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Old September 16th, 2005, 05:50 PM   #721
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Hmm, kinda feel odd giving my opinion I don't have any movie-making experience, but as a viewer...

I liked part 1 more. Both are intriguing and a little suspenseful, and the main character's (note writing guy) acting is decent. I'm thinking maybe he'll "bloom" in some later scenes/parts.

I really didn't like the ladie's dialogue with him in the restaurant in part 2 though - it sounded like it was read off and a little forced. Maybe you were trying to convey something with that tone though?

I am interested in the rest though!
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Old September 16th, 2005, 08:13 PM   #722
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Don't feel odd, I post on here to get opinions, I really appreciate it when people take the time to watch and tell me what they think.

You may be on to something with her tone though.

Thanks again for watching and look for Part 3 next Friday.

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Old September 16th, 2005, 11:57 PM   #723
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New- feature


I am beginning my first feature film called STRANGETOWN, in mid-october and in that occasion I have a question:

I am operating the camera and directing myself. I have beautiful locations
, most of them outside, but how can I effectively light the inside-ones?
I mean in a REALLY simple way. It is a time- issue.

Hope you have some ideas.
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Old September 17th, 2005, 08:49 AM   #724
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Posts: 8 the windows? :-) I've got a set of 500w tungstens that were used to light the indoor scenes of my last project. They were only about $200 from B&H and worked great.
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Old September 18th, 2005, 06:23 PM   #725
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Last Chance to see "The New Day" at ifilm -filmed with 35mm Adapter

Well crew,

Im pretty sure my subscription at ifilm is just about over.
So to get full value, and some feedback, I thought id give you all a final chance to check out this short i made late last year with my home made 35mm adapter. "The New Day"

I have been a bit lazy this year in making stuff which is strange becuase last year i was stacking shelves in a department store and trying my ass off to get a "real" job and also make a decent shorts.This year, however im i have finally got thaty job, Im producing commercials but, ive only made a wedding video and some "run and gun" of my new kitten!. "Go Figure" as my North American friends say.

Ben Gurvich

Last edited by Ben Gurvich; September 18th, 2005 at 06:30 PM. Reason: want to appear smarter than i am
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Old September 18th, 2005, 07:42 PM   #726
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The film is done well, also it is real good to see another aussie short online.

A few things though:

The sound could be a lot cleaner, is bad compression or what?.
Couldve had another seen building up to a climax. Just my opinion though.

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Old September 18th, 2005, 08:28 PM   #727
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This was very hard to follow for me. Maybe it was the audio and the accents.

I kinda like the lense depth and slight vignetting though.
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Old September 18th, 2005, 09:53 PM   #728
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Thanks for Watching Justin. Appreciate the comments too.

Originally Posted by Justin Kohli
This was very hard to follow for me. Maybe it was the audio and the accents.
The story for me was really an exercise in making a dramtic piece on Minidv
Not much really happens, as you can see, its more about the main character internalizing everything that happens around him. The blandness is sort of a stylistic choice.

As far as the accent, it can be hard at times. I recently spoke to my Canadian mother inlaw on the phone and with the delay and all the different vernacular it made it a bit hard for her.

I used the Box to give a film look, and make it not look so video and cliche.
All the sound was dubbed with a Rode omnidriectional mic. Unfortunately i didnt use it in a studio just a quiet room, butit picked up the humming of the PC.

Originally Posted by Justin Kohli
I kinda like the lense depth and slight vignetting though.
Yeah i used a 50mm nikkor 1.8 and my home made dof box adds some nice grain.
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Old September 18th, 2005, 10:02 PM   #729
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I think the audio issue wasnt a matter of production, just web compression with the accent and perhaps the underlying music.
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Old September 19th, 2005, 09:00 PM   #730
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"LONG BROWN COAT" mini35 short playing at the SD Film Fest

"Long Brown Coat" is a short film written / directed / produced by Dean Bull (little ole me).

Check out the trailer at the website:

The short was shot using the mini35 (rented from fellow dvinfo'er Eric at indie rentals) attached to the dvx100 and the entire film was designed and all the sets were constructed from the ground up. Entire budget was 2000 bucks so I think we stretched the dollar pretty far.

For anyone is San Diego, "Long Brown Coat" will be playing at the San Diego Film Festival. The film also got accepted into the Nevada City Film Festival, and The International Festival of Independent Horror in Illinois. Just waiting to hear back from the other 35 Festivals I submitted too...

The site also has some behind the scenes photos of the sets, make-up etc.

If you got any questions, just throw em out and I will answer them as best I can.

Dean - Film Fabricator
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Old September 23rd, 2005, 10:36 AM   #731
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Hey everyone,

Part 3 of THE WARNING is up! Go check out the conclusion of this short film and let me know what you thought. If you need to refresh your memory on the other parts, just download all three using the links provided on the page to right click on, and watch them back to back.

Thanks for watching, enjoy!

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Old September 24th, 2005, 03:43 AM   #732
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I was anticipating this. ;)

Overall I thought it was a decent short from execution of story to cinematography. One particular thing though - in the 3rd part I noticed alot of audio clipping in one particular tense scene with Richard (don't wanna spoil it).

I also wasn't sure who the shot guy at the end was... maybe he was from a 1st or 2nd part, which I did see both - but forgot about.

I thought the character of Richard was generally good and interesting. Again in the thread for the 2nd part I had a tough time believing the woman's dialogue with Richard in the diner. I don't think it was so much the dialogue but the forced execution. The sunglassed-guy... would've been interesting to see a little bit of his life or background like we did with Richard so that we know how he plays into this whole equation. Acting was OK but seemed cliched at times.

But overall a nice short that builds up suspense although for me a confusing ending.
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"The most important thing is to enjoy life, to be happy, that's all that matters." --Audrey Hepburn
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Old September 25th, 2005, 06:29 AM   #733
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Just for the records, skatemovies are all far from the same!

Take for example Adio's movie, they hired two of the best graphic designers available (cant remember their names, ofcourse) to spice it all up. The results were an amazing movie, with a lot of really nice effects to it.
Apart from that, a lot of the time the cameraman rides behind the skateboarder on a custom dolly - yup, its a skateboard!
Carpe Noctem
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Old September 25th, 2005, 11:16 AM   #734
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Hey Justin,

Thanks for watching and offering your comments. I can't believe you didn't recognize the guy at the end. I'm sure if you look again you will realize who he is. You can PM me if you still don't know who he is.

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Old September 25th, 2005, 02:12 PM   #735
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Bad Cat 4


The next horribly bad chapter in the Bad Cat series is now available!

In this chapter, we find our foxy feline Garfield finally taking out his owner permanently in a rather gruesome way: Using his 4-year-old daughter as bait.

Bad Cat 4 was filmed with a Sony DSR-PD170 camera in native DVCAM, true 1.78:1 widescreen.

Bad Cat 4 is now available for download in MPEG1 (352x240 @ 1000k), MPEG2 (720x480 @ 6000k), Quicktime H.264 and MPEG4 256k and 64k streaming media files.

Download Bad Cat 4 here:
Robert M Yannetta, Loud Orange Cat Productions
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