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Old April 22nd, 2006, 07:30 AM   #301
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4 min. Martial Arts Short

"Smoking is Prohibited"

shot on an hvx and a home made 35mm adapter

lemme know what you think
John J. Heppe is offline  
Old April 22nd, 2006, 09:27 PM   #302
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Relient K Music Video (GS400)

I have finished my first big project. Its a music video set to Relient K's - Never Underestimate My Jesus. I think it came out very good. Leave me some feedback ide love to hear what you have to say.

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Old April 23rd, 2006, 07:00 AM   #303
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nice reel mate....
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Old April 23rd, 2006, 01:01 PM   #304
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That was cool. I laughed, I liked it. It could be a lot better, but it was fun. I liked it more than the last thing you posted, the news program spoof.

I'm not American, but I do recognize all of the stereotypes depicted here. I liked the absurdity of it all, and the way it was treated. I'm a fan of unnecesary cursing (which isn't as easy to do as cursing unnecesarily) and most of that was rightfuly done. You stole some laughter from me mosltly like that.

Now, the acting isn't that good, but the fact that it can absolutely be felt you were having lots of fun makes (at least) me enjoy it almost as much. It also seems you were doing things "on the fly" (I'm trying to say you just went and did it, not much thought put into it). Go on, that's some great learning.

Lastly, a few things: first, the image was blown most of the time (overexposed, I mean) when you were in the streets. Maybe a bit darker shadows would make it look better. You could touch some gamma settings in post if you want some more detail in the shadows (actually, if you want to turn them clearer, that is). I think that'd look better. Second, the style, the cop reality show style you were trying to achieve wasn't consistent. Not because of the interviews, that's plausible, but because of the subjective shot of the "all-proper talking" guy, and some other cinematic shot setups (like a handheld scene following the "cops" inside a house were black guys are listening to rock'n'roll and then the camera is waiting for them outside to shoot them coming out of the house). Of course, in the overall absurd feel of the short, these things don't mean a thing, really. You're allowed to do this. I just saw it and it struck me as odd, that's it. Oh, and third, try to use a different 10 by 10 meters of land to shoot the shorts! I've done this before (I've shot 4 shorts in the same inside of a house, 5 shorts in the same street, and 3 shorts in the same flat roof, so I know about this), but never on the same short pretending it's a totally different place! I just jumps out of the screen when you see the same house and cars and background. Next time, try to go around the block and, only if extremely necessary, ask for permission to shoot. Or is it that difficult to shoot anywhere in the US? Maybe that's the case. Here we shoot everywhere and the worst that can happen (besides getting you camera stolen) is to be weirdly looked at (and be stopped by 5 police cars and 17 cops for using lighter guns in your short in the middle of the street...). Do that, it'll give more variety to the look of the films you make, and that's mostly a good thing.

Aw, well, that's some of my criticism for you. I liked the short and I'm looking forward to seeing more from you. Just take what I tell you as my humble opinion, but be honestly critic about you work and try to find what things you did right and which were wrong. That way, your next short will be much better. My best regards.

Oh, wait! What camera did you use, again?

That's that now. Bye (sorry for the length of the reply, my lack of sinthesis power is pathological).
"Because the guy who wants too much risks losing absolutely everything.
Of course, the guy who wants too little from life might not get anything at all."
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Old April 23rd, 2006, 01:56 PM   #305
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I used a Panasonic DVX100B.

I'm learning that ropes as I go about doing my shorts. I would have never even thought about any gamma settings or any shadows or anything. I just mostly look at content, but then again, when you're a professional in the field, you look at those kinds of things.

It was a run and shoot type operation. I just grabbed the camera and made a small script and went by that. It's hard around my area to shoot without the cops harrassing you. I've been stopped dozens of times from shooting by cops who throw accussations of drugs and stuff at us as well (I guess it's rare to see a group of black guys filming?). Anyways, I wish I could use other locations but a lack of transportation as well as getting the proper permissions hinders us. But in the end, the product was still funny so it didn't bother me that much.

I like criticism. I've learned a lot from these forums since I joined over Christmas break. Like I said, I would have never even gave the shadows or stuff a second thought. The shot was slightly overexposed but that was because when we ran in the house, it was completely dark almost (no lights in our house except little lamps in our rooms).

Thanks for watching!


Oh yeah, the consitency with the COPS style shooting is the way I've seen it. I see a lot of jump cuts in COPS so I overexaggerated it.
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Old April 23rd, 2006, 09:51 PM   #306
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It sucks that you have to take that s**t from the cops. It's a real shame. Maybe you can get some credential from your school that sorta certifies that you're doing this for "educational" purposes. Or at least to show that you certainly are not dealing drugs by carrying a camera around (!!!!). Down here to be filming is like an uncommon event, so people are more likely to gather to watch instead of feeling threatenend or something. Still, we at my school have a credential to show to authorities if ever needed (it's also useful to get help from other people who would see our work as a means to steal them or something). See if you can get something like that to help you around

I know about the transportation, it's a real pain in the hineys. But maybe you can go just a block away to slightly change the background. Just that would already make a difference.

