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Old August 30th, 2005, 02:26 PM   #691
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XL2 & XM2 Dramatic Showreel

Just thought i'd post a link to my showreel here to find out what people think: - High Quality - Low Quality

Most of it is shot on the XM2, with elements shot on my recently acquired XL2. I own the copyright to the music, but didnt score it.

Let me know what you think!
Andrew Wills is offline  
Old August 30th, 2005, 08:29 PM   #692
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New Music video

So i finally got around to making my second Music video. Same band that i used for the first video. Location is Basement and Downtown Cleveland.

-Canon GL-2
--Bogen 3036 Legs
---Bogen 3063 Head
----Bogen 3156 Dolly
-----Sonic Foundry Vegas video 4.0

--Would have used my Glidecam 2000 pro but i still havent really figured it out yet.

Just tell me what you think of the video good/bad.
AIM - N film B
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Old August 30th, 2005, 08:51 PM   #693
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Dont worry; i laughed too.
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Old August 30th, 2005, 11:16 PM   #694
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Giuseppe, pretty nice work. Don't own a GL2 but use to have a GL1 before I got my XL2. I got rid of it because I stopped using it but still regret it some. Oh, well..
As far as the video goes you obviously put some effort into it. The thing that stuck out to me were the indiscriminate placement of the white flashes. There were other things but I'll talk a bit about these.
These are still being used in MV's but they are becoming a bit cliched and tired.
In your video there's a series of them strung together when we see the kid across the street through the traffic.
They're not being used for any specific purpose such as transitional devices between images or scenes or something to help drive the visuals or narrative.
They seem somewhat thrown in to fill space.
But being as young as you are (that's a good thing) the video kicked butt on many other levels.
Hope you're not offended, just wanted to add my two cents.
Good job, overall, though.
Eric Brown is offline  
Old August 31st, 2005, 01:06 AM   #695
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Catwoman Action Short - Preview

Hi Everyone, i'm new to the forum and thought i'd say hi.

I'm currently in post on a short fanfilm I shot with an XL1/ XL1s. There's a preview online over at the website showing fight training, storyboards, early color correction and costume tests as well as a sexy photoshoot with the lead - available in the usual formats as well as for Sony PSP and mobile phones.

I'd love to hear what you guys think. Thanks for your time.

Promo Shot


Last edited by Colin Blakeston; August 31st, 2005 at 06:40 AM.
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Old August 31st, 2005, 02:15 AM   #696
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Trailers Online For Comment :)

Hey All,

Decided to stick some of my Trailers/Teasers that i've made online.
Mostly to test my Quicktime encoding before the next DV Challenge (Quicktime has always given me trouble)

So please feel free comment on both the content and the encoding :)


Quiet Auckland 8 Days Later

Curse Of Seven Oaks
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Old August 31st, 2005, 02:17 AM   #697
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Oh for those wondering...

All shot with Panasonic MX300A and Edited using Vegas 5 :)
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Old August 31st, 2005, 03:34 AM   #698
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im 20 and ive made 6 music vids... u can check the latest here.. so take my crtique for what you prob already think its worth...

anyways ya ya white flashes big deal, but there is a big difference between just inserting white frames... and white flashes that look good... try playing with 2 frames before a near fully white frame with bringing up the contrast and brightness drastically or the levals.... even play with the color correction being altered within those 2 frames.

aswell... i dont like the lack of wide shots... i used to be a slave to dv res and be like dmannit anything only looks good with a cu or medium shot in telephoto mode ... thus giving it depth of field.. and resembling a more filmic lens.... but dont be a sucker... if your a super nazi and want to get a more filmic look shoot ur wides.. etc... and be like hey they look like ass now... but wait till i mask them out in ae and give the background fake depth of field by using a guasion blur and applying multiple passes at multiple settings in order to achieve... a variance of blur in the bg....
also, try to sell the band more.. dont just have them perform.. but have them look cool.. intercut moments of slow mo where they are like maybe laughing or looking up with some emotion in their eyes etc... just formula bullshit seen in music videos but hey... the best and bigest names do that shit so if you want to make music vids u might wanna consider it aswell..

thats about all the feedback im up for right now i didnt watch the end part it got botched on me. ... lata oh yah backlight the shit out ppl to add seperation aswell.. and u prob need to use key light too unless u already are.
Colin Minihan is offline  
Old August 31st, 2005, 06:25 AM   #699
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So far, so good. When will the video be available?

