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Old February 3rd, 2004, 11:20 PM   #91
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sound on that piece is fantastic
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Old February 4th, 2004, 02:45 AM   #92
RED Code Chef
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Interesting where the full film will go to. I didn't like the titlecards
with the red on white though. That didn't look professional to me.

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 4th, 2004, 02:59 AM   #93
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One comment about the web site intro.

Please, PLEASE add a SKIP INTRO button.

Some people don't want to watch an intro or have a slow connection and haev to wait forever. Others may not have flash.

- AR
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Old February 4th, 2004, 03:53 AM   #94
RED Code Chef
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Besides the sound (effects) I thought it looked great as well,
some nice lighting and such. It was a bit "weird' though, but
that was okay.

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 4th, 2004, 10:45 AM   #95
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Once I create a few dozens o DVDs I' will submit to various festivals. Most likely I will get a few runs at the NYC Film Archives, since I've showed my work there before. I agree on the titles, I think the effect that I was looking for gets a little blurred out. I'm still experimenting. The skip will be added shortly. I used the Swish Flash editor, but the trial time expired, and I didn't have enough time to add the skip button. I'm buying the full version today and that will fix that annoying part. Hey, I don't want to be called the Flash Intro Nazi :)..

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Old February 6th, 2004, 08:02 AM   #96
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Two videos I shot with the DVX100...

I shot 2 videos for the same band in similar conditions...One in 35mm and one on the DVX100....Endo "Suffer" is 35mm...
Check out Endo "Simple Lies" and Shalim" which are 24p.
Theodore Lederman is offline  
Old February 6th, 2004, 06:09 PM   #97
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First off, very nice site. It's one of the few Flash sites I can stand, because you know how to use it - good mix of Flash and HTML. And it's not lacking in the aesthetics department either! Awesome colours and navigation, I love those little trails of light moving along the negative. Nice touch.

I'm downloading 'Suffer' and your demo reel as we speak!
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Old February 6th, 2004, 10:19 PM   #98
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Theo, great work! I really like Shalim ... nice feel to it.
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Old February 7th, 2004, 02:05 AM   #99
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Great videos! I have a question for you though, what did you use to stabilize your camera? The shots were very smooth and perfect, was it a crane or dolly or something? Thanks!
Scott Silverman
Shining Star Digital Video Productions
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Old February 7th, 2004, 07:43 AM   #100
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Ted, really, really impressing work. I admire your lighting very much. Are all of the projects shot on the DVX100? If so, congratulations, great job.

The only note I would have on the demo reel is that the first band may be a bit intense in their presentation to have such a prominent initial placement. A client who is looking to sell Noxzema might not make it past the guy with the noose around his neck, which would be a shame because you have a lot of strong beauty images later on.

I've just done a major recut of my own DP reel during the process of joining a new agency, an done of the results of that (with feedback from the agents) was a 45 second montage at the beginning of some of my stronger images. It allows the prospective client to see your total range at a glimpse, so they might see exactly what they want and stick around to check the rest. As you know, advertising is an exceptionally fickle business--"thanks for sending your pasta reel, unfortunately we are shooting linguini and you seem to have shot mostly rigatoni..."

Best of luck with everything, really, it looks great.
Charles Papert
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Old February 7th, 2004, 03:03 PM   #101
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Hey Charles, thanks for the compliments...I've read quite a few of your posts on dvxuser and it means alot coming from you, as you really know your sh!t...The reel on there is just the first thing I had compressed, and I'm in the process of sorting beauty spots from food spots and car spots and bla bla bla...It's funny you referenced food because I just sent in a reel to do a bunch of table top for a restaurant chain and the clients called the producer with, I loved his reel but I didn't see any fish..."Well did you see the long graphic crane shot of the 20 or so lobsters towards the end of the reel?" Oh we don't serve shellfish...
Best of luck with your overpriced secretaries...uhh, I mean agents j/k and I'd love to see some of your work online...Oh and thanks to all you guys for the praise...Scott, I just used a fischer 11 dolly for 90% of it...
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Old February 7th, 2004, 09:25 PM   #102
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Impressive stuff. Thanks for sharing.

Mickey Stroud
Director: LadyX Films, Episode 27, A Tale of 2 Soldiers, Seeking Love in Foreign Places
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Old February 8th, 2004, 05:02 PM   #103
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High-Speed Mpeg2 Export/Converter from Raw AVI Footage

I'm in a small business venture that's going to involve exporting tons of different videos to DVD's in short amounts of time. That's the quick description of it. Basically we're going to be dumping tons of video into Premiere Pro each week and I'd like to find a program that might be faster in exporting to Mpeg2 for burning to a DVD. Premiere Pro takes awhile, and I know much of the speed issue has to do with the computer you're using but we have Dual Xenon's with Hyper Threading if it will make that much of a difference. I'd just like to find a program that will possibly export faster to Mpeg2 than Premiere Pro would. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

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Old February 8th, 2004, 07:38 PM   #104
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are you just sending continuous clip to mpeg .. no chapters /fancy DVD things?

if straight clip to dvd (no chapters /background photo) then just get a HARDWARE device that converts DV avi to mpeg in real time ... any of the home stand alone DVD recorders ( not computer dvd recorder) that have a 1394 i/o should do it .. just export clip from TL to DVD recorder
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Old February 8th, 2004, 08:56 PM   #105
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Yeah, we have a commercial for vendors that just needs to be exported strait to a DVD. I was just hoping to find a program that would convert faster without me having to shell out more for another piece of hardware. Are there any stand-alone encoders that would do the work possibly in less time being that they would be designed specifically for conversion instead of Premiere which I'm thinking might be coded differently than a seperate encoder would be that would allow for faster time.

The only other thing I was thinking we could do is when I dump the tape to the computer is dumping it in Mpeg2 format already, is it possible to edit in this format, therefore significantly reducing the time it takes to render when I got to burn it. That way I could just click burn and it wouldn't envolve encoding.
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