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Old June 13th, 2006, 11:00 AM   #451
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Defragged "the short short"

hey guys check out DEFRAGGED short we just finished. Was created for the FX competition. You can find info @ , click on iFilm or YouTube and watch it there. Dont forget to vote yay or nay. Hope you enjoy this. Dont forget to post in our guestbook also.
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Old June 13th, 2006, 11:29 AM   #452
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DSE, on that page, the white on medium gray background is almost impossible to read (highlighting was my friend.) Now reading on...
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Old June 13th, 2006, 04:29 PM   #453
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The BTS Photos have been uploaded to the yafiunderground site (link below).
Web Youtube Facebook
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Old June 14th, 2006, 01:06 AM   #454
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Star Wars Fan Film - Fool's Errand

Hello everyone. Proud to announce the release of Fool's Errand, the second film of a Star Wars fan film trilogy produced by members of the Phoenix Fan Force in Phoenix, AZ. The film has been almost 2 years in the making, shot mostly on an XL1s with some pickup shots on an XL2. The film is a 34 minute long 76MB Quicktime 7 file which can be download from the film's website at We had a lot of fun making it, I hope you enjoy watching it.
Webb Pickersgill
Bassline Digital, LLC
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Old June 14th, 2006, 08:37 AM   #455
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Well the link to giuseppes video i dead and i realize that this thread was started a long time ago but thought id post anyway.

Colins link is still good and MAN! Thats some nice work! i love the lighting and the overall style of the video... i didnt quite get the "story" though. but the music was great, the work in post looked good, great vid! what software are you using?

good suff man! post more work!
Matt Egelhoff is offline  
Old June 14th, 2006, 11:14 AM   #456
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Dear People.

I would like to watch short fictions that won prizes like Cannes, Oscar, Berlin and so on.

Is there any web site that screens them ?

Alexandre Lucena
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Old June 15th, 2006, 06:34 AM   #457
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Training material distributed with Microsoft Producer

Hi all,

This is my first attempt at creating training materials to be distributed with Microsoft Producer. Producer is a companion product to PowerPoint which allows you to combine video, audio, PowerPoint slides and html into a single stream viewed via a browser. It's by no means a great product but it served a purpose for this particular client. I believe Producer may be discontinued in the near future which is a shame. Anyone know of any similar products (that don't require a special server)?

This piece is intended to be viewed in a classroom situation with the trainer explaining what's going on in the screenshots. The video is really only eye candy designed to set the scene. Takes a while the first time you run it, sorry! Also, I believe you need to have PowerPoint installed to correctly view it - I'm afraid I haven't tested to see what happens if you don't have PowerPoint installed as my client doesn't have this problem.

Technical(ish) notes:
- Shot on a Canon XM2 (GL2) with a wide angle lens and a Formatte matte box (Just about to upgrade to an XL2 - can't wait!).
- Lighting was a single 3 x 250w switchable and dimmable halogen unit with soft box.
- We recorded straight into DV-Rack.
- Title sequences created in After Effects.
- Editing done in Vegas.
- Slides created in PowerPoint 2003.
- Assembled in Producer.

All feedback warmly welcomed - I'm especially interested to hear if people had any problems actually seeing the thing! Like I said, first time with Producer and there is a real lack of resources available for learning the ins and outs.


Ian . . .
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Old June 15th, 2006, 06:48 AM   #458
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Case Study Video

I was commissioned to create a series of video case studies for a software company. The subjects are pretty dry (warehouse management, retail management etc) but I have been contracted to create two of these a month for the rest of the year so my mortgage will be paid!

Here is an example of one and I'd welcome any feedback. (approx 5mb)

Technical notes:
- Shot on a Canon XM2 (GL2) with a w/a adapter
- Audio recorded (in a horribly noisy environment) on an AT835b shotgun straight to camera
- Lights used: 3 x Ianiro Lilliputs plus a 3x250w bulb switchable/dimmable unit with soft box
- Title sequences, flow chart and other 3d PinP effects created in After Effects (Flow chart itself created in Visio)
- Edited and assembled in Sony Vegas
- Logo sequence created by a third party (I'm not keen on it)
- Distribution is via the customers website, on CD, as a giveaway at trade shows on a 1Gb USB data thingy and on large plasma screens at trade shows.


Ian . . .
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Old June 15th, 2006, 08:32 AM   #459
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Great work!!

I just bought Vegas 6 and can't wait to learn how to do effects like those....
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Old June 15th, 2006, 09:08 AM   #460
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You're very kind!

Vegas is a great piece of software and I've used it since version 3. It's a case of Vegas being the first video editing software I used and I just stayed with it.

I have to say that in some respects I wish I had come across Premier first, because of the tight integration with other Adobe products (specifically After Effects and Photoshop) but I've invested too much time in Vegas to change horses now.

Some of those effects were created in After Effects, not Vegas - specifically the title sequences and the "fact file" segments. I find After Effects more intuitive for 3d (OK 2.5d) work such as the virtual camera roaming around the flow chart.

Glad you liked it and thanks again.

Ian . . .
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Old June 15th, 2006, 11:06 AM   #461
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kind of convicing success story :) . Couple of nice visual ideas. I very liked vary framing of interviewees.
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Old June 15th, 2006, 09:22 PM   #462
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I work with media services under information technology here at OU. I do a lot of media stuff for ton of different depts and sometimes private clients, but this is the first promo video we are doing for our actual dept. This is first 30 seconds of the estimated 3-5min web video to show new students what IT is all about. Enjoy. - RH
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Old June 18th, 2006, 03:12 PM   #463
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Star Trek Fan Films make New York Times

This is really other people's work, but still interesting treatment of Star Trek fan film sites in the New York Times today

production values here: are impressive, and there is a whole behind the scenes site:
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Old June 19th, 2006, 05:48 AM   #464
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HAHA! James Blunt parody sooo funny

well done
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Old June 19th, 2006, 03:12 PM   #465
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AMF's latest: "MOSES"

Greetings folks! Here's my latest directorial effort: "MOSES." It's a crime drama, about a wandering homeless man who's mysterious past is about to come to light.

I've been working with my independent study class in electronic media production at CSU Fresno to complete this film since the end of January. It's the result of hard work from over 30 college students, that's including talent and crew. It was an awesome experience. Hope you enjoy, lemme know what you think.

Here's the link. It's quite hefty. Sorry 56Kers. If there's a demand I could provide a smaller file. ENJOY!
(QT 6 or higher needed, 27 minutes, 166.06 mb, Size - 480x320)
Right click or option click and 'save target as' to download to your comp

Here's some screenshots:
"Who's scruffy lookin'?"
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