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Old August 31st, 2005, 06:44 AM   #700
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Hey Jay,

That's the question everybody is asking me these days. Still it's good that people want to see it :)

I'm currently juggling post alongside my day job, and am working on it whenever I get the chance. Planning on getting more featurette type vids done soon and maybe a trailer, thought that seems kind of overkill for a 5min film and I fear i'd be giving away all my best shots. Something like that would be cool for cast & crew thought, and to include on the DVD.

Last edited by Colin Blakeston; August 31st, 2005 at 07:48 AM.
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Old August 31st, 2005, 02:47 PM   #701
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It's a TV show. Canadians can watch it at 10:00 local time on Global. Maybe we should describe it to our American audience.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 06:35 PM   #702
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that was a cool peace of work. I saw some very nice shots, but the scenes only take half a second. I like your the things you did with the special effects. The toothpicks are amazing. I think you shouldn't overdo it. The same for the action work. You don't want the movie to be fake, cause it is hard to make action look like it is real. You can tell from some of your action scenes that is lacks somethings (mayby the colours or the way you handle the camcorder..stiff somehow). Try to stand out with cinematography.
I like the nightshot of the moon. For the rest, nice work. YOu have talent.
Jose di Cani is offline  
Old September 3rd, 2005, 01:59 AM   #703
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Thank you for the critique, its good to hear praise aswell as where you think I could do better :)

The action scene stuff (car flying over the bridge) is very dull in colour I must admit, it was a hard day to shoot, as the weather was miserable and it kept raining on and off, and as we were shooting on the motorway, everything is grey anyway, but I definately think I could have done better there.

I'm going to alter the showreel as time goes on, gradually replacing the showreel with new footage I shoot.

Thank you!

Anymore comments anyone? Is the music over the top? Is dramatic a ridiculous name to call this showreel? Do you think there is a better way of doing the showreel? All welcome!
Andrew Wills is offline  
Old September 8th, 2005, 08:53 AM   #704
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1 Minute movie

Hello everyone,

I recently made a 1 minute movie with the intention of participating at the "1 Minute Film & Sound Awards", a video competition in Belgium.

The jury made a selection out of the 180 movies that were send in. They picked 30, including mine.

There are 3 jury prices and 1 audience price. The audience price will be voted on the internet.

I would really appreciate it and be greatfull if you would watch my movie and vote on it. My movie is far from excellent(I'm just 17, I can still improve ;) ), so I know I probably won't win any of the jury prices, I'm putting all my hope on the audience price.

Here's the link:

Some "Dutch for beginners"

- My movie is titled "Bilwinco" from Ruben Vandepitte (movies are alphabetically)

- Bekijk dit filmpje means watch this movie

- Stem op dit filmpje means vote for this movie

- Naam means name

- Voornaam means first name

- It's important that the email adres you enter exists.

Thanks for voting !!! I can really use your help!
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Old September 8th, 2005, 01:29 PM   #705
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Colorado members, Breckenridge screening.

Colorado members,

My documentary "American Jouster" will be screening at the Breckenridge Festival of Film this Saturday, at noon. It's the official premiere, and unfortunately, I will be unable to attend. But the festival looks to be a good one, in its 25th year. So enjoy!

"If you don't trust the other guy on the other horse, don't get on your horse..." American Jouster
Richard Alvarez is offline  
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