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Old April 19th, 2005, 11:19 AM   #406
Inner Circle
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Houston Members, see our film at WORLDFEST

"After Twilight" will screen at worldfest on Saturday, April 30th at 1 pm. See it at AMC Meyer Park 16, Digital theatre C 4730 West Bellfort, Houston Texas 77035

Admission is $6. The Program is "Shorta Thrillas" (I didn't name it)

#1. "Birthday Present" - 21:17 - USA - Peter Zhmutski, Director
#2 "Diamonds, Bullets & Fate" - 23:35 -USA - Peter Razal, Director
#3 "Ray of LIght" - 7:14 - Houston, Steve Ellis -Director
#4 "AFTER TWILIGHT" - 33:48 - Houston, Gary L. Watson, Director
#5 "The Light of Eons" - 15:55 USA -David Rogers, Director
#6 "Tears" - 7:30 - USA - Steve Wire, Director.

See our trailer at

"After Twilight" has already screened at "Freedom Festival" at Park City during Sundance and "Sedona Film Festival" in Arizona.

I won't be there, but Gary will.

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Old April 19th, 2005, 11:39 PM   #407
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no feedback eh? okay
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Old April 20th, 2005, 03:33 AM   #408
Inner Circle
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Hi Riley,

Here's some simple feedback for you. I loved it.

Took me a few seconds to realise it was all in reverse - in fact, first time round I didn't realise until he was at the fridge. For me that added a nice twist, but you may think I was just being dumb. It certainly made me want to watch it again.

As with all good stories, I was intrigued from the beginning.

There was a very striking moment when your man was leaving/enteringh the house, with the fan slowly spinning. Very cool. Was that a special effect or do you just have a very slow spinning fan? Also, when he's first arrived home, the dark figure running across the picture from left to right was perfect.

Soundtrack was great and fits perfectly (windscreen wipers were superb). I liked the transisitions from monochrome to colour and the rain added a nice image. All in all very cool photography.

If you want me to offer any constructive criticism (and I'm struggling to find anything really wrong!) I would say that there were a couple of compositions that I might have changed, for example there's a shot where your guy is sitting in a chair and we are viewing from his left side, across (I think) a table. There are a couple of objects (look like packets of some sort) right in front of his nose. I think I'd have tried to lose them. Also, by the time we get to the end, we know that the story is about someone breaking in and clubbing our hero to death - I don't think you need to add the dialogue to spell it out. I found myself wondering 'who is he shouting to?' and why didn't they get involved earlier?'. What would be great (for me) would be if the camera (looking down on the scene from directly above) was to very slowly pull up as high as possible and view the scene from a real high angle. But hey, we don't all have the luxury of cranes and jibs, eh?

Look forward to your next piece.

Ian . . .
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Old April 20th, 2005, 11:45 AM   #409
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I loved it as well. Brilliant way to tell the story so that it was not obvious what was going on until near the end. I would have stoped when you saw him breaking in though as I didn't think what came after that added anything to the story, but this is really nit picking. Great job I look forward to seeing more of your films.
Geoffrey Engelbrecht is offline  
Old April 21st, 2005, 12:25 AM   #410
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I liked it as well!

Nothing to add as far as changes, it was your story and it worked for me. The fact that I didn't stop watching in the first 6 seconds is a good sign, far too many I see never make it to 7 seconds. ;)

Dumb question but... Did you shoot "all" of the scenes of walking forward and then reverse them? The only reason I ask is that some of them look as though you actualy walked backwards, not sure why it looks that way in some.

Have any others?


I had to add... I just watched it again by dragging the slider in reverse the whole way, HA! pretty cool.
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Old April 21st, 2005, 01:12 AM   #411
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The Glove

If someone is interested here is a small version of the 7 minute short titled "The Glove". All your critisicm and ideas will be welcomed, Some of these will be forwarded to my editor Mike.

Cheers from Vegas

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Old April 22nd, 2005, 10:45 AM   #412
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Anyone...please take a few minutes to help a rookie out. Thanks.
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 11:49 AM   #413
Inner Circle
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I downloaded and watched it. You have some compelling images in it. I get the overall feeling that the camp is a place that you can have a lot of fun at.

The End.

Here's my take on how it could be better. Take what you've got and cut it in half. As a visual montage it was too long, too repetitive and lacked structure. It was as if someone handed me a stack of photos from their vacation, and it was all out of order. Try and tell a 'story' in the three minutes. Make me care about what's happening. Draw me in to the sequence. As a music video montage, it was too disjointed... both internally from image to image, and musically - it didn't connect with the music. (Which, I assume you have the rights to?)

All of that might sound harsh, but it's the sort of thing that turns "What I did last summer" into a movie that people enjoy rather than endure. I assume you don't have any testimonial to go behind it? Voices saying "It's the best summer I ever had." "Not only was it fun, but the fellowship was inspiring" "My kids were entertained, and uplifted throught the experience." "It brought our family closer together" etc.etc.

Maybe I missed your point. Maybe it was suposed to be a sort of random collection of smiling faces? If so, like I said, the overall impression was a nice place to visit.

Hope this helped.
Richard Alvarez is offline  
Old April 22nd, 2005, 12:02 PM   #414
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Thanks Richard for the feedback. That all makes sense to me, and I agree that it is pretty disjointed. Thanks. Anyone else?
Matt Weber is offline  
Old April 23rd, 2005, 08:00 AM   #415
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a shorty

Here's a little short we shot right when I bought my XL2. It's nothing special, just kind of an exercise for use to get to know our new friend.

If you do watch it, ignore the voice-over.. :)

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Old April 24th, 2005, 02:09 PM   #416
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Spy Training - Espionage Action!

Finished a little shortie this weekend. Inspired by the Splinter Cell and Metal Gear Solid games i shot this 3 minute short in 2 and a half hours with my trusty Canon XM2 and edited it together with premiere 6.5. I wanted to experiment mostly with camera angles. Check it out and comment on this little piece dear dvinfo people.
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Old April 24th, 2005, 08:11 PM   #417
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First XL2 Test Movie

Hey all, We just got done with this little short that we filmed right after we finally got our XL2. Its a nice little test shot movie please check it out and tell me what you think!
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Old April 24th, 2005, 08:45 PM   #418
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You got a bum camera man, nothing plays.
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Old April 25th, 2005, 10:51 PM   #419
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if it doesn't work... and it didn't for me...

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Old April 26th, 2005, 07:58 AM   #420
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Nice job indeed! I think I would also have ended with him entering the house,
it feels a tad like you are trying to explain it too much. However, if you do
cut there it might not be picked up by everyone. I got it at that point, also
the reverse was obvious (for me) from the moment he stood up after being
hit by the baseball bat.

Rob Lohman,
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