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Old February 24th, 2005, 02:16 PM   #181
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Two new GS400 projects

Shot two new projects in recent weeks on the GS400. Intense Math, for the Phoenix Film Project Screen Wars comedy challenge, and Applied Genomics Technologies Corporation, for the Almost Famous Film Festival 48 Hour Film Challenge. There are stills and more info at the following URLs.

These were both shot with GS400, manual mode, picture adjustments cranked all the way down, Sony ECM-MSD1 microphone. Both of these projects were shot at the Burton Barr branch of the Phoenix Public Library.

Intense Math was shot in the main auditorium, which we had reserved for the shoot. I bought the Raynox XL3000-PRO ultra-wide angle lens for this project, and used it for a different look at the end of the film, for some shots we couldn't have gotten otherwise. The lens has a great angle of view, with definite barrell distortion, but not as much as a fish-eye, thus the ultra wide angle distinction. Certainly for use for stylized shots only, but I may get one of their .7x lenses for general use. Also used some halogen work lights from WalMart for a few shots.

AGTC was shot throughout the library using the same setup, but available light only. Wide angle lens was used only when needed, for shots of elevator bays, and inside a bathroom stall.

As soon as these screen, in the coming weeks, I'll be able to post them online. Thanks for checking it out.
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Old February 26th, 2005, 01:03 AM   #182
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Obviously buddies having a good time on a trip together. Pointless, perhaps. But I didn't mind.

There's no story here, but it's plain you guys like each other. I enjoyed watching it for that alone. Maybe because I just came back from a night out drinking with my friends.

Plus, the cutting was not too bad. Low resolution and so-so audio notwithstanding.


Michael Bernstein, actor & film maker.
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Old February 26th, 2005, 04:38 AM   #183
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Hi, your footage screenshots look really promising. I especially look forward to see Applied Genomics Technologies Corporation online. Great locations and a nice color feeling, very cinematic. Also nice to see some short movie work shot with the GS400.
Peter / Orphic Film and
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Old February 26th, 2005, 05:51 PM   #184
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Streaming GL-2 movie

Shot with a GL-2. Got a "Hollywood Reporter" magazine write-up.

NOW PLAYING "Hacker Hunter".

Tycoon gets ripped off by North-Korean hackers. Then hires vampire and gets his revenge. (violent content)

FREE preview till 3-25-05

You'll need broadband and RealPlayer 9 or 10 to view.
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Old February 26th, 2005, 06:01 PM   #185
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Short Optura Xi Music Video

My first project ever. I used the optura xi on it and imovie to edit. Screamy vocals and such just so you know. Might have to save as when launching the video.
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Old February 26th, 2005, 09:25 PM   #186
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feedback on website for new short

Hello everyone,

My name is Anthony Faust and I am a filmmaker in D.C. I finished a short called "Cemetery", which is playing at the 2005 D.C Independent Film Festival. I'd like to get feedback on the website I've made for the film. The address is

Any feedback is much appreciated.


Anthony Faust
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Old February 26th, 2005, 10:50 PM   #187
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Looked good, I thought it had good editing and I liked the lighting, I think it was enough.

Just wondering how you did the effect where the camera shakes really fast, I loved that.
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Old February 26th, 2005, 10:53 PM   #188
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I like the design.

I'm not a fan of the "roll over the pink dots" to see more information. I don't like the 'exploring' type websites. Frankly, I don't have that much time and it is faster if you tell me what the yellow dots are right off the bat. (I'm not sure if they fit some theme. It wasn't apparent to me).

I like the storyboard section where you can scroll down the script and see what storyboards pertain to what part.

I would rather that you have some sort of short blurb describing the movie from the first or second screen in. That would save me the trouble of whether or not I want to see more of the website.

The graphics are good.

Navigation: a back and forward set of buttons would be appropriate when you are going back and forth through a section. I don't want to have to look to see how I can go back, especially when it is built into a Flash interface and the normal back button on the browser doesn't apply.
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Old February 26th, 2005, 10:56 PM   #189
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VERY cool.

The only difficulties I saw were:
- the "Take a tour of the cemetery / Roll over the dots" text at the bottom of the main panel looks more like menu choices rather than instructions, so confused me for a moment when they turned out not to be hotlinks.
- not all of the storyboard photos appeared to function. In case it might have something to do with it, I'll mention that I use latest version of IE and ZoneAlarm Suite.

But again, awesome job. Beautifully done.
Pete Bauer
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Old February 26th, 2005, 11:23 PM   #190
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I'm glad you liked it. I wish that I could've had better lighting in the begining, but the venue's lights worked really well for the performance parts. As for the shakey effect, it's called Earthquake on iMovie. I'm not a huge fan of too many or certain types of effects, but I liked it in this instance.
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Old February 28th, 2005, 03:49 AM   #191
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Most people here (myself including) vouch to never install the
real player software and will not see your movie. Any chance
you can offer it in something like QuickTime or Windows Media?

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 28th, 2005, 12:39 PM   #192
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Yes, Real Player is like a virus that pretends to be friendly. I can't stand it.

WMV or MOV will do nicely...
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Old February 28th, 2005, 12:45 PM   #193
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Very nice website. However I think it would be great if you placed a trailer or clip of the film in there. If there is one I couldn't find it...
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Old February 28th, 2005, 12:52 PM   #194
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Sounds like you had a bad experience with RealPlayer 8 or a previous version. RealPlayer is now updated to version 10 and many Mac users are impressed by version 10's cross-platform smoothness. They've removed many of the bugs that the previous version had. I've taken all four current players(QuickTime, Windows Media, Real and Flash) to the mat, and in all honesty, RealPlayer 10 is the clearest per bandwith. If you'e concerned about it unwantely becoming the default for most of your media formats, all you have to say is no when it asks you. QuickTime also tries to unwantely become the default player for most of your media formats. You should give Real10 a chance. You can always remove it. I've chosen Real cause I'm streaming with a security program that denies direct downloads from a standard http server. It can only stream.
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Old February 28th, 2005, 02:18 PM   #195
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Really like the site!
Trailer would be nice.
What camera was used?
Couldn't find any kind of info about that.
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