
Best of luck.
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Old February 20th, 2008, 08:12 AM   #194
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Music Video, FX1E+MINI35

A video shot in october, not finished until last week due to heavy post processing.

Let me know what you think.
Documentary work
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Old February 20th, 2008, 11:42 AM   #195
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Just finished watching the vid and I must say, very impressive.

It's quite pleasing to watch the video flow with the music - nice work!
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