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Old September 28th, 2004, 08:44 AM   #616
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Saturday Oct. 2nd, 1pm
Coney Island Museum, 1208 Surf Ave. @ W. 12th St.
Tickets are $6.00 go on sale 30 minutes prior to showtime.

BERT PRENTICE C.E.O., Kevin Nibley, Short, Brooklyn, NY, USA. A day in the life of a corporate brown-noser.

Go and get that savory Coney Island Hotdog you’ve always talked about and see some GREAT FILMS.
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Old September 29th, 2004, 05:39 AM   #617
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Nice Shooting. Did you use one of those 35mm lense adapter things? Depth of field looks really good.

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Old September 29th, 2004, 12:34 PM   #618
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Thanks man, Yeah I have a 35mm adapter.
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Old September 29th, 2004, 06:48 PM   #619
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"Bert Prentice CEO"

Will be screened on FRIDAY, OCT 15 at 7PM, paired with another longer film and also on SATURDAY, OCT 16 at 3PM for you early to sleepers.

Anyways, I hope you can get out there and see some excellent films.


For more information visit:

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Old October 1st, 2004, 09:07 AM   #620
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"Bert Prentice CEO"
A Platform Production
Starring Derrick Philip Begin
Directed by Kevin Nibley
Produced by Kate Barry

Technical info: The film was photographed using HD Panasonic Varicams and transferred to 35mm film.

I hope to see you there!

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Old October 1st, 2004, 05:18 PM   #621
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Colin - it seems like you guys have some great production talent. From all the clips online, I'd say I enjoy your work the best as a director. I thought their clips were great looking but some of the concept were just weak, like the music video with the kid who builds the bomb or the short film with the war flashback. It almost felt a bit campy. Everything looks amazing though. I think that you guys will do some great stuff, but what you guys need are some great writers to work with. Everything else is top notch. Get a good story and there's no limit to where you guys can take it. Best of luck.
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Old October 1st, 2004, 06:36 PM   #622
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***Armed Conflict*** Released! Directed, Wrote, Produced, and Music by a 16 year old.

This film was entered into the 2004 Videomaker Magazine Short Film Contest
This small fact is only mentioned to excuse the short length of the movie.

DVD Quality DivX (77MB) - Right Click and Press "Save Target As"
VHS Quality DivX (14MB) - Right Click and Press "Save Target As"

VHS Quality Quicktime (17.1MB) - Click To Veiw
Thumbnail Quality Quicktime for Dialup (3.4MB) - Click to Veiw

Information about the film, the script (readable), the music (downloadable), as well as the complete list of credits are all available at this website:
You can also find more download information at that website as well.

Anyways, ENJOY!

Gimmee feedback (good or bad).
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Old October 2nd, 2004, 11:17 AM   #623
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Great job!

I think you are well on your way for a 16 year old. My only comment would be to watch the shakey camera moves. I was most impressed with the sound. What did you use to make the music?

Keep up the good work!

Jonathan Stanley is offline  
Old October 2nd, 2004, 04:17 PM   #624
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I wrote and performed it on an Alesis DG8 and a Roland RD-600. I recorded it and edited it into Adobe Audition. NO LOOPS were used. Everything about the soundtrack is COMPLETELY original. :D

I shot the film on a Digital8 camera and I recorded the audio on an Audio Technica AT897 Shotgun mic.

I edited it with Sony Vegas 5 and special effects were done with Adobe After Effects 6.

I actually just started making films last year (2003). I hope to make a career of it someday. I never went to filmschool or anything...learned it all on my own. :D:D:D

Anyhoo, yah. ttyl,


EDIT: There is in fact an Armed Conflict prequel that is in planning stages right now. It explains the entire backstory of Arnold Donovan and his relationship with the Kovach family. More information will be made once it becomes official. It's still in consideration "idea" stage right now, but it's really gonna be good. Just thought i'd share that with you all.
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Old October 5th, 2004, 04:27 PM   #625
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A New Music Video for MY FAVORITE

Hey all, just looking for some feed back on the latest Music Video I directed/Edited. The band is called MY FAVORITE.

We shot this on the Pana. DVX100. Some of it was in a studio with a rather large light kit: a few 1k's, lots of diffusion. Most of it was pretty minimal though, production wise. Finished on FCP HD.

This was shot by DVinfo member and DP extodonaire George SU.

Comments are much appreciated!

Jake Hensberry
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Old October 5th, 2004, 06:59 PM   #626
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The clip is still downloading so I haven't seen all of it.. BUT, the first shots doesn't seem to fit "lightwise or stylewise".. The shots from the "studio" aer VERY nice and goodlooking. It's seems to me tough that some of the cafe scenes in the beginning are a bit out of pace.. (The drummer is not drumming to that particular beat sometimes I think??)

Overall job welldone. Nice work!
Alfred Okocha is offline  
Old October 5th, 2004, 10:30 PM   #627
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Drinks and things...

Some of you may remember a couple "Drink of the Month" videos I posted awhile back. Well I have a couple more that I've just uploaded. The videos are for a Vancouver singer/songwriter by the name of Shiloh Lindsey. You can check out her site, if you're interested in checking out her recently released cd. Anyways, here's the video links:

"The Beer Commercial" (didn't turn out as expected, still pretty silly though)

"Hobo Margaritas" (got drunk, walked around Vancouver, this is what we ended up with)

If you want to see the other D.O.T.M. videos you can see the rest at

Here's a couple more videos I've done recently:

"Cry of the Afflicted" (A local band needed an E.P.K., this is only a small sample created, still waiting on more material)

"One Eyed Jacks - The Hive Sessions" (A recording session with a local punk band)

I know, I used unlicensed sue me! Enjoy!

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Old October 5th, 2004, 11:15 PM   #628
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Nice, light, silly, a little emo. Not bad at all. It doesn't hurt that the band are all cute and whatnot.

In a couple of cases--drums--the video and sound seemed to slip synch. Dunno if that's a player fault, or intrinsic to the video.

Beautiful look. Maybe I shouldn't have gone with the VX2100...

Michael Bernstein, actor & film maker.
10 films in 10 weeks:
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Old October 6th, 2004, 03:53 AM   #629
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The first one looked nice although the tail shots where a bit
vague in my opinion. Didn't like the second one too much.

Must say the singing girl has a bit of a kirsten dunst feel in
the first video. Nice!

Rob Lohman,
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Old October 6th, 2004, 09:31 PM   #630
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"Your country needs you". LOL...Hunter looks like he's 14. LOL.

It gets and A for effort. I have seen worse from wanna-be famous directors.
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