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Old December 10th, 2004, 12:39 AM   #16
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Alien movie: Contrary to most responses, I liked it..up until the denouement, which I didn't care for as it seemed too obvious and not in line with the rest of the buildup. I'm willing to accept what seems like a cliched premise if the outcome is a surprise.

Nun movie: a little amusing, for as far as I got. The player or the server refused to go beyond the middle of the film, so I don't know how it ends. What I saw didn't really hook me, because the setup seemed improbable.

The random alignments of the camera in both movies didn't (for me) detract from the storytelling. I just wanted more interesting stories. The lighting was serviceable, and the music was a little bit obvious. I do enjoy watching movies that successfully tell their stories without dialogue, so I enjoyed that in both movies.

Good luck on future efforts!

Michael Bernstein, actor & film maker.
10 films in 10 weeks: www.amplecatnap.com
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Old December 10th, 2004, 01:12 AM   #17
New Boot
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: LA -- Cali-for-ni-a
Posts: 12
Ufo short -> As a person said earlier, sounds would have been nice. The minitures shots, they should have been slower, esspecially with the crash landing. I say this becuase if you notice in movies, whenever something is suspossed to be ginormous, its always very very slow. I also have something picky to say about it. When the door of the ufo opens, there is alot of light on the door and windows, but when it shows the girl going to the door, there is no light coming through the window...its just inconsistent.

The Nun One -> Its funny...ill give you that much. I think that the music of him looking at the wedding night video shouldnt have been that harsh, it should ahve been some "bliss like", or "happy time jamaican style" music you know what im saying? Because by the looks of it he was having a good time. As for the ending, it fits, but you could have done better.

Well thats about it...and remember...its CONSTRUCTIVE criticism...
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-Alb3rt 3inst3in
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