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Old October 17th, 2006, 03:30 AM   #871
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Wedding Video Montage, Need opinions

Hey guys, i've just shot a wedding video for a friend of mine who had a wonderful wedding the other day. She couldn'd find any wedding videographer that was cheap enough so she asked if i could shoot it for her, which i thought would be the hardest and most nerv racking thing i'd do but being a good i said yes, not know what I was in for. well any way i'd just edited a short montage of a photo shoot on the beach the bride and groom did with the photgrapher, i'd love if you guys or girls(lol) could give me some advice or any criticism about the video.

I shot with a Sony Z1, i didnt use any mini35 adapters or extra lighting or reflectors. I just shot handheld with the Z1 and I just shot them naturally with out asking them to pose or act out partiular parts. I followed them wherever they went, and tried my best not to be obtrusive.
This is the link to the video. It goes for a about 4 mins it would be great if any of you could take the time to watch and critic it.
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Old October 17th, 2006, 04:02 AM   #872
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Thats Incredible!!! nice work. Cant wait to see the full thing
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Old October 17th, 2006, 10:30 AM   #873
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Thanks for the comments. I would appreciate any feedback.
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Old October 17th, 2006, 02:56 PM   #874
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Excellent Work.

All in all, good work.

Remember sequences.

Other than that. Good work. It should get you clients if you want it.
Nothing ever comes out bad from Magic Bullet.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 12:49 AM   #875
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I generally reframe from leaving feedback, because you end up in an argument with a defensive filmmaker, and being one myself I understand the difficulty of receiving feedback, especially adverse comments. However, I would like to give you feedback, I am just having problems finding and downloading the file.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 01:52 AM   #876
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Thanks for the reply Brian.

Although much poorer quality here's a more accessible link to the ever popular Youtube.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 02:19 AM   #877
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I watched your 20 min film and thought it was okay. The child actors were good and actually better than the adult actors. I thought the actress who played the grown woman was the wrong choice. The story centred on her, yet the film could not quite work because her wooden performance was not believable, so I couldn't get fully aborbed into the film. I thought the actor who played the old guy getting her sign the papers looked the part and was menacing.

Apart from that I liked your idea and it reminded me of a short Stephen King type story and the grusome effects at the end looked good.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 05:16 AM   #878
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Short Film Edited and visual FX with Premiere

This is a short film I Shot, Directed, Color corrected, Co-Wrote, Scored, Foleyed, and much more.... It was done for the price of the camera and the computer to edit it with Premiere. The film was shot in 2004, it was never meant to actually be a longer short film with all that it has now.... I just wanted to do a 2-5 min. short that would be fun to shoot. Instead It turned into a long writing process and then a 3 week shoot, with everyone working completely for free. THIS IS NOT A STUDENT FILM.... This was just for me to do the people in the film are not of college age, they are actually professionals mostly 28 years old and up.
The film is not up to my standards of the films I make now, this film fell apart and I ran into tons of problems along the way... but in the end i look back on it, and it was fun to make after all the hell. So i hope you enjoy, it was just for fun but maybe it will show you guys the power of Premiere when at its most budgeted.

The film is in 4 parts due to size so please make your way from the top to the bottom from parts 1 to 4





I hope you like, this film would have never been made if it wasnt for Premiere, it was an amazing program to work with, and i still use it over my avid system!
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Old October 18th, 2006, 07:32 AM   #879
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Very good! I hated the music during key moments since I recognized it from other more famous "works" and it pulled me out of the movie. I mean... using the LOTR's soundtrack was too much.

The movie was very good though... well done.

Great story.

My short films... The Interview & Calls From The Führerbunker
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Old October 18th, 2006, 10:36 AM   #880
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haha yeah sorry about that, we never planned to do such a long film, so getting scores killed me... I worked with what I had, again I for the most part hate this film now but I figured it would be fun to see others reactions since I only showed it once.