Oh, and about the overexposition in that scene, I had thought about the dim lights of the interior, and thought that was the exact reason for the problem. I'm glad that you're trying to control everything by setting stuff to manual, that's the best you can do. I hate it when I see the iris auto exposing the shots and the focus trying to find the right spot all the time.

By the way, I'm not a professional. Consider me equal. I've still a lot to learn inspite of how much knowledge I've already acquired from this site. Just trying to help. And keep on grabbing the camera and making small scripts and going by that. Like I said, that's some of the best learning you can get.
But, just like I've been starting to see clearer some time ago: just imagine how great it would be if that which you made just running around and looks great, you did it giving it more thought, time and work... It'd be simply awesome. Aim for that.
"Because the guy who wants too much risks losing absolutely everything.
Of course, the guy who wants too little from life might not get anything at all."
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Old April 24th, 2006, 07:13 AM   #307
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"BROKEN" Feature Film VFX Test Clip w/ Breakdown

"BROKEN" Feature Film VFX Test Clip w/ Breakdown

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to give you an update on "B R O K E N" the feature film. We have finished the screenplay and it is in the hands of our producers. We are currently in development on the visual effects, conceptual art, etc for the flix. Wish us luck.

We wanted to share one of our vfx tests. It is rough but we did do a breakdown on how it was done for you to see the process.
Let us know what you think.

For the for clip FULL click here:

Also, I will be shooting another short film in the coming months while we are waiting for BROKEN to go into full drive. I haven't shot a frame since BROKEN and I am itching BAD!! More details to come...

Thanks again for all the support, the emails, and good wishes. The BROKEN: Special Edition DVD seems to have been very well receieved and according to all your emails and posts is helping a lot of filmmakers and storytellers. I wish you all the best of luck in your future projects!!!
Make it happen!

Keep your eye on the prize :thumbsup:

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Old April 24th, 2006, 12:14 PM   #308
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I loved it. My favorite line was the one about Asians driving down the wrong side of the road. You guys are getting funnier with every short you make.
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Old April 24th, 2006, 02:00 PM   #309
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Greet clip. Is this full length movie going to be an expansion of the short you did for the DVD or is this a totally different story?
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Old April 24th, 2006, 03:22 PM   #310
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Originally Posted by Walter J Walsh

Greet clip. Is this full length movie going to be an expansion of the short you did for the DVD or is this a totally different story?
Thanks. Mostly different from the short but that scene is in the script.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 02:21 PM   #311
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Blood Storm- action short

Hey guys, its been a while since i posted. heres a film i made 2 years ago. it was made as a test video for some effects and shots i wanted to use for my other films. It was shot in one night with a crummy camera. People seem to find it alot of fun, i hope you guys injoy.
plot: Blood Storm
When a Columbian drug lord goes out of control by kidnapping the worlds last diplomat. There is only one man who can save the world. The Doc.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 05:59 PM   #312
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Hey Kyle,
Thanks for posting your piece. Over all you did a good job. The gs400 is a good camcorder and the quality was very nice. Very creative, and I can tell you enjoyed putting that together. Only thing I can say is just work on framing some more, in some places there was to much head room, and then when the young lady was under the bridge as you were trying to circle behind here, you just lost it there. That comes better with practice. Over all good production. Take Care

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Old April 26th, 2006, 07:02 AM   #313
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Cool I am first to post. I have to admit I smiled a few times. At times I was reminded of power rangers, but good actors are not cheap.

You said you used a crap camera which one, the images look pretty good.

The framing I thought was done well, and I liked lots of the choices made for angles. I would have liked an extreme close up the second time he lights a sig. You know where all you see is maybe his eyes and mouth.

The end was funny, I will not spoil it but it was a good spoof off the old ride off into the sun set.

I did not like the lengthy intro. But I do not like when big movies do that either. I am like just get on with the movie already.

Hey why not name this movie Fist of death? Or fist of steal. Would have been perfect to hear the song "fist full of steal" by Rage Against the Machine, in the last fight.

If you could let me know what camera you used and if you used any adapters thanks
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Old April 26th, 2006, 02:42 PM   #314
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Demo Reel--feedback please

Howdy all,

I have posted a low quality encode of my reel as a placeholder while we finish designing the new site. I would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism on any aspect of the reel. Also, please let me know if the reel is too dark on your monitor.

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Old April 26th, 2006, 02:57 PM   #315
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I have an Apple 20" cinema display and I think it's a little dark.

I think the reel looks like a lot of other reels that I've seen. Everytime I see a reel like this I wonder what it is being sold exactly, and that's hard to know without knowing who the auidence. Who are the potential clients you think will be watching the reel?
Peter Wiley is offline  
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