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Old April 17th, 2004, 09:40 PM   #316
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the daily grind takes a new meaning

Just finished a short called "The Daily Grind" and interested to see what some of you think. You will need to go to to watch it and then go to "Recent Uploads" or just do a search for "The Daily Grind."

I tried to play around with the color, but could never get it the way I wanted, so I just went with original color. I shot it with DVX-100, edited on FCP.

If anyone has a good color receipe they would like to share, please offer it up!

Jason Epperson is offline  
Old April 23rd, 2004, 01:15 PM   #317
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I didn't really get what was going on but it was shot and edited well. I'll watch it again some other time
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Old April 24th, 2004, 11:57 AM   #318
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Delivery Boy - Screener

The Delivery Boy "screener" is now online for a limited time. The reason we are calling it a screener is because some scenes will be shot later, around june. This version of the movie is 6:44 min long, but the final version is going to be about 10min. So, we wanted to put this screener online to get some feedback. The dialogue is in swedish, but a txt file with subs are included in the rar file, which is 30mb in size. All comments are welcome, good or bad.
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Old April 24th, 2004, 10:02 PM   #319
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A better comment would be to convert the film into wmv, mpeg, avi, divx, mov or something that is standard. I would love to take a peek but my past experiences with Real Player have been no good and i decline downloading it. Divx is a good format but requires the codec most people have. I would suggest mov, though quicktime adds on some sort of blotch to the footage it is very easy and takes up tremendously less bandwidth than Real Player. It is your film, format it the way you wish.
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Old April 24th, 2004, 10:09 PM   #320
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Where are you adding the scenes? I hope at the end! Up until the end it works fairly well, if not a bit slow in some places (i.e when he's tailing him in the park, I don't think we need to see so much of it). I'm also confused about why the first guy hired the second guy, but maybe that's something that will come with the new scenes.
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Old April 25th, 2004, 02:05 AM   #321
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<<<-- Originally posted by Dmitri Henry : A better comment would be to convert the film into wmv, mpeg, avi, divx, mov or something that is standard. -->>>

The file is encoded to divx, it is only packed to a rar file to include a txt file of the subtitles and make the size smaller. To unpack the files you can use winzip or winrar.
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Old April 25th, 2004, 07:29 AM   #322
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Pasi: to the best of my knowledge Winzip DOES NOT support RAR
compression. A lot of people do not have RAR, so you are seriously
keeping a lot of people out of this.

Why not add the english subtitles to the movie? It is very
difficult to watch in it's current state. Then just put the AVI up.

I'm sorry but I didn't follow the story at all. There seems to be
no motivation for why the delivery guy wants him gone. The
guy who gets the job isn't believable in his actions and I'm
completely lost at the end.... What happened?

Rob Lohman,
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Old April 28th, 2004, 02:52 AM   #323
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Discovery Health program alert

There is a Discovery Health Channel program called Plastic Surgery Before & After airing through the month of May. This episode was shot in Atlanta back in December 2003. The shooter was Gregg Therieau, the person that brought you Gladiator School, and I was the p.a./relief shooter when that big ass camera got tiring is surgery. Just that lens alone was enough to wear you out. Gregg shot for hours and I only shot for 15 minutes or so and it made my elbow sore. I don't know how he did it. A PD-150 was supposed to be used but the rental house was out of stock so they gave us the Sony DSR-570 with an HD wide lens for the same rate! What a deal even though we weren't paying. A couple of months later, the follow up was shot with the PD-170. I couldn't tell that much difference in picture quality other than a $27,000 price difference in cameras/lenses. Anyway, the link to the schedule is below in case you miss one you can see it again. The episode name is Body Cuts.

Air Date Schedule

Behind the Scenes: Resize images for higher resolution

Me, relief shooting
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Old April 29th, 2004, 02:23 PM   #324
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Review a 2 minute clip

Well, 2:19 to be exact.

All of my work goes through Dante’s levels of hell in terms of the people and committees that need to see and sign off before it goes live. And I suspect all of them would say "I watch TV, I know what good video looks like." But that’s not the same as getting reviewed by people who actually know what good video takes to make. Feedback from peers would be nice.

This one is on it’s last level of review this week. I shot the interview and did the editing, but the dance footage and photos were provided from various sources.

DTH - Mitchell on the effect and artist can have

You need Real Player to see it.
Thanks tons for looking.
Kris Holodak is offline  
Old April 29th, 2004, 03:20 PM   #325
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Here are my thoughts, for whatever it's worth:

1. Overall nice piece. Great speaking voice. That guy is a dream interview as far as audio is concerned.

2. I thought the music came on in an odd place. My personal feeling would be to either limit it to only the dancing footage, or let it run through the entire thing.

3. I'm not a fan at all of transitioning from a shot to the same shot, like in an interview. You've got one part where right after we come back to the guy you do a blur or motion transition to get to another part of the interview. I personally much prefer to cover these up with B-roll. That's more of a personal thing, I know it's a style to edit interviews with those kinds of transitions.

Those two things are pretty minor, I did like it and I listened to everything he said.
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Old April 29th, 2004, 06:35 PM   #326
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Can you post it in a format other than Real Player. I absolutely hate RP and refuse to put it on my machine. It just never seems to work. Personal opinion though.
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Old April 30th, 2004, 05:57 AM   #327
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Very good indeed. Wonderful message.

One thing I thought of is that if he had any picts from Russia they'd be nice to see. I thought the picture panning go just a little too long toward the end.

But overall, very nice.

Can I ask how this is going to be used?
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Old April 30th, 2004, 08:22 AM   #328
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Thanks for your thoughts. This one is done unless my last reviewer hates it for some reason. But it's good to know what people like and what people react to for all the things I'm still in the middle of.

Peter: it will be on the page that promotes the upcoming Dance Theater of Harlem event, plus the About the Company and About the Artist pages for DTH and Mr. Mitchell.

Jonathan: sorry, one of the things I inherited with this job was an agreement with Real Networks. They host all our stuff mostly because we don't have the bandwidth to deal with the thousands of hours of Millennium Stage performance archives. We are looking into doing some of these feature clips in Flash, but our Flash guy recently quit and hasn't been replaced yet so that's all on hold.

Bryan: He was a dream interview. He looks good, he sounds good, he has a message he wants to get out. The biggest challenge was taking the hour and 15 minutes that he talked to us and sifting it down to 2 web length clips. If I had more and better b-roll I could have made 10 of these.
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Old May 4th, 2004, 12:04 AM   #329
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Please review my ACS "Trivia" spot.

I finished this spot for the American Cancer Society and would like to hear criticism (positive, negative, or both). It's a quick download, even for those of you on dialup - just 2.8mb. It's the 2nd spot, the one to the right.
Black Label Films
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Old May 4th, 2004, 08:06 AM   #330
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Special thanks to INTERNET VIDEO MAGAZINE's TOP TEN COOLEST SITES of 2004. Not only was in the top ten, but Sonnyboo shorts have appeared on 8 of the top ten sites. SEE STORY HERE

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Thanks to getting listed as one of the Top Ten Coolest Sites of 2004 to see videos online, now my ONLINE MOVIES PAGE has been tweaked. CLICK HERE

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