Im now working on some serious HD films, once they are finnished be sure to see some actual work from me :)

Thanks for the input !
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Old October 18th, 2006, 11:00 AM   #881
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I've only seen part one, so far, so I can't say much. There were things about the movie I liked; the opening credits, and the music selections, just to name a few.
As far as some critiques: I felt the titles like "The Next Day" or "Kaylee's College" are on screen a bit too long. They should be there just long enough for an average reader to see.
Also, when the song with the lyrics "I'm about to come alive" is playing, we don't really see anything that engaging on the screen that tells us much about the character. Yes, she's a student; we see her studying, listening in class, walking on campus, but: Is she a good student? Does she have lots of friends? Is she overwelmed by her studies? Perhaps something like, a shot of her trying to carry several books at once, and she drops them on the floor, and as she bends down to pick them up, she notices that guy she likes, is down the hall talking to another girl, and she is embarrassed because they turn to see her struggling to pick up her books. Maybe, you cover all this in the other parts of the film, but I didn't feel the shots used during that song complimented the song or moved the story forward. I would like to see that song used when she actually is showing signs of coming alive, and not just going through her daily routine. If you only use scenes that move the story forward or reveal character, you could shorten the film and still tell your story. Also, one technical point, I use an inhaler from time to time, and she doesn't look like she is using it properly. Those are my feelings, anyway. I will have to watch more of the film when I get a chance, but I wish you well on it and future projects.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 11:15 AM   #882
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Originally Posted by Giuseppe Pugliese
haha yeah sorry about that, we never planned to do such a long film, so getting scores killed me... I worked with what I had, again I for the most part hate this film now but I figured it would be fun to see others reactions since I only showed it once.

Im now working on some serious HD films, once they are finnished be sure to see some actual work from me :)

Thanks for the input !
Just so you don't get me wrong, you are VERY talented. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Take care,

My short films... The Interview & Calls From The Führerbunker
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Old October 18th, 2006, 06:58 PM   #883
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1Reason short film

Hey, guys, you can get the film from right here . It is about 20 minutes long, 78mb. Please feel free do leave any comments or critiques on the comments page.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 07:46 PM   #884
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Originally Posted by Raul Castro
Hey, guys, you can get the film from right here . It is about 20 minutes long, 78mb. Please feel free do leave any comments or critiques on the comments page.
I'm watching it right now, and my first reaction is, whether or not it is a documentary. It sort feels like one, but it is basically just narration with clips of b-boying, and don't get me wrong I came from the early 80s of NYC b-boying so I know all about it. Was around when Roxy and the Funhouse was rockin and hung with illest b-boys. I am just not sure what it is you are trying to accomplish. There are 1000s of clips like this on youtube without the narration. My comments are below, and they obviously only reflect my own view, so take them with a grain of salt.

They are:

1. The narrator is not very clear, maybe because the sound isn't that good. It should be well-spoken clear narration. Use a handheld mic and speak clearly into it. Maybe hire a professional narrator. It didn't work for me. It lacked energy and vital information about b-boying in general.

2. There doesn't seem to be a story. It basically seems like kids' commentary. Almost like you are just interviewing your friends, but the question would be, does that make a short film? I am not sure.

3. There are already several semi-documentaries out there, such as Fresh Kids, Style-Wars, etc, covering a lot of the same issues, but with more of a story, i.e. character driven, conflict, and plots. (Fresh Kids doesn't have much of a story either.) So my question would be, what new are you bringing?

4. The interviews weren't that informative, and the sound wasn't that great. A handheld mic would have done much better, or clip on lav.

5. Here is would have worked better for me. You should have found a kid (b-boy) with a specific story to tell, maybe reenacted it, and how b-boying changed him, or how it may have been a struggle. Conflict Conflict Conflict. Did I say conflict? It’s VERY important to make something interesting. That means drama. NOW, having said that, IF b-boying was totally new and no one knew about it could have worked with just interviews and clips, but it has been done many times before. Beat Street worked because there was character development, struggle, conflict and triumph. These are important elements, even in a documentary. Michael Moore is a genius at that. It isn't easy, but it can be done.

Hopefully you take my comments as constructive criticism and not be offended.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 09:26 PM   #885
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My Demo Trailer wmvhd

200mb windows 720p high def

Just starting out in this game heres a sample of what I've done . Post up your thoughts mabye send some work my way too. All shot with z1u and hc1
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