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Old June 21st, 2005, 08:54 AM   #541
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Thanks for the praise, in reference to the jib arm, I was planning on rotoscoping it out, but didn't have time in post due to the time confinements of the graduation project office. THanks again, this forum is invaluable!
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Old June 22nd, 2005, 09:26 AM   #542
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BMX Racing trailer shot with pana GS120.....
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Old June 22nd, 2005, 07:57 PM   #543
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I like the soundtrack but try mixing in some crowd or ambient sounds. Also, it is a little too much of the same thing, do you have any interviews or other elements? If not, I would just make it shorter. Lastly, if you shoot any more be sure to get some high shutter close-ups of the wheels in motion

ash =o)
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 05:21 PM   #544
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I agree with the addition of some high shutter clips, maybe just a few. The only other thing that would have helped a lot would be a manual controlled telephoto lens, to help smooth out your zooms.

But otherwise I disagree, I personally would not change it, I liked it just the way it was. Each person adds a unique style to a shoot/edit with footage like that, even if its minor difference compared to how I might have done it. I personally like to see how you work the camera and what you focus on. And more so, the elements that you catch like dumps, crowd pleasers, etc.. Your timing and composition are on the money. It doesn’t hurt that I'm a sucker for any extreme sport.

Very cool track. Do they run those races often?
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 08:13 PM   #545
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I like it in general, but I agree it needs more diversity. I was waiting to see some crowd shots, or track-level closeups as the bikes blur by, tracking medium or close-up shots of the bikers, etc. (more crashes also sell better too, but that doesn't mean you want to go that way...). These things would add up to it being more visually interesting, and touch more on the human element rather than the bikes circling the track.

Brings back memories... I was a BMXer in my teens... lots o' fun.
Barry Gribble
Integral Arts, IMDB
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Old June 26th, 2005, 08:41 AM   #546
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clip for viewing

I recently shot my first wedding and just finished a rough cut of the "bridal prep" clip. Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Scroll to the bottom of the linked page and click on Premium download...then enter the following:

usercode : 43218
Password : 9562436

Sorry about the wildgoose chase...our website isn't up yet and this was the fastest way for us to get our clip up for viewing.

Brian Bechard
Landmark Productions
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Old June 26th, 2005, 02:44 PM   #547
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Trailer and Reel Intro

Hey Guys,

Well, I finally got some of my work up. I shot a film last December on the Canon XL2, 24p, with the mini35 adapter. This is the trailer for it:

I've also uploaded the opening to my reel, highlighting the films I've done recently. Not all these were shot with the mini35 though but I hope you enjoy them anyway.



Last edited by Josh Caldwell; June 28th, 2005 at 12:56 AM.
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Old June 26th, 2005, 11:37 PM   #548
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Greenscreen - talking head - video rich web site up

We finished the toughest part of our rich media web site on Saturday. The idea was to have an entire site as video based while using green/key, and 3D backgrounds (time consuming and difficult indeed). I just thought I would share after all the work we put into it. It has many more updates and tweaks still to come.

Canon XL1S rotated 90 deg trick
Premiere Pro
3D Studio MAX
Ultra 2 (keyer)
plus a few flash & compression tools
Our eyes allow us to see the world - The lens allows others to see the world through our eyes.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 01:57 PM   #549
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Originally Posted by Daniel Patton
It doesn’t hurt that I'm a sucker for any extreme sport.

Very cool track. Do they run those races often?
Yes, that race is part of the American Bicycle Associations's national series
There is also another sanction that has a national series.
It will also be in the 2008 olympics!
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Old June 28th, 2005, 12:19 AM   #550
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Trailer and Reel Intro

Hey Guys,

Well, I finally got some of my work up. I shot a film last December on the Canon XL2, 24p, with the mini35 adapter. This is the trailer for it:

I've also uploaded the opening to my reel, highlighting the films I've done recently. Not all these were shot with the mini35 though but I hope you enjoy them anyway.


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Old June 28th, 2005, 12:21 AM   #551
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Ah, sorry. I just realized I already posted this here. Oops. Don't mean to flood the boards. Sorry guys.
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Old June 28th, 2005, 08:48 AM   #552
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Eric Stevens live

Well, it's been a while since I had an opportunity to post anything. Two weeks ago, I shot a live performance of Eric Stevens. The band needed a two minute teaser of their newest song so if you watch this, this is why the video seems to end before the song is finished. Shot with one XL1s.
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Old June 28th, 2005, 02:15 PM   #553
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Thanks! I found a few local races.

I just got off the phone with the owner of the Morristown TN track and it looks like we may be shooting some footage during the Pro-Am Challenge on July 23rd.

I requested a media pass for 1-3 camera operators inside the tracks fenced area and it's a go.

Thanks for the heads up! I'll try and edit down something and post it here later.
Our eyes allow us to see the world - The lens allows others to see the world through our eyes.
RED ONE #977
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Old June 28th, 2005, 10:56 PM   #554
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Blood Thirsty: A Movie Short

After two months of summer vacation, with the mastering of the chicken quesadilla being my most productive accomplishment, I decided to tackle something a little bigger. I started writing my first completely independent screenplay, a mockumentary on competitive eaters. 3 days in, I’ve written 15 pages. But that isn’t really what this thread is about. I had this urge to film/tape something, so in the process, I wrote a 6 page horror movie short. In a span of 2 hours of filming, and 3 hours worth of editing (over two days) I completed my horror short, Blood Thirsty. The idea for the short came from a recurring nightmare, I’ve had since I was a little kid.

So I now present to you, Blood Thirsty…Download Here
(It is 29mb, 6:23 min so you are better off downloading, then streaming)
I’d like to thank everyone in advance who took the time to watch, I really appreciate it.

I hope you guys can give me some constructive criticism.

For those wondering about the equipment, I shot it in Frame Movie Mode on a Canon GL2, with a Audio-Technica AT-897. For some shots I used a homemade stedicam stick (made out of metal piping, with a weight at the bottom). It was all edited with Final Cut Pro HD, with some soundwork done in Soundtrack.

The one aspect I struggled with was the picture quality (pretty grainy), because I didn’t have any real lighting (I used a white poster board as a reflector with a cheap flashlight). Most scenes were shot in dark rooms, as it was supposed to take place at night.

P.S. I’m not a jerk who doesn’t include cast credits, they just asked to have their names not released (out of embarrassment of their acting :))
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Old June 28th, 2005, 11:23 PM   #555
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*WARNING - This post contains a spoiler

Pretty good work. Is that all real news footage, because if it isn't that is very impressive work. Good sound work, and excellent lighting. Maybe the dad should have been reading or something when the mom got in bed (not super just seemed weird that the man was lying in bed trying to sleep with ALL the lights on, as opposed to just that desklamp so his wife could find the bed)

Only two complaints. If what the girl was saying on the internet was important, on the web the rez is so low I couldn't hardly read it at all. If it isn't imporant (which unless there is a huge twist I missed - It isn't)....then maybe that scene needs to be cut shorter.

Second...and by far the most difficult to reconcile is that the girl runs up to her bedroom after seeing the bloody man...when in reality there is no way any teenage girl would do that. Hell....I'm 22 years old, male, and mildly menacing looking (*cough*)..and the first thing I'd do is run straight for my parents room and wake up my dad (which is a good place to answer the question "why is the man all bloody?")

Nice move with the exorcist DVD as well.
Matt Champagne is offline  
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