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Old February 19th, 2006, 10:18 AM   #106
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looks like a great start. Pretty impressive !! Nice job !!
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Old February 19th, 2006, 11:30 PM   #107
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Good stuff Vish, I wish I was moving out to Hawaii! keep them coming
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Old February 20th, 2006, 01:16 PM   #108
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Thank you for the great piece of work! nice camera work, well done post production, funny, great actors
Bravo ! :-)
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Old February 20th, 2006, 05:06 PM   #109
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Estes Park Film Festival accepting your Short Films!

The first ever Estes Park Film Festival still has many openings in our short film category!

We are looking for the best indie short films in all genres. Films accepted into the festival will be eligible to compete for cash prizes up to $1,000, and a chance to attend one of the most exciting annual events in beautiful Estes Park, Colorado. To enter your film, please visit If you have any questions, please e-mail us at We hope to see you at the festival!

The Estes Park Film Festival will take place at The Historic Park Theatre September 15th through the 17th, 2006 with an awards ceremony on the final night! The Festival will showcase an amazing blend of independent feature length films, short films, and documentaries. Estes Park, Colorado, Gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park, is the perfect back-drop for a film festival. Millions of people visit each year to enjoy the shops, golf courses, beautiful mountain scenery, horseback riding, and numerous hiking trails. In addition to the films the Estes Park Film Festival will also serve as a fundraising event to help renovate and restore The Historic Park Theatre to its original cinematic elegance.

The Estes Park Film Festival is also proud to announce that Lighthouse Writers Workshop will offer a one-day intensive screenwriting workshop called "MYTHICAL STRUCTURE" on Saturday September 16th, 2006 at the Historic Park Theatre. The fee for this six hour workshop is $70 for students, festival filmmakers, and Lighthouse members, and $90 for non-members. Sign up info will be posted soon on our web site as well as the Lighthouse Writers web site

The Estes Park Film Festival is dedicated to providing a platform for filmmakers from around the world to screen their newest productions in the relaxing and creative atmosphere of Estes Park, Colorado. Our goal is to entertain, inspire, and advance a greater appreciation of independent film.

Regular Submission Deadline: January 2nd, 2006 – May 1st, 2006:
$30 Features / $20 Shorts / $15 Students

Late Submission Deadline: May 2nd, 2006 – June 1st, 2006:
$35 Features / $25 Shorts / $20 Students

Entries postmarked after the late deadline will not be accepted.
All student film entries must include a photocopy of a valid student I.D.
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Old February 21st, 2006, 12:18 PM   #110
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Sanyo HD1 footage with post applied

So can the new $800 HD camera by Sanyo be used to make an indie feature or short film? After seeing this I don't see why not and now I'm actually considering it.. what do you think?
right click and save target as - file is 33MB
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Old February 21st, 2006, 02:27 PM   #111
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Nice shots of the subway, but this is not enough footage to tell about the quality. $800 is a good deal for HD!
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Old February 21st, 2006, 09:23 PM   #112
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Toronto show

hello everone not shure where I should have posted this but Please move this post if nessesary.

I posted alittle while ago On the fan film SEED Ive been working on with some freinds here in Ontario canada.

now with it being done and not really being abule to enter any film contest etc.we have worked hard on this project over the last year and hope with the little experiance we gained from the experiance we can now work on some original movie Ideas and maby get some interest in what we did with no budget and some hard work.

So with this in order for us to get alittle exposure for all the cast and crew efforts and hard work, we are showing the movie in toronto and to raise movey for a charity listed below..

this was a personal project for us and all the costumes designs props and story is origainal we just borrowed the ideas from the well known Movies.

We are excited to announce the official Premiere of our first movie S.E.E.D screening at:

BLOORCINEMA in Toronto Ontario CANADA March 11 2006, doors open at 12.30 pm first screening is at 1:00 and will show again at 2:30 the film run time is 27 minutes.

As part of the venue and a personal endeavour for a few of us whom where part of this project, we are raising money for the Sinai Diabetes hospital also in Toronto, so there will be an admission charge at the door.but with this comes some prizes also.

with your $5.00 admission there will be a number on each card, after the show we will be giving away 15 DVDs a special edition one time only at this show 2 disk set with many extras and a mini poster signed by 4 from the film enclosed and sealed in the DVD.

