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Old March 17th, 2005, 07:39 AM   #271
Major Player
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Oh ok.

Cool idea. I wasn't really able to to tell the old movie effects from the lower quality quicktime file, but overall the movie did look good.
Brandon Greenlee
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Old March 17th, 2005, 08:09 AM   #272
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Would have been twice as good at half as long.
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Old March 17th, 2005, 08:17 AM   #273
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According to our station's ratecard the going price of that commercial should have been $1025.00, but clients often recieve "give me's" and discounts when buying on-air packages.

This commercial was one of those instances.

The time table for production on this spot was:

2.5 hours field production
2 hours editing

I'm curious as to what your markets would price a spot that took the above mentioned time to create. I look forward to hearing.
Rick Pearson,
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Old March 18th, 2005, 12:50 AM   #274
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I was more curious on the cost of the South Metro Automotive spot you posted.

I've been doing a lot of work for clients who are looking for a low cost alternative to the TV stations here. The stations will generally shoot the spots for free, but then getting dubs from them to run on other stations becomes a hassle. Also, the production value is generally low, and all the spots look the same.

Most of the spots I have been doing are for car dealerships (lately). So I rarely go out and shoot 1 spot. Usually (like tomorrow) I'll go out, and we'll shoot 3 or 4 at once. I take about an hour or two shooting the talent, and then another hour or two shooting B-roll of the dealership, service dept, etc.

I generally take 1-2 days of editing and deliver the master to the agency when it's done.

The cost usually winds up being around 750 - 1000 per spot, depending on how many we shoot.
(about 4K for the whole job)

Keep in mind this is a basic head shot, cut to Broll, head shot, cut to dealership, end with title graphics - type of spot.

I go out and shoot alone, maybe have someone there for broll footage, and I do all the post myself. So I have virtually zero overhead. Oh yeah, and I'm working out of the house.
Luis Caffesse
Pitch Productions
Austin, Texas
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Old March 18th, 2005, 08:42 AM   #275
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The price I stated was the price for the South Metro Automotive spot. It alone theoretically cost $1025, had the client actually been billed. With the on-air package they purchased they got the spot for free.

Had I billed for the same spot as a freelancer my price would have been $1015.

Luis, when you started out freelancing, how did you get the attention and business of your local agencies? Right now I'm doing mainly business that comes straight from a client or a referral, but I want to get some agency work as well.
Rick Pearson,
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Old March 18th, 2005, 11:32 AM   #276
Join Date: Mar 2005
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I have changed the video so it has better quicktime quality.

The video is shorter in time, but a bit bigger..

300x240, 33mb...
Olex Smolsky is offline  
Old March 18th, 2005, 02:12 PM   #277
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one comment

I saw the site. nice layout. Just one thing you might wantto change with that trailer. You might want to select music that is not off a royalty freesite. I can't even count how many times ive heard and used myself that music which i believe is off freeplay or from apple. I can't recall. A doc with the subject matter you are covering deserves better than that.
Neo Castillo is offline  
Old March 18th, 2005, 05:10 PM   #278
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i agree :) actually that trailer is only a demo reel that was made some time ago...we just havent had time to cut the real trailer which I hope to swap out in the next month. Thanks for mentioning i though...i will get on that right away.

We are actually using a variety of music compositions made here in Korea.

Tony Gilmore is offline  
Old March 18th, 2005, 08:43 PM   #279
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great to hear

Im gald to hear that. I hope i didn't offend you though. I know sometimes i can come off that way. It's just that it looks like you put alot of money and effert into this project to leave it like that. Please let us know when the whole thing is done. I'd like to see the results.
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Old March 18th, 2005, 10:47 PM   #280
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The Game Genie 2

The Game Genie 2

Ever so often, videogame companies set out to make a 
videogame system that will rule the world.

This time they got their wish...
An Evil Corporation plans a beta testing contest in which 
the 2  winners will get to test their new console, 
The XcubeStation. 

Overjoyed and unaware of The XcubeStation’s power, the 
first beta tester (Tim-E Wiley) and his friend  (Kevin Raines)
turn on the system. With the XcubeStation powered on two
 Evil Co. employee’s, Adam (Adam Funk) and Alex
(Alex Diffenderfer) are on the boys every move to make 
sure that everything is 
excuted as they had planned.
Now, caught between the real world and the videogame 
world Tim-E and Kevin set out to find the second beta 
tester  (Travis Maynard) to put an end to Evil Co....

Once and for all....

Let the games begin.
First full length movie I directed and edited.

Nothing spectacular. No fancy camera, or camera work.

Just for entertainment.

I thought I would share.
Travis Maynard is offline  
Old March 19th, 2005, 06:27 AM   #281
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Some of my IMovies

I'm new at video. I'm using a one chip Sony DV camera and do my editing on Imovie. I do plan to upgrade my equip soon but thought I would share some of my entry level work. Opinions are welcome.

Here are a few short Quicktime movies...

Cliff Hangers

Wedding Day

Water Games

Feats of Clay

Latin Girls
Rich Sheikh is offline  
Old March 19th, 2005, 08:10 AM   #282
RED Code Chef
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That file is 450 MB large. Most people are not going to download
something that huge. How long is the runningtime?

Rob Lohman,
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Old March 19th, 2005, 09:25 AM   #283
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It is a full movie.

It's a hour long. I compressed it as much as I could.

Sorry for the filesize.
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Old March 19th, 2005, 09:50 PM   #284
Major Player
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That's a BIG D/L

You could cut it into chapters. Make it more palatable for those who might take a look at it.

Ian Slessor is offline  
Old March 19th, 2005, 11:40 PM   #285
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XL2 Footage

If anyone cares. This is some random footage my friend Cassidy and I shot.

Don't dig too deep into the meaning.
David Eggerichs is offline  
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