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Old May 30th, 2005, 01:05 PM   #496
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XL2 footage - broadband streaming

Hi, just if somebody want to see 2min. test footage XL2, converted to .flv
1000Kbps, 25fps

(Note: if your connection speed is slover, press pause button and wait responding time to buffer the video...)
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Old May 30th, 2005, 04:06 PM   #497
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I'm not sure what others might think of this, but I found it interesting. Great job Chris! The concept of this short was easy to follow and the story captured my attention. The quality of the video was good too (same goes for the editing), what camcorder did you use and what software did you use to edit(adobe,vegas,magic bullet,etc.)?
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Old May 30th, 2005, 05:07 PM   #498
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Very nice! What camera? What did you use to light the night dorm room scenes?
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Old May 30th, 2005, 07:28 PM   #499
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Bad Cat 3

The much anticipated final chapter in the "Bad Cat" series is now available for download at

"The meow stops here."

4 minutes, 13 seconds.
Robert M Yannetta, Loud Orange Cat Productions
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Old May 30th, 2005, 07:53 PM   #500
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It streamed fine for me, but I also tend to make my "personal" streaming video for high bandwidth users only. Business applications are another story.

Maybe one or two very slight pauses viewing your test at that rate, on our end anyway.

As a side note... I love the look of just about anything from the XL2, it's my #1 favorite SD/DV camera.
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Old May 31st, 2005, 12:55 AM   #501
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hey guys, thanks for the compliments! I used a Canon GL2 and shot all in frame mode. The only software I used was Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 and we lit the dorm room scenes with 2 small lamps, lol. the production was FAR from professional, and you guys probably would've laughed if you saw us, running around with desk lamps trying to make a movie, haha. thanks for checking it out and leaving comments!
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Old May 31st, 2005, 06:54 AM   #502
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Cool! That's just the right spirit :) . I thought, that the guy running around and finally getting into the classroom was a little "too" overdone and messed up, the homeless "copy" of him was genius!

Regards, Matthias
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Old May 31st, 2005, 07:06 AM   #503
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WOW! I had 1 glitch only when checking the video and that was a glitch of
0.4 seconds. It loaded pretty fast, amazing really what broadband can do with video. Super!

I loved some scenes you implemented in your xl2 footage. I like scene with the water pourring straight into the bowl and heat comng out of it. The lighting was just perfect and so warm. I would however change the background when the green plant comes into a solo-action (I would do something with the white backrgound).

Xl2 is just amazing now I have looked at your video. Thanks man. xl2....I need to have it.
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Old May 31st, 2005, 07:12 AM   #504
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Great initial text animation with the numbers rolling and everything. I would only change some text scenes with the background white inoto some other colours, cause the white seems little bit greyish/video to me. I would also add a little bit of post productiont o warmen up the colours, cause the colours of some scenes are a little bit pale/grey. You only need to warm them up and the video will be fin. Thanks for the footage. Always nice to see what xl2's can do.
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Old May 31st, 2005, 07:26 AM   #505
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Thanks for the footage. The quality of your work resembles most other xl footage out there which used a mini 35. I can tell the mini35 is used. The quality is amazing, no doubt, but sometimes I can tell it is fake or something is going on.

Things I like:

- scene with windmill and guy looking up. NIce cinematography there.
- warm colours/ DOF makes the difference
- end scene was nice to watch. A little bit overlighted but amazing pan view.

Things I don't like:
- scenes when the guy walks behind the colourfull houses...lacks action there. A bit stiff acting
- stiff acting (you can feel what is going to happen). HEad over shouder scenes are a bit too obvious. I would use the DOF to include the shoulder so that it blures away or shorten the distance ratio. MAybe that is because one cam was used on the conversation scene. I don't know.

good luck with your work
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Old June 1st, 2005, 12:11 PM   #506
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Fire Department Video

Opening couple minutes of a video I made for my Fire Department, Maple Ridge, BC. It's for the new recruit class.

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Old June 1st, 2005, 01:05 PM   #507
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Nice. Was the bumper cam real time or time re-mapping in AFX?
Your poor lens! I hope those were water droplets I noticed ...
Great intro!
How's the civic square project going? Your ex ceo spent a few whirlwind days as our ceo, was quickly fired and now he's in Kazakastan ...
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Old June 1st, 2005, 02:00 PM   #508
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Originally Posted by Jimmy McKenzie
Nice. Was the bumper cam real time or time re-mapping in AFX?
Your poor lens! I hope those were water droplets I noticed ...
Great intro!
How's the civic square project going? Your ex ceo spent a few whirlwind days as our ceo, was quickly fired and now he's in Kazakastan ...
All edited in Premiere Pro... I believe the bumper clip was at about 450% speed. Don't feel too bad for the lens... it's a $40 Wide angle converter on the front of a cheap 1CCD Sharp miniDV that I [ab]use in those situations. Most of the rest is XL1s.

Yes, Mr. Robertson's name is mud around here. Civic square is finished, but we'll be paying for it for years...
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Old June 1st, 2005, 11:24 PM   #509
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Hey Chris...

You got some good shots from the bumper cam to the guys donning gear in the Engine to the cutout still shots of each of the crew (or were they the instructors for the Recruit class?).

Even though it was upbeat I had a difficult time with the music selection.
I couldn't quite put my auditory finger on it, there was just something about that specific song that seemed to detract from a pretty cool Fire Dept. video.

So far have only sat in on editing sessions but I can sure appreciate that simply making a simple decision on what music to use just ain't so simple.

Thanks for posting.
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Old June 2nd, 2005, 10:48 PM   #510
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visual effect test for upcoming short

Okay guys. I'm going to be producing a short pretty soon and a friend and I created this as concept art for the short. Basically to make sure we could do it. It took about 5 seconds to film and 5 hours to complete.

PV-DV953 16:9 anamorphic, frame mode (specialized AE conversion to 24p)
After Effects to composite
3DS Max for 3d animation
Stock footage for flames
Particular for flares

Lemme know what you think and what could be improved. Thanks!

Last edited by Riley Harmon; June 2nd, 2005 at 11:10 PM.
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