As part of the fundraiser we are also selling tickets for 2 of the biohelment from the movie .SCANNER and BLADES you can see these on the website listed below. each ticket is $2.00

We hope you are able to make the show as I know it is short notice , we would like for anyone interested to contact Scott Murphy at so we may be able to have an idea on the attendance of the Premiere and for any questions about the show..there is also a map to bloorcinema on our site and at our site

Hope to see your there!
Pete Mander is offline  
Old February 21st, 2006, 09:31 PM   #113
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Congrats Pete. I'll try my best to be there, anything to support our local industry.
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Old February 22nd, 2006, 03:39 AM   #114
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Typisk (GL2 short)

My first serious attempt at film...and I flew by the seat of my pants throughout. Does it show?

I'm aware of a few problems, such as the clock not displaying sufficiently, colour continuity issues in the bathroom scenes, and something I can't put my finger on in the shoe scene. What's really frustrating is the way a key point in the closing shot came out. The turning of the lock should be visible, but it's just dark. You can tell by the shadow something's happened, but it's easy to miss.

The music was taken from some free music site...can't recall which. Probably won't be in the final version.

Any suggestions? Any Swedes want to make sure I'm grammatically correct? It should read "Typical...A film by...The film ends here" heh.

Anyway, here's the link...
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Old February 22nd, 2006, 10:35 AM   #115
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we have a local industry?...LOL

hope to meet you there..

Pete Mander is offline  
Old February 22nd, 2006, 06:43 PM   #116
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First of all, I would suggest that anyone wanting to watch this film use the "download" option on the page. The buffering was taking forever for me. Download went much faster.

Now, on to the film itself. I have a little bit of a hard time with the film because it wasn't really entertaining. Granted, you are just showing typical boring things that we do every day, so there's only so much you can do with that, but maybe find a way to make me think that something bigger is coming at the end.

Your composition worked well throughout for me. I think the shot with the shoes might have been improved if you had gone with a tighter shot of just the shoes. It's a little strange to watch a clip where the actor's head is cut off, and being a wide shot, my brain feels like I should be able to see the head. I think maybe that is the sense of 'offness' that you're getting from the clip.

Overall I would maybe shorten the length of every one of the clips. All you have to do with each one is establish what is being done. The clip with the teabag is a prime example. That shot was so long that I lost interest. Shorten all of the clips and I think the whole piece would work better. I would also suggest shortening them to roughly the same clip length. That might help build some consistency and would help keep me watching because subconciously I would 'know' how long I had to see the next shot.

For the last shot, I would reshoot a close-up of the lock, and get some more light on it maybe. You could still show the guy leaving through the door, but then cut to a shot of the lock that was tight.

Try and get some more light in your shots in the future as well.

Anyways, just some suggestions. d:-)
Black Label Films
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 11:48 AM   #117
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Great point Travis. I would agree that speeding up the edit would help a lot. I felt indifferent at the end - neither good or bad. Its short enough and there are enough shots that you could really experiment with the piece as well... what happens if you color grade from say a cool blue to end with a red grade or vise versa. What if you edit all the cuts together same length but leave a couple longer for some reason. What happens to the viewer reactions? Seems like the kinda thing that would work well with that.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 12:21 PM   #118
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**I've uploaded the file to another host, but can't edit my original post.**

Thanks for the feedback, guys!

Travis, I agree with you 100% on everything you mentioned, especially about maintaining a consistent length for each clip. It does drag at the tea scene, that's for sure.

The shoe shot was tough. I shot and re-shot and re-re-shot and nothing seemed to work. I will definitely strive for a tighter shot, that's for sure.

Lighting is definitely something I need to work on. Having a budget that only allows me to make use of what's available is a bit tough, but I'm sure a few simple adjustments on that camera itself could help out quite a bit. Way to state the obvious, Joe.

Jeremy, that's a good idea about experimenting with colour. I'll definitely play around with that!

Thanks again for the feedback and thanks for watching!
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Old February 24th, 2006, 11:35 AM   #119
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Tea part still seemed to drag but the concept, maybe bc i know what it was this time, stood out to me more. I'd probably pace it even faster - cut down to around 2:30 or something?
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Old February 25th, 2006, 09:54 AM   #120
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[video] Indie Film Tip : Storyboards


CLICK HERE to see video

3 min - Windows Media

another indie film tip video that talks about the importance of previsualization & storyboarding.

Storyboards by Mike Bruinsma

courtesy of
Horrors of War
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