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Old March 24th, 2005, 03:38 PM   #316
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Thank You,
The establishing shot actually has been changed we used a more extreme angle and shot it at night, that teaser that is up now is going to be replaced hopefully sometime in the next couple of weeks.. Thanks for the feedback any is always better than none.
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Old March 24th, 2005, 05:55 PM   #317
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Moved to the correct forum.

Very nice! Styleish, a little creepy! Good ear candy too!
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Old March 24th, 2005, 07:38 PM   #318
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Looks great,
if I was to comment on something I think the 2nd interior shot focusing on the broken glass is a bit too long, and (watching it on Quicktime) looks a bit TV, while the rest gives me a film feeling.

Also, I LOVED the shot of the flashlights in the smokey corridor.

I think the trailer would be even better if you cut it down a bit futher, trim the cuts a bit more, make it 1/4 shorter.

I agree very much with the above comment from Scott Grocott on the good use of "what you don't see is creepier than what you do see" concept.

The trailer makes me want to see the film... now all you have to do is fullfill that...

I also join the cheering crowd for nice use of music/sound!

Good luck!
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Old March 25th, 2005, 06:57 AM   #319
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UFO Movie (3:36) - Cut 3

Here I am again. I have spent quite some time recutting this movie, and people have told me it's about 1000 times better than the original I posted here. So I thought I'd post this cut here and see if I get any better feedback than I did last time.

Production Notes:
Shot on XL1s.
Shot in natural light plus one 300 watt worklamp.
All of the Non-UFO shots were shot over one night, in about 6 hours.
Actors: 1 (Andrea)
Crew for non miniature shots: 1 (my self)
Crew for miniature shots: 3 (dolly, fog, myself-camera)

Edit... no one has watched it? Or no one knew what to say?
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Old March 26th, 2005, 11:52 PM   #320
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Fire Academy Doc. - NEW

Hey Everyone.

Since I had some time at home to recover from the Pneumonia, I figured I would get caught up on my newest Fire Academy Video.

It was all shot with an XL1s, standard lens and ambient light. It's a work in progress so don't be thrown by the abrupt ending.

The video is 3 min. long and is 20 mB. I know its a big download but I would appreciate feedback.

- Aaron
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Old March 27th, 2005, 04:58 AM   #321
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Im trying to fine tune this commercial so I can submit to a client. Any comments or suggestions? Thanks.....
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Old March 27th, 2005, 08:58 AM   #322
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A shot of the magazine cover would be be good so people can see what they are looking for. You may have done this, but it is hard to tell becuase the clip did not stream well for me. It was jerky.
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Old March 28th, 2005, 11:11 AM   #323
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Heh, that was A LOT better than the first version Bryan! I liked the strobing lights, nice creepy effect. How'd you do that? I don't know much about lighting effects like that. Did you just simply twiddle the light switch on and off? ^_^ The faster editing was also easier on the eyes, the first one had too many long cuts that made me sleepy. Overall, everything is infinitely better.
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Old March 28th, 2005, 05:12 PM   #324
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Thanks for watching!

Yeah, I had my brother flip the light switch back and forth, and I cued him when to move out of my pan, and to the other light switch, where he did it again.
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Old March 28th, 2005, 05:57 PM   #325
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Good shot selection. You've been studying your thriller films, eh?

Could have used a couple shots to build the woman's sense of isolation and foreboding.

Not quite sure what happened when the woman was approached from behind. Maybe a shot of her suddenly turning and freezing as she is confronted or attacked.

The resolution, hmmm, not sure what is happening there. She is clutching her butt?
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Old March 28th, 2005, 06:09 PM   #326
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It's suppose to look like she is shot, which freezes her from moving. Then the spaceship closes, which is suppose to mean she is in it, or that they are leaving. But then there is the montage of what is suppose to look like an alien looking over her, and a probe. Then at the end it's suppose to look like she woke up and maybe it was a dream. But then she can't walk correctly.

Lot's of "supposed" in there. But I'm learning. Next time hopefully there will be less of them.
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Old March 30th, 2005, 01:41 AM   #327
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Many changes on
There are two new "branches" to be continued!

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Volker Krieger
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Old March 30th, 2005, 05:49 AM   #328
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New York Int Indie Film and Video Festival

Hey all, just got the news that our first film has been selected to make it to the festival. "For Emily" will be screened on April 30th at 8:05pm in cinema 4. We are so exited that just had to share with someone. I will post more info asap about the actual film.
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Old March 30th, 2005, 10:15 AM   #329
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first official music video

Just finished this up for a band called Minutes too Far. It was shot over a period of 2 days. Shot with Canon XL1 and 4 arri lights. Also one huge mother-f***** in the back of the room for fill. Edited on Premiere Pro and a little DVexpress. Color correction done in After Effects.

I don't know that there really was a budget. I bought an extension cord, a couple strands of christmas lights, and some water for the shoot. We were able to borrow the light kits from OU.

The band is an OKC band here that rocks pretty good. It's my first serious attempt at a music video so I'd appreciate any comments or contructive criticism.
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Old March 30th, 2005, 01:58 PM   #330
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Congrats, good job! Let us know when you have a trailer/clip for download.
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