INOVAŽ STS Headlamp from Nite IzeŽ (fadvert) at
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Old February 26th, 2015, 11:57 AM   #1
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INOVAŽ STS Headlamp from Nite IzeŽ (fadvert)

Take a look at my advert, all feedback appreciated and if you think it's worth sharing, share away!

Many thanks,
Andre Bisson.
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Old February 26th, 2015, 03:03 PM   #2
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Re: INOVAŽ STS Headlamp from Nite IzeŽ (fadvert)

I had a very hard time seeing what was going on because the exposure was so dark. I understand that you're trying to show the headlamps in their element, but perhaps staging a few shots and using scenarios that have more practical lighting would work better. A strong hard backlight from high up could simulate moonlight and outline the talent. Putting them around a campfire would also be believable. As a camper, I use lights like this to do dishes at night, find gear, read in the tent. I also use it for work around the house as well (plumbing). Mechanics could use these, home inspectors, etc. This will give you more scenarios that have better ambient light.
You might also consider renting or hiring a DP with a Sony A7s, the low-light champ. You'll still have a wicked contrast difference between the lamp and a dark background though.
The lights overload the camera sensor when pointed straight at it. Lowering the contrast by adding fill light would really help. If the scenes must be done at night, consider dusk. Slightly underexposed, it will help sell the illusion of a bright headlamp and a dark evening.
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