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Old May 24th, 2005, 01:39 PM   #481
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i thought it was pretty cool. makes me want a dvx 100a even more now.
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Old May 25th, 2005, 04:34 AM   #482
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Vegas is pretty good to do these kind of conversions, and I agree, uprezzing
can look pretty good most of the time. SD has a lot more resolution than a
lot of people credit it for, especially with a good camera.

Rob Lohman,
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Old May 25th, 2005, 10:26 PM   #483
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Prospect Movie XL2

Just want to thank all the people at the dv info boards for their help during the making of my first film. The preview is up at my website if anyone wants to check it out. It features a bunch of major league baseball players and coaches and was completly shot with the XL2. It's starting to pick up steam in the baseball community and looks to be a succesful project.

I used these boards for guidance on issues ranging from what camera to purchase to multiple editing questions. It's been fantastic.

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Old May 25th, 2005, 10:28 PM   #484
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I forgot to add that I got my camera from brian at Zotz digital...who I found on these boards. From my experiences working with zotz, I wouldn't go anywhere else.

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Old May 25th, 2005, 10:41 PM   #485
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I like it.. insightful, compelling... and the little subtle transistions are good, with good text animations.. short and to the point... may i suggest crushing the blacks a little bit, to give some enigmatic stimulation to the subconscience brain?

I would watch this movie..

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Old May 26th, 2005, 10:00 AM   #486
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"After Twilight" to screen in LA.

Our short "After Twilight" was selected by the Texas Film Commision to be part of the Texas Filmmakers Showcase. It will screen as an evening of Texas Films at Raleigh Studios, The Chaplin Theatre on June 12th. It's pretty much an invitation only event, The Film Commision uses it as a showcase to industry professionals to illustrate the caliber of crews and locations available in Texas. We're the only Houston based film showing.

"After Twilight" took a Gold award at Worldfest Houston International Film Festival last month, and continues to make the festival rounds. We just finished up a feature length version of the script, and we're shopping it to a couple of distributors now. has info and a trailer.

I'll be in LA that weekend to smooze and see it projected in a nice theatre.
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Old May 26th, 2005, 11:37 AM   #487
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Hunter S. Thompson is on a field trip to Heaven and is bringing Tricky Dick down to the depths of hell.
I killed the Muse.
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Old May 26th, 2005, 02:45 PM   #488
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Thanks for the comments, Mathieu.

I don't have that many production 'behind the scenes' photos or footage, but I'll try to gather something and add it to the site. Good idea.

The reason for no sound in the trailer is that I still have quite a few things to do, so I haven't had the time to refine it.

The whole short was done with a GL2. When the trailer is playing, you can actually see a small GL2 icon at the top-right corner of the web browser.

Anyone else with more positive/negative comments welcome!
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Old May 28th, 2005, 08:53 AM   #489
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5 minute edit of various XL2/mini35 footage

I've uploaded a new cut used on my demo DVD which has version of various footage shot indoor and outdoor from a project I worked on towards the end of last year.

Shot with mixed nikon and Arri lenses, 1k's mostly used and ND for outdoors.

Feedback welcome..
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Old May 28th, 2005, 01:29 PM   #490
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Was that shot on DV or 16mm?

2- Hey, I happen to know Igor (credited as cinematographer on your webpage) and did some color grading for his demo reel.

I saw some of that footage earlier (different shots some of them) on his reel and I though it was 16mm.
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Old May 28th, 2005, 02:49 PM   #491
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Hey Glenn,

It was shot on DV using my XL2 and mini35 adapter... thus the depth of field we were able to achieve on this project.

Glad to hear you know Igor and that you thought it was shot in film. The footage did need quite a bit of color correction and grading, what tools do you prefer using for that? I've found Color Finese to be pretty good for After Effects.

Igor and I might be working together on something new shortly.. hope to have more footage to post soon.
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Old May 28th, 2005, 10:33 PM   #492
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I prefer using Vegas 6. Why I like it:
-Very powerful (as in lots of tools), although it doesn't do everything.
-Controls are responsive. Double click a slider, it resets. Move a slider, things update on the fly (as opposed to Final Cut, where this doesn't happen).
-OK still/reference store.
-Firewire preview, has big vectorscopes + histogram.
-Reasonably fast. Very fast compared to Magic Bullet Editors. Some operations like bezier masking and blurs and chroma blur are slow, which affects responsiveness too.
-I'm very comfortable with the interface and it doesn't take that much button pushing to do things.
-Filter heirarchy (can apply filter at various levels), and takes system.

What I don't like:
-Speed (Ideally there's be a system out there that's faster. I don't think there's anything significantly faster.)
-No luminance curves like Combustion does.
-No motion tracking which you can tie into masks. (Never figured this out in After Effects. Yet?)
-No 32-bit float rendering. You just have to be careful as to filter order.
-No good built-in noise reduction tools, although you can use Mike Crash's filters. DNR and Smart Smoother
-Conforming tools- never tried AAF import, although apparently there are bugs?
-Learning curve / things that aren't obvious (i.e. 7.5IRE setup in the scopes, how not to make illegal colors [especially on dissolve to black], which filters are stupid, etc.)
-No luminance composite mode.
-Reference store could store more stuff.
-There needs to be shortcuts for specific commands to speed up workflow.
-No color matching tools, although I wouldn't know what to use em for.

I tried Color Finesse + After Effects. I didn't get into it, but I am more comfortable with Vegas so I like that better. What I didn't like about Color Finesse / AE:
-You have to wait for the interface to load up. On my system, it's buggy.
-Things aren't big... i.e. the curves window, and the histogram. It hard to see things precisely.
-I don't get the secondary color corrector. It seems to be limited compared to Vegas'
-Lacking some tools in Vegas: Noise reduction, gradient map to add duo/tritone (although secondaries can do this??; I don't get them, so I don't know how I'd use em)

2- I'm not really sure what film looks like. Probably why I was under the impression it was film:
-Igor was talking about how some of the stuff on his reel was shot on film.
-It didn't look like video.

I think it could look better (i.e. camera likely could've been steadier if you had a steadicam), but you don't have a Hollywood budget.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 01:21 AM   #493
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First "Star Wars" Fan Film I've really enjoyed.
I have my own opinons on it. I think it's a really solid little short. It kept me entertained.
What do you think of it?

Shot on Sony's Cinealta HD900.

Last edited by Evan Strobel; May 29th, 2005 at 11:24 AM.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 09:42 AM   #494
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Rick, I'm in the middle coaching a team now, and have been coaching at the junior-senior level for several years now, so this struck more of a baseball reaction, instead of an analytical reaction from me.

Your preview looked great, and I've passed your link on to other coaches in our league...Although your video focuses on what it takes to get to the next, ultimate level in baseball, it would not surprise me if its lessons would apply to all other levels of life, whether in basketball, tennis, golf, or the business world.
We've found in business(I run a large division of a very large company) that those who have succeeded in getting to the "next level" in sports, especially team sports, usually are very successful later on in life. It's just that most kids and young adults who have the talent, don't know what it takes to get there.

Best of luck.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 07:44 PM   #495
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No Need for Alarm - finalist for the UCLA Shorttakes Film Festival

Hey guys,

It's been a while since I've posted anything on here, but I wanted some constructive feedback from you guys so I decided to put my latest short online.

My friend and I rushed to make this film in 6 days and barely made the deadline for the UCLA Shorttakes Film Festival (we're freshman at UCLA) so the quality is not the greatest and I know it doesn't match up to the other work found on this board, but I'm just looking for some feedback so I can get better and learn from my mistakes. Thanks so much for all your help, I really appreciate it!

- Chris Yi
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