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Old December 29th, 2004, 12:18 PM   #811
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I didn't really get the feeling that anybody was being "hunted". The music was good though, it sounded familiar, who did it?
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Old December 29th, 2004, 01:50 PM   #812
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I didn't feel "Hunted"... maybe "confronted" or "High noon in the forest"... but the hunted part was less than obvious.

For something like Hunted to work, your characters have to put forth panic, fear, and agitation. You can also help that be editing to create tension - fast shots, quick cuts, scrambled images, running, breathing, tripping, etc. To really create terror, you need to show terror, and create a more frantic pace that suggests terror. You also need to get your camera closer to the subjects, as it is hard to portray terror from a distance. Terror is a very personal emotion, and it is very "close".

The idea is simple and nice. The images generally are decent... nothing on the purely techinical that I would complain about too much.

Nice try... now go add some terror! :-)

A movie is whatever you make it.
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Old December 29th, 2004, 01:51 PM   #813
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I did not feel any suspense, I am sorry.
Yeah I liked the music too, it is a famous western piece.
I think you you should have made it a tad longer and put a bit more story into it.
Just my 2cents.
Christian Hede Madsen is offline  
Old December 29th, 2004, 04:31 PM   #814
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I don't recognise the music. The ending music sound VERY VERY VERY much like Once Upon A Time In The West from Morricone, but it isn't that.

And I am sorry to agree with some other people here, the 'hunting' part didn't really worked out.
Good luck in upcoming projects!
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Old December 29th, 2004, 05:21 PM   #815
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Type [ url ] before the URL, and [ /url ] at the end, just take out all the spaces.
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Old December 29th, 2004, 06:00 PM   #816
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<<<-- Originally posted by Mathieu Ghekiere : I don't recognise the music. The ending music sound VERY VERY VERY much like Once Upon A Time In The West from Morricone, but it isn't that. -->>>

You're close, it was from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. :)

I liked the short, but like the others, I didn't get much suspense from it. Tighter editing might help.
Old December 30th, 2004, 11:05 AM   #817
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Short Breakdancing Documentary (New link that works!)

Hello, everyone. I was wondering if anyone out there can help me host this clip? I hope someone can. The last link wasn't working properly. This link will only work for seven days. Thanks, Glenn. Oh, and please dont "Click to remove the File". That goes without saying, but eh? I hope everyone enjoys it.
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Old December 30th, 2004, 11:52 AM   #818
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Decent video.

Liked the sync of you flashing around different graffiti to the beat at times.

I'm a big rap listener, but I did not like this particiular song/style.

Might try choping the whole frame rate of the video to ~25fps or so. It helps get rid of the too fluid feel. (I guess thats called the 'video look).

I find I usually posterize the framerate in most of the music video projects I've participated in.

Were you paid by the artist or by their producer?

Keep up the videos!
Brandon Greenlee
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Old December 30th, 2004, 02:02 PM   #819
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WOW! I guess you would run out of bandwidth with a 103MB video sitting on the web.
I hate WMP files because they rarely work properly (on a Mac or PC). I had to download the file instead of watching it streaming and it only played for 51 seconds before it froze, so other than a few (2) credits, I didn't get to see much. The quality looked pretty good but you might try to get the file size down a little more (I have no idea how long it is in running time). That may help you with your hosting issues.
Wish I could watch it.
Rhett Allen is offline  
Old December 30th, 2004, 02:22 PM   #820
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Thanks, I'll do a .Mov version.
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Old December 31st, 2004, 06:32 AM   #821
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I think the statement "rarely works properly" is not true. I've
only had problems with corrupt WMV files (like this one, it IS
corrupt!) and WMV is used dialy and works great. Yes, it may
require a beefy computer (especially for HD WMV), but it works
just as good as MOV. Ofcourse I am on PC, but I know of lots of
Mac people who play WMV without problems as well.

That said, the file is huge and corrupt indeed. The file (according
to my WMP is almost 20 minutes long, so that sounds pretty good
for the filesize).

Couldn't see too much of it either due to the corruption. It was
probably not uploaded properly to the server.

Rob Lohman,
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Old December 31st, 2004, 03:02 PM   #822
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I actually was not paid a dime for this particular video. The rappers are friends of mine and Im trying to build to my reel so I can have recent work to show to potential clients.
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Old December 31st, 2004, 05:56 PM   #823
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If you use this for part of your reel only use a few seconds of it.

OK... I had to start over with my comment because I didn't feel I was being fair.

To start off, the music overpowered the vocals to the point it seemed to be an afterthought. They need to get back to the studio for a remix session.
The shots were interesting and the editing was pretty unusual (in a good way) but this video didn't tell any kind of story. It was just a couple of guys in front of a wall with some graffiti on it. The graffiti didn't even seem to have anything to do with the vocals.
I'm not really a big fan of this kind of music but I watched it twice. Once with the audio and once without. Without the music I was bored silly after a few seconds, with the music I was just lost. I heard them saying something but had no idea what it was other than some blabbering and a curse word every few seconds.
Make the video tell a story, preferably one that has something to do with the song. The guys rapping in front of the wall is a nice look but use some cutaways to make sense of the song. It's obvious you have the technical skills to put together something of quality, just use those skills to tell a story now. Otherwise it's just a well edited home movie of some guys rapping in one location. With this style of music it makes it much easier to follow the dialog if you have images to back it up.

Otherwise, nice job.
Rhett Allen is offline  
Old December 31st, 2004, 06:39 PM   #824
Inner Circle
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You can use temporarily... You can upload up to 1GB (no joke), but the file will go down after 7 days or 25 downloads, whichever comes first.

Some sites like,, etc. also host film stuff. You might be able to get it on there. I haven't tried those personally. 100MB might be a bit of a stretch.

You can also try's forum... I'm sure you'll be able to find someone with the bandwidth and server space to host your clip. I know they'll be very interested to see your documentary (it's a very active forum for bboys/breakdancers with lots of clips there) and hopefully someone will have the server space and such to host your doc. (Bboying is one of my hobbies so I'd definitely love to see your documentary.)

In a similar vein, you could also try asking over at's message board (another very active forum for bboys).

2- Windows Media will give you the best compression for a free tool. Try lower resolution, lower quality video, mono 22khz/32khz audio, etc. Some encoding programs also let you blur the video before encoding... this can help a lot. You can do this manually with a blur filter in your editing program.
Glenn Chan is offline  
Old December 31st, 2004, 06:47 PM   #825
New Boot
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Glenn, thanks a lot for all your advice. I am definately going to check out those sites. I am trying to avoid the b-boy community, for now. Bboyworld has hosted some of my other videos, but I just want to get some feedback from the DV community first.
Raul Castro is offline  
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