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Old September 16th, 2006, 04:04 PM   #766
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My First Major Production

Hello All, I wanted to share my first video that took over a month to make. Technically it shouldn't have taken that long, but I wanted something good and I wasn't sure how I was going to form it. The video was for a school production of West Side Story and it was the 20 year reunion since West Side Story was displayed at my school. The video was shown before one of the shows for the cast of 1986 and 2006. Most of the footage I took wasn't included (7 80min mini-dv tapes total). The whole thing was filmed on a Sony Handycam dvc-trv27 and was edited in both Cyberlink Powerdirector and Final Cut pro 5.

P.S. Sorry for the VHS quality and some color problems... I couldnt extract from the DVD without paying for a special program so I copied it to VHS and captured it to my computer.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 04:14 PM   #767
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I really liked it and I want to see more! I especially liked the titles and how only the letters in "Detours" stayed after a second or two. Storyline was very very catchy and I would definately like to see this movie.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 05:21 PM   #768
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I do not know if it is something at my end, but the file was corrupt. Regardless, I want to wish you luck in your project.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 10:22 AM   #769
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Hey Josh, welcome to DV Info and congrats at getting into video production. This first effort that you've created is really more of a home movie, meaning the people who are going to enjoy watching it are most likely those who were in it or family and friends of those involved in the production. As an outsider, I have no idea who these people are, its just images of folks set to music. To really express yourself as a filmmaker, I'd suggest tackling something that isn't going to have a set, captive audience. Think of something simple, wether its a fictional story, or a documentary, but something that will be interesting for people to watch because there is a story that is revealed as the film progresses.
Also, be wary of lengthy credit rolls at the start of your film. Be confident in your work, tell a great story, and at the end people will take note of who created the film.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 02:17 PM   #770
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That looks really interesting. Nicely done Eli.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 08:33 PM   #771
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Nice Start

Hi Terry,

You're vodcast looks like it's going to be a real hit! (I subscribe to about 20)

From the technical side, you're lighting could be improved - the video is almost washed out and shadows are on the subject's eyes (not flattering). Perhaps you can use an umbrella or softbox to fix this, diffuse your hard light, or crank down the gain/aperture, etc. Incidentally, you may want to consider a solid white/black background if file size is an issue (video compression works much better that way).

The voice quality could use some work - the mic distance is picking up an echo (poor room acoustics). One cheap fix is a wired lavilier. Processing the signal through a audio compressor would also help.

Your subject (Tami) is terrific - very energetic with good facial gestures and a pleasant presence! And looking at your site, you've got excellent content.

Best wishes and contact me if you have any follow-up questions.

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Old September 18th, 2006, 08:56 PM   #772
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VERY low-budget HDV Feature!

Here's the trailer for my feature, shot in HDV:

It's titled, "The Uninvited", and is a supernatural thriller.

(Please pardon YouTube's compression, the picture looks better than what you can currently see!)
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Old September 19th, 2006, 09:46 AM   #773
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That's why you should host your own videos, otherwise having shot in HDV becomes moot.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 02:18 PM   #774
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I liked the trailer except for the shot of the girl in the house... it seemed to be the only shot that was different from the rest...
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Old September 19th, 2006, 04:22 PM   #775
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Shot on Z1?
B-Scene Films
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Old September 19th, 2006, 07:21 PM   #776
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Phil Spector at the Fair: Quasi-Music Video as Quasi-Home Movie, or something...

Here is a short video I recently did to accompany a musician's live performance:

(The Windows Media file is a little better because it is deinterlaced)

This was shot on both a Panasonic DVC-80 and a DV-53, then tweaked in After Effects to look something like an 8mm home movie. It's probably the antithesis of what most people are attempting to get here (and probably even of what I would normally strive for), but I thought it might be interesting to post here.

It's a very basic piece, and the "state fair" theme is pretty obvious take on the Phil Spector-ish style of the music, but hopefully the general editing and shot selection accompanies the song well.

Last edited by John Britt; September 20th, 2006 at 06:07 PM.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 08:45 PM   #777
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Originally Posted by Emre Safak
That's why you should host your own videos, otherwise having shot in HDV becomes moot.
Not to worry, it won't be shown in its entirety on the 'net- my producer is searching for a distributor for a DVD release.

Originally Posted by Gary McClurg
I liked the trailer except for the shot of the girl in the house... it seemed to be the only shot that was different from the rest...
If I told you why I couldn't use a shot of the girl that matches everyone else's, it would be giving away a major spoiler... ;)

Originally Posted by Shaughan Flynn
Shot on Z1?
No, we had to use the JVC JYHD10. Not my first choice, but it was available- along with the availability of the locations & actors. Otherwise, we would have had to find more financial backing, and start over with casting actors & locations months (or years) down the road. The lesser of two evils, I figure.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 11:56 PM   #778
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I like it Dave !!!

Edgy, lazer paced, well synced, colorful ... and yes, even a wee bit strange.

The music had almost a Blue Man Group feel to that upbeat stuff.

hey, was that a jib shot behind the Musicians ?
Mediocrity is a disease...
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Old September 20th, 2006, 05:09 AM   #779
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Originally Posted by Ken Beals
I like it Dave !!!
hey, was that a jib shot behind the Musicians ?
Thanks a bunch Ken.

Yes, that was a jib shot. The second shot, the one of the school bus, was a jib shot as well. Both done with my home made jib.

At some point I will post pictures of the jib in the jib forum.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 07:00 PM   #780
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My first short film

I made this over a year ago but never really wanted to show it anywhere. As I was going through my hard drive, I decided to get some reviews on this short just to see what people think. I will admit that there is some amateur problems: a tripod in one shot; but other than that, I think it came out alright.

And yes I used a Chopin song but forgot to credit it. I didn't mean to infringe if I have, but I felt the song fit; plus it was just for fun.

Review away
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